Chrysippus William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-25-19

The philosopher Chrysippus died from laughing. He saw a donkey eating figs and directed a servant to give it some wine to wash them down. He thought the joke so funny he began laughing uncontrollably. The fit caused him to die.

Chrysippus William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-25-19
The philosopher Chrysippus died from laughing. He saw a donkey eating figs and directed a servant to give it some wine to wash them down. He thought the joke so funny he began laughing uncontrollably. The fit caused him to die.

One thought on “Chrysippus William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-25-19”

  1. Perhaps the great philosopher Stephanopoulis.could persuade the oversexed donkey Fluke to partake in wine and then feed her a large quantity of pitted prunes
    It has been determined that Sandra is a constipated nymphomaniac and full of caca and that perhaps an overdose of the dired plums could cure her.
    Philosopher Stephanopooulis would probably die from laughing as he watched Fluke fail to make to the potty and dirty her sleep number bed.

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