Enormous Yet Unknown Influence

 Enormous Yet Unknown Influence

The Roar

An Enormous Yet Unknown Influence

Yesterday’s posting mentioned the unexplained attention which Huntsman received at the recent New Hampshire debate.  It was quite obvious to many since he flat out refused to enter the Iowa contest.  However, an agenda was followed which has been present in too many modern day elections.  And that agenda or better yet, connection, once again surfaced last Saturday night and as usual, went unnoticed by the general public.

Although three moderators conducted the affair, only two pertain to this particular set up which I am about to describe.  I’m assuming that the third was from the local news network and as such, gave a local flavor to the intimate college setting.

We all know the other two, Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos.  They more or less ran the show with the local moderator offering intermittent queries.  What actually stood out was the percentage of questions directed at Huntsman when comparing, with particular interest, the recent Iowa surge Santorum effected.  One would naturally assume that such attention would be towards Santorum rather than a no-show.  And that is where most of us become confused.  Why this reversal of attention?  Especially to a non player?  It’s the connection!

What I am referring to is the common thread which tied Huntsman to the hips of Sawyer and Stephanopoulos.  It’s called their common or mutual membership in the highly influential yet never outwardly bandied, The Council on Foreign Relations, or the more innocuous if not infamous, CFR.

Most Americans and in particular, voters, remain unaware of its presence, let alone its enormous influence.  Such influence is especially in play every four years when maintaining the order of the “establishment” becomes front and center.  Might I add that one other CFR representative, Newt Gingrich, rounds out the CFR’s lineup of presidential suitors.

As I remarked in my last posting, the Tea Party has brought to the surface those of the “establishment” who were previously unidentified, as was itself, this consortium of unknown influence.  In reality, this unveiling only scratched the surface as to the “behind the scenes” shennanigans which actually contributes to the refrain, “is this the best America has to offer?”

The Council on Foreign Relations has, for too long, greatly influenced if not controlled the outcomes of our Presidential elections, or for that matter, elections in general.  All without any public recognition.  Saturday night, their masquerade played out, again with an unknowing public viewership.  As previously stated, some questioned the Huntsman attention over Santorum but that rounded out the public’s curiosity.

Often nicknamed “the insiders,” by those who are aware of it’s presence, a joke was probably enjoyed after the debating performance concerning fellow CFRer Gingrich’s admonishing of what he termed the moderator’s one sided questioning.   This has now become a common and popular Gingrich anti-media ploy playing to the public’s general media angst.

For years I’ve watched the CFR’s manipulations but now am bolstered into somewhat detailing their mischief, given the fertile ground which the Tea Party has nurtured.  Their previously cited charade gives credence and may heighten the public’s curiosity as to the possibility that all is not known, all is not above board and that something inhibits our election process from electing our best.  Again, Saturday night was classic CFR drama in that Huntsman was propped up into contention.

A giant uncovering took place when we began to understand that indeed, there is a Republican “establishment” working to deter the successful nomination or election of any conservative and/or Constitutional candidate.  Well, this is only part of the fix.

Since WWII, members of the CFR have infiltrated into all levels of our federal government.  Research will reveal that this organization remains hush-hush as their design is the elimination of America’s independent sovereignty along with the introduction of a global governance.  Just recall all the unexplained events in our lifetimes that both defy logic and that also contribute to the c0ntinual degradation of our Country.  Better yet, count our Country’s successes.  That would be a shorter and an easier recall.

This s not the first CFR warning.  Entire books have been devoted to its anti-American dogma.  Barry Goldwater’s autobiography, With No Apologies, alluded to its dangers.  If I may quote the late Sen. Goldwater, on page 278, he writes, “I believe the Council on Foreign Relations and its ancillary elitist groups are indifferent to communism.  They have no ideological anchors.  In their pursuit of a new world order they are prepared to deal without prejudice with a communist state, a socialist state, a democratic state, monarchy, oligarchy-it’s all the same to them.”

From one who was a CFR member for sixteen years, Rear Admiral Chester Ward, USN (Retd) was also quoted in Goldwater’s autobiography.  He writes, “these elitist groups have one objective in common-they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the United States.”

Up to this point, the hidden and unknown work of the CFR worker bees have been very successful since their work is best accomplished in secret.  Since members are interspersed throughout our federal government, media outlets and academia, they have been tremendously successful.  As with all their positions, they are super influential and often author the messages which Americans voice in their daily conversations.

Obviously, this subject is huge and a too detailed for one posting.  However, it’s important to get these shadows out in the open light of day. This organization is operational and its list of members are open to the public’s amazement.  Media illuminati such as, Brokaw, Rather, Krugman, Friedman, Stahl and of course Barbra Walters.  The military “stars” include Colin Powell, Haig, McCaffrey, McChrystal and his much publicized replacement, Petraeus.  Government members include, Ford, Nixon, Clinton, Kerry, McNamara, Dulles (both Allen and John Foster), Muskie, Rusk and Ms. Kirkpatrick.  I could go on and on but the members are as many as they are influential.

In closing, I felt this to be necessary in that our future is now.  There is little argument that America needs a reversal.  The stand is now and to be informed with truth is to be armed and ready for all the mind games that our “free press” has and will expand upon.  Hopefully, this posting will irk people’s curiosity.  We need to know now and remember always.

Jim Bowman, Author of
This Roar of Ours

2 thoughts on “Enormous Yet Unknown Influence”

  1. For a comprehensive history of the Council on Foreign Relations I would point you to a Project Gutenberg article on “The Invisible Government – Origins of the CFR and the takeover of the U.S. State Department” by Dan Smoot.


    From the chapter on ‘History and the Council’ the following is detailed:

    “Wilson himself, when campaigning for re-election in 1916, had unequivocally supported our traditional foreign policy: his one major promise to the American people was that he would keep them out of the European war.

    “Yet, even while making this promise, Wilson was yielding to a pressure he was never able to withstand: the influence of Colonel Edward M. House, Wilson’s all-powerful adviser. According to House’s own papers and the historical studies of Wilson’s ardent admirers (see, for example, the “Intimate Papers of Colonel House”, edited by Charles Seymour, published in 1926 by Houghton Mifflin; and, “The Crisis of the Old Order” by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., published 1957 by Houghton Mifflin), House created Wilson’s domestic and foreign policies, selected most of Wilson’s cabinet and other major appointees, and ran Wilson’s State Department.

    “House had powerful connections with international bankers in New York. He was influential, for example, with great financial institutions represented by such people as Paul and Felix Warburg, Otto H. Kahn, Louis Marburg, Henry Morgenthau, Jacob and Mortimer Schiff, Herbert Lehman. House had equally powerful connections with bankers and politicians of Europe.

    “Bringing all of these forces to bear, House persuaded Wilson that America had an evangelistic mission to save the world for “democracy.” The first major twentieth century tragedy for the United States resulted: Wilson’s war message to Congress and the declaration of war against Germany on April 6, 1917.

    “House also persuaded Wilson that the way to avoid all future wars was to create a world federation of nations. On May 27, 1916, in a speech to the League to Enforce Peace, Wilson first publicly endorsed Colonel House’s world-government idea (without, however, identifying it as originating with House).”

    As you will see, the termites infesting our Constitutional Republic were started under Wilson, and have been nurtured ever since. I admit I know not how – but I am convinced that Soetoro/Obama is their pinnacle achievement to date. God save our Constitutional Republic.

  2. Phil M.
    You and Jim Bowman add even more intellegent substance to this website and make it a pleasure to read.
    Thank you

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