Magnolia Women’s Center Open House — Magnolia Women’s Center will celebrate its opening 9 to 11 a.m., tomorrow, Jan. 27, at 7811 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia.
It’s the first pregnancy care center in a neighborhood with four abortion clinics within 20 minutes from it.
It features complete fluency in Spanish, close public transportation and education for men and women.
Its executive director is Melissa Aguilera.

Is this where all the anchor babies will be birthed.
Anchor babies
I remember those innocent days of yore when that was the concern.
The military age men are here to suck up all the money now, the anchor babies are our replacements. Nothings changed except the fact the Federal Government no longer hides its malfeasance or its contempt for the average working American.
“You will fund your demise and like it.”