Delco Snafus Don’t Help Election Trust

Delco Snafus Don’t Help Election Trust — Delaware County, Pa., Nov. 5, unfortunately lived up to its reputation of fostering election skepticism. Its 10 live stream cameras at the Wharf counting center were off-line between 6:45 p.m., Nov. 4 and about 9:30 Election Day morning .

We have one report of the failure being due to a fiber optic cable being deliberately cut.

Councilwoman Christine Reuther sneeringly dismissed the lack of cameras at the next night’s County Council meeting saying they weren’t required anyway.

Then 60 Republican poll watchers — and only Republican ones — were not given their certificates until 10:30 a.m., which was three-and-a-half hours after the polls opened.

And we hear of poll pads failing in Ardmore causing unnecessary delays to voters and printers failing in Haverford.

Delaware County is either corrupt or incompetent. Change is needed.

We’d also like to note that the county’s election result website is far slower and user friendly than it has been in the past.

Delco Snafus Don't Help Election Trust

Delco Snafus Don’t Help Election Trust

Triggered Haverford Pol Publishes Hate-filled Screed

Triggered Haverford Pol Publishes Hate-filled Screed — Larry Holmes, who is Haverford Township, Pa.’s 6th Ward Commissioner and Board president, posted this morning a divisive, hate-filled screed on Facebook demeaning his neighbors who voted for Donald Trump on Tuesday.

“Autocrat” Larry? You’re the guy responsible for keeping township businesses from giving shopping bags to customers.

This is a real burden on shoppers especially the elderly and infirm. How can you have not figured that out yet?

It’s because it’s you that’s an autocrat.

Autocrats always think they know better. When their grandiose plans fail they never admit they are wrong.

Even when real pain results.

Autocrats also dehumanize their opponents. Saying their neighbors who voted for Trump are “insubstantial minions” is an example.

Way to keep your humanity, Larry.


By the way, Larry is also on the board of the Haverford Township Free Library.

Here is Larry’s screed


Last week I wrote about the America we know. This morning, consider the America we are.

We lived through this from 2017 to 2021. And this time we know what’s coming. He can’t surprise us. America isn’t him. It’s millions of us. We’ve got this. We have no choice. We will do this for our parents, our siblings, our spouses, for our daughters, and for our sons. For our friends and neighbors. For the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of a teeming shore. We will accept the homeless tempest-tost, at the foot of Lady Liberty as she holds her lamp over our golden shores. That’s who we are, and no one person and his insubstantial minions is going change that.

I’d hoped we’d set a great example yesterday by rejecting an autocrat. We fell short of that task.

We have a new one. We will set a great example of how to keep our humanity and our dignity and our character, individual and collective, in spite of one. And remain that golden shore.

And remain the America we are. And will always be.

God bless you all and God bless the United States of America.

Triggered Haverford Pol Publishes Hate-filled Screed
Small pix for a small man

Triggered Haverford Pol Publishes Hate-filled Screed

Post-Election Sign Stealing Or The Ultimate Triggering Of Democrats

Post-Election Sign Stealing Or The Ultimate Triggering Of Democrats — We are on the porch, last night, Nov. 6, when a dark SUV pulled up. A bunch of excitedly chattering young adults poured from it.

Moi thought nothing of it. Maybe they were visiting a neighbor. Maybe they had to change the seating arrangement.

My GF had a better view, however.

“Hey, they are stealing your signs,” she said.

“That’s impossible,” I said. ” The election is over. Nobody would be that stupid. I am going to throw the signs out in the next collection. “

The youths poured back into the vehicle, which sped recklessly away.

I went out and checked.

Yes, they had stolen my Trump signs.

Did the fools realize they did me a favor? That they saved me work?

Kamala voters may be the dumbest people ever produced by our public schools.

Hopefully, they also took the signs on public right-of-ways so the GOP didn’t have to collect them.

Regardless, the unexpected triggering of morons was true entertainment.

Thank you, idiots.

Post-Election Sign Stealing Or The Ultimate Triggering Of Democrats

Post-Election Sign Stealing Or The Ultimate Triggering Of Democrats

Election Day Message Gives Blunt Truths

Election Day Message Gives Blunt Truths– This was posted on Facebook, Nov. 5

By Tevin Dix

Good morning MAGA Patriots and free thinkers. Today is the day We The People have been waiting for this day to come. This is not just election day. This is the day where We The People take our country back where We The People take out the trash. We have suffered way too long from this wicked evil government and all the shit they have put us through.

