William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-24-15

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-24-15

The English government purchased 500,000 arrows in 1421. That was up from 150,000 three years earlier. The arrows were fletched with goose feathers which were taken from the peasantry as a tax, six feathers per goose.

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-21-15

Buzz Aldrin had a communion wafer and a small vial of communion wine that had been blessed by his pastor when he landed on the moon. After the lunar module touched down, Aldrin asked everyone to take a moment to give thanks in their own way. He then read scripture and took communion on the moon.William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-21-15

Buzz Aldrin had a communion wafer and a small vial of communion wine that had been blessed by his pastor when he landed on the moon. After the lunar module touched down, Aldrin asked everyone to take a moment to give thanks in their own way. He then read scripture and took communion on the moon.

Aldrin, a Presbyterian, wanted the event to be broadcast back to earth. But NASA decided against it since the agency was embroiled with a lawsuit with atheist Madelyn Murry O’Hair.

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-20-15

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-20-15

The hottest recorded temperature on Earth happened on July 10, 1913 when the mercury hit 134 F at Furnace Creek Ranch in Death Valley California.

The highest recorded temperature in Antarctica was 63.5 F at Hope Bay Trinity Peninsula on March 24, 2015.


William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-16-15

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-16-15

Ever hear of Hans Longeth? He was a Norwegian who died in 1927. During his lifetime, he grew the longest beard — 17.5 feet — known to man. The beard was preserved and turned over to the Smithsonian Institute in 1967. Next time you are there, look for it.