Roger Simon Skewers Obama Ebola Incompetence

Author and Academy Award nominated screenwriter Roger Simon has a great column at skewering the Obama administration’s handling of  Ebola and other ongoing crises  in way that makes you want to cry — or hide under the covers.

He notes that after millions knew of the hatchet attack by a “quasi-Islamo-lunatic” on a New York City cop, yesterday, Oct. 23, an administration representative queried about it was unaware it happened.

Regarding the matter of  Dr. Craig Spencer,  Simon writes was that part of the latest CDC protocol or the pilot for a television series — “Bowling for Ebola”?  In this new reality show/game you have to guess which ball doesn’t have infected fluids from the previous contestant inside its little holes.   The winner gets to go on but the loser, well… you know…

Spencer 33, returned to New York on Oct. 17  from the West African nation of Guinea where he had treated Ebola patients.  He spent the next six days riding subways, bowling, using the Uber taxi service, and spending time with his girlfriend before reporting a fever on Oct. 23 and being admitted to Bellevue Hospital Center for diagnosis and treatment.

So what did Obama do on Oct. 23? He hung out at Sen. Jay Rockefeller’s (D-W Va) mansion where he was the guest of honor at a $32,400 a plate fundraiser for the Democrat (Little Guy LOL) Party.

The mansion, by the way, is an $18 million palace in Washington D.C., a long way from coal fields and mountain music of the people, Rockefeller — who is retiring this term — allegedly represents.

When our little ride ends Obama supporters are going to look at their votes for the man about the same way the Germans who voted for Hitler did in June 1945.

Anyway, kudos to Roger Simon.


Roger Simon Skewers Obama Ebola Incompetence

Roger Simon Skewers Obama Ebola Incompetence

McCain Spanks Carney

Many conservatives hate Sen. John McCain, but, immigration issues aside, he’s always been someone I’ve kind of liked.

His first campaign stop after winning the 2008 Republican nomination,  may have been the Springfield (Pa) Country Club.  I went to write it up and take pictures. I was waved into the hall. Nobody bothered to ask for identification or check my briefcase.

I found a spot in the press section but McCain was too far away for my inexpensive digital camera so I imposed myself in the pool photographers section and and ended up maybe two feet from where the Senator was speaking.

I got some nasty comments from the pool photogs but again, nobody checked my ID, and no big guys hauled me out of there. I could have smacked McCain on his knee a dozen times.

Anyway, I always thought his attitude was gutsy and unpretentious and I didn’t feel bad about voting for him in the fall.

Which brings up the debate he had on CNN last night, Sept. 10, with former Obama press poodle Jay Carney after the President’s speech on dealing with the breakdown in Middle East.

McCain spanked Carney. He called him on the lies he was spewing and pointed out harshly how it was Obama himself that was responsible for the turmoil.

It was clearly something Carney was not used to. If the press did what McCain did last night the world would not be as dangerous today.

Of course, if McCain won in 2008 that would be just as true.

Here is the video. It’s kind of appropriate for Sept. 11.


McCain Spanks Carney

Hat tip Bridget Johnson at

McCain Spanks Carney

Hollywood Treason, Literally

James O keefe Hollywood Treason, Literally

James O’Keefe


James O’Keefe, who may be the nation’s gutsiest journalist, has Hollywood actor Ed Begley Jr., actress Mariel Hemingway and director John Tickell on tape willing to sell this country to Islamic oil interests for $9 million.

A Project Veritas operative posing as a “Muhammad” from a Mideast oil family offered the money to fund an anti-fracking movie because “if Washington D.C.  continues fracking, America will be energy-efficient and then won’t need my oil anymore.”

“Sounds good” the Hollywooders said.

Please understand that those so smugly asserted as heroes in our entertainment are so asserted by people who have no understanding of right and wrong, and no concern about what’s in your best interest.

The same applies for those they claim are villains.

The video:

Hollywood Treason, Literally

Common Core Lesson Denies Holocaust

Common Core directives have led the Rialto (Ca) School District to have a lesson requiring students to write essays about the Holocaust and “whether or not you believe this was an actual event in history, or merely a political scheme created to influence public emotion and gain wealth.”

The 18-page assignment provides three sources for the students including one that alleges the murders in the concentration camps were a hoax.

The district’s interim supeintendent is Mohammad Z. Islam, reports The Blaze.

It’s long past time for the people to start rebelling against the fools who have assumed authority.

Hat tip Joanne Yurchak.

