William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 10-18-14

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 10-18-14


The average height for a man in the United States is 5 feet, 10 inches.

About 68 percent of men are between 5-7 and 6-1.

About 95 percent are between 5-4 and 6-4.

And 99.7 percent are between 5-1 and 6-7.

And this is why jockeys and NBA centers areĀ  pretty rare to find.


average height for a man

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 10-9-14

Queen Elizabeth was the first English ruler to use a fork. The deed caused a mild uproar and one clergyman preached that it was an “insult to God, when He had given us fingers with which to eat our meat.”

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 10-6-14

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 10-6-14


Tamanend, a Delaware Indian chief, was called Tammany by the white men. He was famous for his wisdome and some Revolutionary War soldiers called him the “patron saint of the Republic”. Tammany Hall was named for him.


Tamanend, a Delaware Indian chief