Juneteenth Our Most Recent Holiday
By Bob Small
Today, June 19, is Juneteenth, the most recent of our 11 Federal Holidays, having been signed into law on June 17, 2021.
It commemorates June 14, 1865 when the Juneteenth Order (General Order #3), co-written by General Gordon Granger and his subordinate Major Frederick Emery, was posted throughout Galveston, TX.
Pennsylvania deems the day an “official annual observance”, first recognized as an observance in 2019.
Texas was the first state to recognize Juneteenth as a permanent state holiday, it does not recognize the day as an observance.?!
Opal Lee is called “the grandmother of Juneteenth”. She began a walking campaign at the the age of 89 (2016) which eventually led to the creation of the Juneteenth holiday. She has written a Juneteenth children’s book. She is raising funds for a National Juneteenth Museum in Fort Worth, Texas, the same city where, as a child, she watched her house being burnt down by a white mob. She is quite an extraordinary woman.
Not all Afro-Americans see Juneteenth in the same way; Professor Robert A.. Brown of Morehouse notes “Lawmakers have been more willing to engage in performative symbolism than passing laws to make substantive change”.
He cites police reform and reparations as two roads not yet taken. Others add voting rights to this list.
Though others still celebrate.
Juneteenth is another one of those things that if you don’t support it as a national holiday, you’re automatically labeled a “racist.” However, it’s the position taken by Prof. Brown that clarifies why this “holiday” is so dangerous. It opens the door to the devolution of our society BECAUSE of intentionally misguided efforts like “reparations” and “police reform” and “voting rights,” the implication being that racism is the guiding force of our society. Right up till the Divider-in-Chief came to the fore, we could look back proudly on how far our society had come regarding racial and gender equality. As for reparations, it is insulting to all who now inhabit this country. The decedents of the slaves have the same opportunities as anyone else. As for “voting rights,” the corrective measure of no ID mail-in ballots has certainly led to a form of equality, but that is the equal degradation of all of our votes now that the system is so corrupted and corruptible. Yes, there are still some Archie Bunkers/George Jeffersons who hate anyone who isn’t like them, whether by race, gender, religion or politics. But they are the defining exception to society in general, which has become fundamentally color and gender blind (gender-wise this has led to “self-definition” which is about as destructive as it can get). Perfect, no. Room to improve, absolutely. That is not the issue. The issue is how these divisive measures do anyone any good.
https://theconversation.com › why-japanese-americans-received-reparations-and-african-americans-are-still-waiting-119580
Why Japanese-Americans received reparations and African-America
Just something to think about
https://theconversation.com › why-japanese-americans-received-reparations-and-african-americans-are-still-waiting-119580
Why Japanese-Americans received reparations and African-America
Just something to think about
I think I’ll take the day as my own 🙂
It’s more about liberal/Leftist/Progressive virtue-signaling, than anything else.