Common Core Lesson Denies Holocaust
Common Core Lesson Denies Holocaust

What Ayaan Would Have Said

Brandeis University on April 8 revoked its invitation to Ayaan Hirsi Ali to receive
an honorary degree at May commencement ceremonies  after protestors accused Ms. Hirsi Al of being “Islamophobic.” Ms. Hirsi Ali, a native of Somalia who was  member of the Dutch Parliament before being forced to flee that nation due to very serious death threats and a lack of support from Dutch authorities,  is a harsh critic of Islamic culture especially with regard to its treatment of women. She is now a American citizen. Here is an abridged version of the
remarks she planned to deliver that was published April 10 in The Wall Street Journal.


By Ayaan Hirsi Ali

One year ago, the city and suburbs of Boston were still in mourning. Families who only weeks earlier had children and siblings to hug were left with only photographs and memories. Still others were hovering over bedsides, watching as young men, women, and children endured painful surgeries and permanent disfiguration. All because two brothers, radicalized by jihadist websites, decided to place homemade bombs in backpacks near the finish line of one of the most prominent events in American sports, the Boston Marathon.

All of you in the Class of 2014 will never forget that day and the days that followed. You will never forget when you heard the news, where you were, or what you were doing. And when you return here, 10, 15 or 25 years from now, you will be reminded of it. The bombs exploded just 10 miles from this campus.
Related Video

Associate books editor Bari Weiss on Brandeis University’s decision to withdraw its offer of an honorary degree to women’s rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Photo credit: Associated Press.

I read an article recently that said many adults don’t remember much from before the age of 8. That means some of your earliest childhood memories may well be of that September morning simply known as “9/11.”

You deserve better memories than 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombing. And you are not the only ones. In Syria, at least 120,000 people have been killed, not simply in battle, but in wholesale massacres, in a civil war that is increasingly waged across a sectarian divide. Violence is escalating in Iraq, in Lebanon, in Libya, in Egypt. And far more than was the case when you were born, organized violence in the world today is disproportionately concentrated in the Muslim world.

Another striking feature of the countries I have just named, and of the Middle East generally, is that violence against women is also increasing. In Saudi Arabia, there has been a noticeable rise in the practice of female genital mutilation. In Egypt, 99% of women report being sexually harassed and up to 80 sexual assaults occur in a single day.

Especially troubling is the way the status of women as second-class citizens is being cemented in legislation. In Iraq, a law is being proposed that lowers to 9 the legal age at which a girl can be forced into marriage. That same law would give a husband the right to deny his wife permission to leave the house.

Sadly, the list could go on. I hope I speak for many when I say that this is not the world that my generation meant to bequeath yours. When you were born, the West was jubilant, having defeated Soviet communism. An international coalition had forced Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait. The next mission for American armed forces would be famine relief in my homeland of Somalia. There was no Department of Homeland Security, and few Americans talked about terrorism.

Two decades ago, not even the bleakest pessimist would have anticipated all that has gone wrong in the part of world where I grew up. After so many victories for feminism in the West, no one would have predicted that women’s basic human rights would actually be reduced in so many countries as the 20th century gave way to the 21st.

Today, however, I am going to predict a better future, because I believe that the pendulum has swung almost as far as it possibly can in the wrong direction.

When I see millions of women in Afghanistan defying threats from the Taliban and lining up to vote; when I see women in Saudi Arabia defying an absurd ban on female driving; and when I see Tunisian women celebrating the conviction of a group of policemen for a heinous gang rape, I feel more optimistic than I did a few years ago. The misnamed Arab Spring has been a revolution full of disappointments. But I believe it has created an opportunity for traditional forms of authority—including patriarchal authority—to be challenged, and even for the religious justifications for the oppression of women to be questioned.

Yet for that opportunity to be fulfilled, we in the West must provide the right kind of encouragement. Just as the city of Boston was once the cradle of a new ideal of liberty, we need to return to our roots by becoming once again a beacon of free thought and civility for the 21st century. When there is injustice, we need to speak out, not simply with condemnation, but with concrete actions.

One of the best places to do that is in our institutions of higher learning. We need to make our universities temples not of dogmatic orthodoxy, but of truly critical thinking, where all ideas are welcome and where civil debate is encouraged. I’m used to being shouted down on campuses, so I am grateful for the opportunity to address you today. I do not expect all of you to agree with me, but I very much appreciate your willingness to listen.

I stand before you as someone who is fighting for women’s and girls’ basic rights globally. And I stand before you as someone who is not afraid to ask difficult questions about the role of religion in that fight.

The connection between violence, particularly violence against women, and Islam is too clear to be ignored. We do no favors to students, faculty, nonbelievers and people of faith when we shut our eyes to this link, when we excuse rather than reflect.

