Fort Orange Press, What’s The Secret Delco?

Fort Orange Press, What’s The Secret Delco? — Robert Mancini of the good-government group Delco Deepdivers sought, in December 2022, records concerning Delaware County’s dealings with ballot-printer Fort Orange Press.

Mancini of Media wanted emails between the county and the Albany, N.Y. printer along with the names of those requesting the ballots.

Delco said no, the people may not see!

Considering the suspicion that is dividing our nation regarding elections, that was probably unwise but maybe there was a legitimate reason.

Perhaps the correspondence contained nuclear codes. Perhaps there were plans for an invasion of Russia. Who are we to judge?

There is a way to appeal via the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records, however, and Rob did so in January 2023.

The Office said let the people see.

At this point, a sane and competent government would have conceded, grudgingly or not, and the people would see.

Delco, however, appealed to Common Pleas Court.

This is allowed.

But why do it? It does make one go hmmmmm, after all. Really, what’s the big secret? There is a logical explanation, of course, but it’s not one the county should want its citizens to reach.

The hearing scheduled for this month has been postponed.

Rob says the contract with Fort Orange specifically says the dealings are subject to right-to-know.

Fort Orange Press, What's The Secret Delco?

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