Military Retirees Could Lose Healthcare Plan

The Defense Department is expected to rule that military families living more than 40 miles from a military treatment facility or base closure site will no longer be allowed  Tricare Prime, which is the military’s managed health care option, reports VFW magazine.

Tricare Prime participants pay an annual enrollment fee of $269.28 for an individual or $538.56 for a family.

About 171,000 retires and dependents will be affected. They will have to move Tricare Standard under which there is no enrollment fee but participants must cover 25 percent of allowable charges along with a $150 deductible for individuals or $300 for families. Out-of-pocket cost are capped at $3,000 per family.

One thought on “Military Retirees Could Lose Healthcare Plan”

  1. Tricare paid for more than 100 transgender surgeries for military dependents and DHA is refusing to take action to recoup for political reasons. Someone please shed light on this and demand the government do the right thing.

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