Ever since Donald Trump threw his hat in the race our government has shown their true colors. They hate him because he’s not one of them and they can’t control him. So they use the media to poison people’s minds to create division to so they won’t see their corruption.

Both parties are to blame for this destruction. From weak Republican rinos who refused to speak out against his wicked evil, but it’s mostly the Democrats fault. The Democrat party is so hell-bent they collude with social media companies to censor us, they care more about illegal immigrants so they can get votes, they incite racism to bait me as a black man, but most of all they steal elections. We know they’re gonna try to steal this election again, but this time they’re gonna get caught.

I don’t care what CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, The View and Hollywood has to say. All these celebrities that are recently endorsing Kamala are all on the Diddy list and some of them are on the Epstein list. Don’t be surprised if P. Diddy endorsed Kamala. This woman is a complete idiot and has no plan to fix this country. I don’t care about her fake blackness. I don’t care if she’s a woman she’s a DEI hire and we need to stop with the identity politics pick policy over person.

Democrats talk about protecting women’s rights but say nothing when transgenders dominate women’s sports. Kamala cause the inflation and she was the border czar and there’s over 300,000 kids missing. You have to ask yourself why is Hollywood and the Marxist media so silent on child trafficking.

Trump is not God and he is not perfect and I don’t agree with everything he says and does. This man was the people’s president and he said it how it is. The Democrats are shown their true colors by impeaching him, censoring him, phony indictments, taking him off the ballot and most of all trying to assassinate him. That shows they are scared to death of him and they can’t win fair and square that you have to go through all that to take down one man. One of the keys of Marxism is always accused your enemy of what you are doing. This party has been hijacked by Marxist and they took over our government, entertainment and our education.

But I’m a leave it to this. I can’t vote for a party who doesn’t want to put America first. I can’t vote for a party that doesn’t want to stop illegal immigration. I can’t vote a party who censors people who simply voices a different opinion. I can’t vote for a party who locked us down in 2020 and called people selfish who wanted to be free while they allowed the Marxist anarchist thugs known as BLM and Antifa who have destroyed our cities and they egged it on while Kamala bailed the rioters out. I can’t vote for a party think that’s okay for kids to read books with cartoon pornographic images in it. I can’t vote for a party that think it’s okay with transitioning kids without parents consent. I can’t vote for a party that refuses to speak out against child trafficking. I can’t vote for a party constantly relies on Hollywood to gain votes for the younger generation. I can’t vote for party that can’t win on merit and has a history of stealing elections. I can’t vote for party that always insights racism. I can’t vote for a party that calls people like me fascist but uses fascist tactics against MAGA. I can’t vote for a party that gets mad when We The People mention God and look what Kamala did a couple weeks ago when a guy yelled Christ is King and said you were at the wrong rally. I can’t do it and I’m so happy. I walked away from the Democrat party.

I’ve been to so many Trump events and met people through all walks of life and made a lot of great friends who motivate me and lifted me up. MAGA never discriminated against me. It was the radical left that discriminated against me because I escaped the demoncrate plantation and I’ve been called somebody names. I’m proud to be a Conservative MAGA Patriot, Uncle Tom, conspiracy, theorist, election denier and I take those as a badge of honor. It just shows people like me see what’s really going on in the world.

But remember, patriots this is a battle between good and satanic evil. This will be a tough battle. We will this time we will shine a beacon on the darkness of satanic evil. It’s time to take our country back 1776 style. NEVER BACK DOWN NEVER GIVE IN NEVER SURRENDER FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!!!!!!

Election Day Message Gives Blunt Truths
Tevin Dix lives in the Drexel Hill section of Haverford Township

Election Day Message Gives Blunt Truths

Return Tapes Removed In Delco?

Return Tapes Removed In Delco? — Traditionally, return tapes from election machines were posted in the windows of polling places for three days. We’ve heard from a couple of poll workers who have posted them that they have been removed.

This has occurred in Delaware County, Pa.

Why would that be?

Return tapes include the number of ballots cast on a machine and tallies per candidate.

Here’s an example from a precinct in Springfield which is not among those causing the concern.

Return Tapes Removed In Delco

Sore Losers Make Bad Leaders

Sore Losers Make Bad Leaders — Alfe Goodwin sent us the below link concerning the lack of grace shown by Kamala Harris regarding her failure to make a concession speech last night.


You can graduate but you cant buy #class

♬ Akon’s Beautiful Day – Akon

By the way, Alfe sincerely and graciously congratulated Mary Gay Scanlon, her opponent in Pennsylvania’s 5th District congressional race on her victory.

