Kind Republicans, Greedy Dems

Kind Republicans, Greedy Dems — Thinking Americans have long known that those inclined to vote Republican are far, far, far more generous in giving to charities than those who vote Democrat.

Unthinking Americans, of course, don’t believe this. Of course, unthinking Americans are the ones who vote Democrat.

Conservatives give about 30 percent more in charities than the self-righteous, self-centered “progressives” if you should not feel like clicking on the above link to the source.

This is most glaring in their political leaders. Gigolo John Kerry is known for having a year in which he did not make a charitable contribution and the Obamas, Joe Biden and Al Gore are also known for being notably stingy, unlike the Bushes or even Rush Limbaugh.

Charitable giving is going to be the subject of tonight’s Stossel which airs at 9 and midnight on Fox Business Channel.

On a related note, Democrats are far more likely to believe in extraterrestrials than Republicans . If ET does show up, however, expect it to be a conservative Tea Party guy who lends him the phone to make that call.

Kind Republicans, Greedy Dems

Kind Republicans, Greedy Dems

GOP Can Get Black Votes

GOP Can Get Black Votes — Commentator Larry Elders has some wise advice to Republicans about how to break the monolithic support black voters give to the Democrat Party.

“Republicans need to ask blacks, ‘Are you better off?’ Are blacks better off sending their children to assigned government schools — as demanded by the teachers unions and the Democratic Party?” he said at FrontPageMag.Com .

He said politicians from both parties treat blacks like children.

“When a Republican addresses a black audience, you can make book on how long it takes before he refers to Martin Luther King Jr.,” he said.

He said  Republicans can never win a referendum on empathy.

“Nobody can “feel your pain” like a spread-the-wealth, entitlement-expanding, “close-the-inequality-gap”leftist,” he said.

Elders said the struggle for civil rights is over and the good guys won.

“The battle now is against wrongheaded ‘compassionate’ policies,” he said. “But the most important issue — by far — is education.”

He noted that black and Hispanic inner-city voters supported a unsuccessful school choice referendum in California.

Recent movies like The Lottery and Waiting For Superman show his thinking is on solid ground.

Elders is a reluctant Republican. He was registered in California as “declined to state” until 2003 when he moved to R to support the War on Terror.

“I am a Republican with a capital ‘R,’ and a libertarian with a small ‘l’,” he has said. “I have a party membership as a Republican, not because they have any principles but because that’s the way I am the most useful and have the most influence.”

Sounds like a reasonable outlook.

Oh, and for those who don’t feel like clicking the link , Elders is a black guy.

 GOP Can Get Black Votes

GOP Cred Board Says Philly Needs New Election

“Numerous irregularities” in the elections conducted by the Philadelphia County Republican Committee have  led the state Republican Credentials Committee, in an unanimous vote, to declare the seat of Philadelphia County party chairman vacant until a new election is held.

The action was taken in response to a challenged filed by Kevin Kelly after the Philly Republicans picked Vito J. Canuso as party head in a bizarre June 9 proceeding in which the party establishment declared him the winner in a 42-12 vote. Kelly said the actual vote was 21-18 for Al Schmidt.

On June 17, he told the Delaware County Patriots , an area Tea Party organization, that  the irregularities included the old guard’s refusal to seat several newly recruited GOP leaders from black and Hispanic wards.

The Credentials Committee held a hearing Sept. 9 and largely accepted the case Kelly made albeit they did not seat Schmidt as chairman as per Kelly’s request.

While Canuso held the title of party chairman he was basically a figurehead for Michael Meehan.

Philadelphia County is coterminous with the city.

Hat tip to

GOP Cred Board Says Philly Needs New Election

GOP Cred Board Says Philly Needs New Election