Enough Already

The Roar

Enough Already

My time for being spoon fed has long since passed.  After yesterday’s Florida Primary, the first restricted to registered Republicans, our free press media once again proclaimed that Romney’s victory signaled that this primary season should be concluded.  Since when did our information industry transform into arbitrator status?  Just report the news and leave the final outcome to the voters!

Way back when Iowa was in the news, the air waves were filled with Romney’s win.  Then, after New Hampshire’s fiasco, media experts all agreed that Romney would  and should be the champion representing the Republican Party.  However, along the way, there was an “oops” which occurred.  Instead of winning Iowa by a mere eight votes, Romney lost to Santorum by thirty-four.  Where was the coverage?

I think more than anything else, this primary season has reaffirmed what was brought out by the Tea Party’s emergence in the 2010 mid terms.  There exists a previously hidden or unknown influence within the Republican ranks, a sort of mindset or system, which resembles more of an establishment of a shadowy control.  This became most visible through the 2010 attacks against Christine O’Donnell by various authoritative Republicans of supposedly respected speak.

While this seems distant from what is taking place today, with the obvious media swoon over Romney, it all works in unison.  Believe it or not, the enemy of the Republican establishment is not Obama but rather this brash assortment of throw backs to our Constitutional Founding.  It is to these upstart targets which the most intense conniving is directed.

Case in point, Rep. Allen West.  The outcome of redistricting from the recent census has centered its cross hairs upon this “tell it like it is” former Army officer.  His leadership represents all that went awry from those 2010  elections.  As a result, his 22nd Congressional District is undergoing a change which for all intent and purposes will make his re-election extremely difficult if not impossible.  This from a Republican controlled  State legislature along with its Republican Governor.

It seems that since the “chads” episode, Florida has become central to any national campaign.  It has also gained two additional seats in the House.  However, this West travesty reflects upon an undercurrent which if need be, works with its arch Democratic enemies.  Control is the name of the game and the media is its conductor.

This next Presidential election will culminate in choosing the direction of our beloved Country.  Will its prescription of a Constitutional Republic remain or will we be shifted further down the socialist highway.  I’d say this is “game, set, match.”  I’d also say that this is the Super Bowl of control!

So with this in mind, expect our media to continue its attempt with channeling our votes in a particular direction.  And along the way, we can get our fill of personal mud slinging by two contenders who place personal ego over issues,  while our media happily diverts through its  redundant reporting.

I for one, look to a candidate who remains true to form.  Who places God and Country above politics.  After all, God began this experiment in freedom with His gift of inalienable rights.  For those who would beg to differ, our Declaration from Britain itemizes and assigns Him as our Creator.  From the words of our Forefathers, this land we call America was carefully crafted and nurtured by His Divine Intervention during our contest for freedom.  And it is a contest which will forever be waged, with or without the media’s foolish political fodder.

Jim Bowman, author of,
This Roar of Ours

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