Corzine Scandal Now Enmeshes Holder

Corzine Scandal Now Enmeshes Holder — The disappearance of $1.6 billion (that’s billion) from prominent derivatives broker MF Global has drawn crickets chirping from federal law enforcement and Brietbart.Com has come up with a likely reason.

The law firm that represented the MFers was Coverton & Burling where Attorney General Eric Holder and Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer worked before being appointed to their law enforcement posts.
Of course, others might simply point out that prosecutorial discretion being exercised is because MF’s CEO when the money vanished was Jon Corzine, a prominent Democrat and money-raiser for Barack Obama who worked as New Jersey governor and senator before taking his derivatives post.
Oh, and the trustee overseeing MF’s bankruptcy is former FBI Director and Penn State scandal investigator Louis Freeh, who served as a character witness at Holder’s confirmation hearing.
Corzine Scandal Now Enmeshes Holder -- The disappearance of $1.6 billion (that's billion) from prominent derivatives broker MF Global has drawn crickets

Corzine Scandal Now Enmeshes Holder

Mike Gerber Stepping Down To Take Job At Investment Firm

State Rep. Mike Gerber, who served as the State House Democratic Campaign Committee chairman last cycle, announced Thursday that he is resigning his 148th District (Montgomery County) seat at the end of the term to become senior vice president of public affairs, strategy and product administration at Franklin Square Capital Partners.

Franklin Square, found in 2007, describes itself as enabling investors to tap into the same strategies employed successfully for years by large institutional investors — like pension funds, financial institutions, endowments and high net worth individuals

Just one more Democrat looking out for the little guy. You know, going to the link and looking at the photos of Franklin Square’s management team, well, one can’t say one sees a lot of “diversity” there.

Hat tip

Mike Gerber Stepping Down To Take Job At Investment Firm
 Mike Gerber Stepping Down To Take Job At Investment Firm

Spanier Gets National Security Gig

Spanier Gets National Security Gig — Graham Spanier, the sexual adventurer who presided over Penn State for 16 years and thought it “humane” to refrain from reporting to police that one-time football assistant coach Jerry Sandusky was molesting children, appears to have been rehabilitated.

At least in the eyes of Washington.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that he was hired by the federal government in April for an “unspecified project in national security


Spanier Gets National Security Gig

Mugabe Tourism Ambassador UNbelievable

Mugabe Tourism Ambassador UNbelievable  — Zimbabwe “President” Robert Mugabe, who is apparently that nation’s president for life and a known tyrant, has been named an “international tourism ambassador” by the UN World Tourism Organization.

The useful life of the United Nations, assuming it ever had one, has ended. 
Mugabe Tourism Ambassador UNbelievable
Mugabe Tourism Ambassador UNbelievable

Chris Dodd Up To Now?

Chris Dodd Up To Now? — Remember Chris Dodd, the Democrat senator whose 30-year reign of “representing” Connecticut while wreaking havoc on the the American economy ended amid scandal a year ago?

He’s the caring liberal who gave us Dodd-Frank, the AIG bailout and the sub-prime mortgage crisis, all the while getting filthy richer.

So what’s he up to now? He’s heading the Motion Picture Association of America, the group that is trying to destroy the internet with SOPA and PIPA.


Chris Dodd Up To Now?

Arlen Specter Bill Clinton Joke Was On Us

On the Third Day of Christmas (Dec. 27), the former senator who resided in Pennsylvania but represented himself for 30 years took to the stage of the Helium Comedy Club in Philadelphia to really let we Keystone Staters know what kind of cue balls we have been. Bill Clinton Portrait Arlen Specter Bill Clinton Joke Was On Us

“I’ve been in comedy for 30 years,” Arlen Specter  told the crowd. “The only difference is it’s not stand up, we all have comfortable chairs. It costs about $27 million to win a seat in the United States Senate, so when you win one you like to sit down. It’s sit-down comedy.”

Hey, it wasn’t your money Arlen and the people who spent it got what they paid for in most cases.

“Bill Clinton is a friend of mine because I was a friend of his,” he joshed. “I voted not to impeach him. And that’s a hell of a thing to do considering the evidence.”

So much for “Scottish law”.

Well, the joke was on us.

Let us know when you do a magic bullet act. I’ll pay to see that.


