William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 4-5-14

William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 4-5-14

Americans spent about 13 percent of their income on clothing in 1950. We spend about 3 percent today and have five times the amount of clothes.

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William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 4-4-14

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 4-4-14

Put this in “And you think we have problems” category:  World Wide Fund for Nature reported in 2004 that 35 people were killed by spotted hyenas over 12 months in Mozambique along a 20 km stretch of road near the Tanzanian border.

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William W Lawrence Sr Omnbit Trivia 4-1-14

William W Lawrence Sr Omnbit Trivia 4-1-14

In July 1969 as Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon, Michael Collings orbited the sphere in the command module. During a pass over the dark side, he noticed an anomaly on the surface and photographed it.

NASA scientists later determined it to be a small city — complete with sporting arenas and monorails — made by intelligent crickets.

We hope you are having a happy April Fool’s Day.

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William Lawrence Sr Omnbit 3-31-14

William W. Lawrence Sr Omnbit Trivia 3-31-14

Baseball tradition calls for a pitcher to protect his teammates. In 1986, Rochester Red Wings hurler Bill Swaggerty took the tradition a step farther. In a game against the Maine Guides, Swaggerty decided the tradition should take in the fans who pay to see the team play.

Corey Snyder of the Guides, in a snit after flying out to centerfield, threw his bat into the stands where it hit a 61-year-old woman and her granddaughter breaking the child’s nose.

On Snyder’s next at bat, Swaggerty wound up and unleashed a wicked bean ball, which hit and decked the batter.

“You can’t let stuff like that go by,” Swaggerty explained after the game.

Good luck Phillies. Opening game is 2:05 p.m., today, against Texas.

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William Lawrence Sr Omnbit 3-31-14

William Lawrence Sr Omnbit 3-29-14

William Lawrence Sr Omnbit 3-29-14

Dissolve one pound of salt and half a pound of sal-ammoniac in two quarts of water and bottle the liquor in thin glass bottles holding about a quart each. Should a fire break out, dash one or more of the bottles into the flames, and any serious outbreak will probably be averted. Or so advised cigarette maker Gallaher Ltd of Belfast & London circa 1910.

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William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 3-28-14

William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 3-28-14

John Tyler was born in 1790 and was the Tyler in “Tippecanoe and Tyler too”. He became our 10th president after William Henry “Tippecanoe” Harrison died 32 days after his inauguration in 1841.

Tyler failed to win re-election in 1844 but he did father Lyon Gardiner Tyler in 1853 who fathered Lyon Gardiner Tyler, Jr. in 1924 and Harrison Ruffin Tyler in 1928.

Yes Christopher, the grandchildren of the man who delivered the eulogy at Thomas Jefferson’s funeral are still alive today in 2014.

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William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 3-27-14

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 3-27-14

Sturgis, South Dakota of motorcycle rally fame is named for Civil War General Samuel D. Sturgis who was born in Shippensburg, Pa. and is famous for saying about his fellow general John Pope, “I don’t care for John Pope one pinch of owl dung.”

A World War II troop ship was also named for him.

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