A scathing critic of the Pennsylvania State Employees Retirement System (SERS) has been tapped by Gov. Corbett for a seat on its board.
Wally Nunn, the Vietnam vet who chaired Delaware County Council at the turn of the millennium, has called SERS “the pension system from hell,” and has called for revamping just about everything about it from union contracts and policies that call for ever increasing support from taxpayer to bail it out of bad investments.
Oh, and he and he wants to cut future retirees’ pensions which include elected officials.
Nunn is a retired Citigroup SmithBarney bond banker.
Some of the state’s highest salaries go to SERS employees.
If Gov. Corbett fills his cabinet with high quality folks like Wally Nunn, Gov. Christie could have competition for the 2016 big job.
Meanwhile sic ’em Wally. Bite them in the ass.