Alfe worked her tail off in the race and campaigned well. She sure could have used a tad more party support, though. Take note Frank Agovino.

Sore Losers Make Bad Leaders
Alfe Goodwin

GOP Candidates Go To Chester For Shock The Vote Town Hall

GOP Candidates Go To Chester For Shock The Vote Town Hall — Shock The Vote was hosted by Real Hulk Soundstage in Chester last evening, Nov. 2.

It was a town hall for candidates for Pennsylvania’s state and federal office

Participants were Michael Bannon Jr. who is running a write-in campaign for the 159th District State House Seat; Michael Woodin who is running for the 9th District senate seat; and Alfe Goodwin, the 5th District congressional candidate.

All are Republicans.

Remember, those voting for Bannon must spell his name as Michael Bannon Jr for the vote to count.

Also, attending was Kathy Buckley, the Republican candidate for the 168th District state house race, albeit she had to leave before the town hall started.

The excellent moderator was Robert Williams.

The state office candidates noted that Pennsylvania’s Abortion Control Act hasn’t changed since 1982. They said it isn’t about to, despite the claims of dividers and distorters.

Bannon said that support is needed for women in crisis pregnancy situations.

Ms. Goodwin, who is retired from the U.S. Army, is a commended Philadelphia Police officer, and has masters and doctorate degrees. She now teaches in a Chester public school. She noted that the educational bureaucracy has grown so large it is impossible to get a straight answer from a teacher regarding policy. Schools are failing kids to the point where they can no longer tell time on an analog clock.

Woodin, an Avon Grove school director, said his district has had success with a program getting fathers involved in school activities called WATCHDOG.

Immigration was an issue.

Sharon Devaney, who was in the audience, noted that she remains crippled from a 2017 accident caused by a unlicensed, uninsured driver who was in this country illegally.

Ms Goodwin pointed out that we really don’t have a border and it is the the innocent such as Sharon that suffer.

“How many stories such as yours are we going to create?” Ms. Goodwin asked.

She said the solution starts with sealing the border. She noted that the incumbent, Mary Gay Scanlon, supports open borders.

One woman brought up concerns about elections. She said Delaware County’s machines are not properly tested and contain code that doesn’t belong.

Ms. Goodwin said she is part of a lawsuit concerning election integrity in the county. She says the Delco leadership washes out any inquiry regarding these matters and is a major cause for the widespread suspicion.

Williams said if the system was safe and secure there would be no problem with transparency.

Transparency is something the powers that be fight to the final breath.

Williams said that electronic voting has serious vulnerabilities.

Also, Williams strongly promoted the teaching of civics.

Politicians, he said, are only interested in keeping their jobs. That’s why the incumbents are avoiding debates he said.

Shelia Armstrong, who catered the event, said she was a North Philadelphia Democrat until 2019 when she ran in a primary against then City Council President Darrell L. Clarke.

The party did just about every un-democratic thing it could think of to knock her off the ballot.

And that made her switch to R.

The Rs aren’t that much better, when they have the upper hand, Shelia, so be warned.

The poor economy was also discussed.

Bannon made the most potent points regarding the economy. He said he understands about having to choose between food on the table or electric bills.

“I know what it means to stand in line and have a card declined,” he said.

Check out Alfe at:

On the Real Hulk Soundstage with moderator Robert Williams are Michael Bannon Jr., Alfe Goodwin and Michael Woodin.

Write-in Campaign In 159th

Write-in Campaign In 159th

By Bob Small

The only candidate on the ballot in the 159th District State House race is Democrat incumbent Carol Kazeem but that doesn’t mean she lacks an opponent.

Michael Bannon Jr. is running a write-in campaign.

Those voting for him must exactly write Michael Bannon Jr on the ballot for it to count.

The 159th District is the City of Chester, Lower Chichester and Upper Chichester townshipps; and the boroughs of Eddystone, Marcus Hook, Parkside, Trainer and Upland.

Bannon stated he was stepping forward “due to the lack of candidates selected in the primary”

Bannon main issues are economic. He says he knows what it’s like to have to chose between paying an electric bill or putting food on the table.

“I know what it means to stand in line and have the card declined,” he said.

For a vote for Bannon to count

Ms. Kazeem is serving her first term, having supplanted 30 years of Kirkland rule. She has worked as a health care worker.

Write-in Campaign In 159th

Write-in Campaign In 159th