So I ask: Is the concept of holy war compatible with our ideal of religious toleration? Is it blasphemy—punishable by death—to question the applicability of certain seventh-century doctrines to our own era? Both Christianity and Judaism have had their eras of reform. I would argue that the time has come for a Muslim Reformation.

Is such an argument inadmissible? It surely should not be at a university that was founded in the wake of the Holocaust, at a time when many American universities still imposed quotas on Jews.

The motto of Brandeis University is “Truth even unto its innermost parts.” That is my motto too. For it is only through truth, unsparing truth, that your generation can hope to do better than mine in the struggle for peace, freedom and equality of the sexes.

Islam Quakes Cowardly Academia

In 2009, Yale University Press published “The Cartoons That Shook The World” which concerned the 2005 controversy regarding the publication in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten  of cartoons depicting Mohammed.

It fearfully, however, refused to include the said cartoons despite the desire by author Jytte Klausen, a professor at Brandeis University, and having permission to do so.

The refusal was based on what the response might be from angry Muslims.

It should be noted that well over 100 newspapers around the world published the cartoons in solidarity with Jyllands-Posten including some in Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

It should also be noted that they can be found on myriad places on the web including here.

Which gets us to the latest. Brandeis, ironically, announced on April 8 that it had withdrawn the awarding of an honorary degree to Ayaan Hirsi Ali due to the fear of what the response might be from angry Muslims. Ms. Hirsi Ali is a native of Somalia and is an outspoken critic of Islam. She was a member of the Dutch Parliament from 2003 to 2006. She had to flee the nation due to the constant death threats she received. She now lives in the United States and is an American citizen.

It is almost as bad to have as cowards those to whom we recognize as intellectuals as it would be for us to have as cowards those who lead our military.

We need a revolution in academia.

Hat tip Bryan Preston.


Islam Quakes Cowardly Academia



Islam Quakes Cowardly Academia

Malik Obama, Terrorist Supporter

Malik Obama, Terrorist Supporter
The scarf Malik Obama is wearing calls for the conquest of Israel.

Malik Obama, the half brother of the President who was best man at the President’s wedding, is rasing money for the terrorist organization Hamas it is being reported.

Malik has been a visitor to the White House and is president of the  tax-exempt Barack H. Obama Foundation. It turns out that he is also executive secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization. Here’s their Facebook page. Gee, only 392 likes.

Anyway, Islamic Da’wa apparently raises money for martyrdom operations.

So maybe Malik O is just a useful tool not knowing what is going on — sort of like Billy Carter and the Libyans.


To my Jewish friends who voted for his brother, whatever where you thinking? The same goes for my other friends who voted for Barry.

Hat tip Bryan Preston

Malik Obama, Terrorist Supporter

Obama Administration Muslims

Courtesy of Tom C. Feel free to Bing search the names.

You were warned and you sneered at us…….not a chance you said….now look at what has happened!!!

Have to wonder if there’s any doubt in your mind. Is this HIS agenda or not and to whom is HIS allegiance?

Look who’s new in the White House!

Arif  Alikhan
– Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the U.S. Department of Homeland  Security

Mohammed Elibiary
– Homeland Security Adviser

Rashad  Hussain
– Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic

Salam al-Marayati
– Obama Adviser and founder of the Muslim Public  Affairs Council and is its current executive  director

Imam Mohamed Magid
– Obama’s Sharia Czar from the Islamic Society of North America

Eboo Patel
– Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships

This is flat-out  scary!!!

Obama Administration Muslims

Funding Jihadists While Denying Military Benefits

Andrew C. McCarthy, the fed prosecutor who successfully convicted the first World Trade Center bombers, has a fascinating column at pointing out the Obama Administration fought like a badger to keep from getting military survivors their rightful death benefits while insisting on supplying foreign aid to jiadists in Syria.

McCarthy notes that Obama only allowed the death benefits after a unified response from the GOP.

“Democrats can be moved if unified Republicans make the pressure intense enough,” McCarthy noted.


WTF CAIR — The Council on American Islamic Relations or CAIR has changed its name to World Trust Foundation Inc. WTF CAIR



CAIR became notorious for its  close connections to the Holy Land Foundation which was revealed to be sending the money raised for it to terrorist organizations namely Hamas; and for its attempts to silence critics in the United States, even in Springfield, Delaware County, Pa.

CAIR’s attempts to manipulate Pennsylvania”s Human Relations Commission is the subject of an award winning article by Hillel Zaremba of the Philadelphia-based Middle East Forum.

Hat tip Stephen Kruiser at