One thought on “Drag Queens Crave Audience Of Children”

  1. Here in Canada or Chinada or USAda etc. a post national state our corrupt puppet leader tells us this phony puppet government pays millions to the Drag Queens to tell stories to young children? Now they are trying to make laws that we (used to be Canadians) cannot protest these abusive pedophile children shows? This is just another corrupt controlled “dog and pony show” to take us off another even worse problem like China paid several politicians including Truedoper the puppet PM. Some of us already knew that the Clinton’s and Obama’s were here giving rallies and illegal money for these fake government puppets, even a big election money raiser dinner in NYC was done which was illegal too and our second in command puppet a Nazi Ukrainian woman (Freeland) who was barred from Russia years ago sit on the board of directors at WEF. Then even sillier another WEF run party the New Democrats? that are no longer is democratic, their leader is a WEF Khalistani ( a separatist from India whose family was kicked out of India) and this party has formed an illegal coalition with the Truedopers Lieberals so no one else can vote them down. Very soon our freedom of speech will be blocked legally it is being forced through a final time now.
    So even though are schools mainly groom our children and these disgusting drag shows there and everywhere else now we have parents jailed already over this it is really a small disruption because as long as we have a bought out puppet pretend but foreign controlled government the whole country is corrupted and only the destructive hired antifa and BLM can protest legally with government approval. Etc. etc. etc.
    Actually as soon as they take control of our internet too which they also are doing I do not know how much longer I will be able to read your great site I am not sure what is going to happen next and I sure enjoy reading your site since our main stream media has been bought out by the puppets using Canadians tax dollars and more huge debt.
    Please somehow get President Trump back the whole world needs him before a world war breaks out and the takeovers will be final with no more pretend elections.

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