Our Wealthy Overlords

Our Wealthy Overlords — The richest counties in America are in the Washington D.C. suburbs where reside the federal bureaucrats who make their six-figure pay and get their early retirements on backs of those who have to actually produce things. richest counties

Forbes.Com reported last April that the three richest counties in the United States were: Falls Church, Va.; Loudoun County, Va.; Fairfax County, Va. with Howard County, Md. coming in fifth behind Hunterdon County, N.J.

These people don’t lobby for government programs because they want to help the poor or even, in many cases, to defend our country.

They want these programs because they give them soft, easy lives.

It’s sort of the same thing that motivated the Sheriff of Nottingham.

Richest counties in America

Be A Happy Hamster With A Treadmill Desk

It’s been around for a few years — one made by Steelcase was being discussed back in 2007 — but the day is dawning for the treadmill workstation.

Amazon is selling one for $479.

Anybody can be a happy hamster now. Burn calories by working smarter AND working harder.

Expect the caring fat cats in our progressive corporations such as Comcast  to start buying these in bulk.

Did you know that the employees of Philly-based Comcast have become Obama’s biggest contributors?

If these workplace treadmills were hooked to generators they could very well save the world. The rat race would become the green rat race as the lean and mean workforce gathers positive momentum and produces electricity while filling out TPS reports in pursuit of six sigma.

Obama stimulus money would certainly be available to hire the guy to beat the drum to set the pace and the large fellows with whips to inspire the slower hamsters.



Be A Happy Hamster With A Treadmill Desk


Gibson Guitar Raided By Feds

Gibson Guitar Raided By Feds — Heroic federal agents, Wednesday, Aug. 24, swooped down on the offices and factories of Gibson Guitar, an infamous maker of musical instruments based in Tennessee. They were looking for wood, the substance that is the cadavers of innocent trees and used by drug-addled “rock and roll” musicians to corrupt innocent minds.

Apparently, Gibson had imported some of this dead tree substance from India and failed to properly fill out the necessary paperwork.

The use of innocent dead trees to create paper for the federal government is acceptable.

Tennessee is what is known as a “red state” which means the people there don’t accept every word published in the New York Times as unassailable truth, nor do they vote properly. One can wonder at the fairness of the residents of such a place having jobs while those in right-thinking states such as New York and Massachusetts suffer from unemployment.

Our federal law enforcement deserves special praise for attempting to rectify this injustice.

Gibson Guitar Raided By Feds


Gibson Guitar Raided By Feds

Chris McNair, Greg Skrepenak And Trophy Hunting Feds

Chris McNair

Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Harold Jackson, Sunday, wrote a moving piece regarding civil rights icon Chris McNair who at the age of 85 started serving a five year sentence in federal prison in June.

McNair was convicted of corruption charges in 2006 relating to gifts he accepted as a commissioner of Jefferson County, Ala. which includes the city of Birmingham. He had been out of office five years when the conviction was obtained.

McNair’s daughter Denise, age 11, was among those killed during the Sept. 15, 1963 bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham by members of the Ku Klux Klan. He overcame his anguish to become a community leader and an example of Christian forgiveness. He eventually obtained his political post during which he received almost $1 million from construction companies who would eventually win bids on a $3.2 billion sewer project.

While $410,000 of the money was in cash, some of it was for work related to building a memorial room for his daughter and expanding his photography studio.

McNair claims he thought the money was gifts from people who felt bad about what happened to his daughter and that it did not influence the way he voted.

Some will sneer at this. I’m not one of them.

I find it very believable that a popular and politically unsophisticated person can be tapped to waltz into office with eyes wide in wonder by the political bosses who safely hold the real power and get the real graft.

And I find it very believable that such a person would break laws without knowing it, which would mean he would not take the easy steps to cover his tail from an ambitious trophy-seeking federal headhunter that a true hack does instinctively.

In fact, what happened to McNair sounds a whole lot like what happened to former NFL lineman and Luzerne County Commissioner Greg Skrepenak.

Meanwhile the true hacks who get rich and powerful from sucking our blood while laughing at the law — the Barney Franks and Charles Rangels And Timothy Geithners — remain lionized and respected.

And when one does cross a line that can’t be ignored like Jeff Epstein, well, it’s two years of house arrest.

Jackson is calling for a presidential pardon for McNair so the man would not die in jail.  I wouldn’t go as far as a pardon but Obama certainly should commute his sentence to time served. He should do the same for Skrepenak too.


 Chris McNair, Greg Skrepenak And Trophy Hunting Feds