Get Out The Vet To Oversee Elections

Get Out The Vet, a voting oversight program formed by veterans, is educating our troops as to how to register, request ballots and vote online, or request federal write-in absentee ballots, in light of Department of Defense stonewalling mandates to provide easier access to the franchise.

Members of the group will also be monitoring polling places to reduce voter intimidation and be poll watchers.
For information visit
Hat tip Tom C.

Benghazi Twitter Trends Indicate Media Sea Change

Once upon a time, the American establishment mouthpiece media — which had a near monopoly — could make disappear a story like one about the callousness and incompetence shown by the Obama administration on Sept. 11 regarding the attack in Benghazi.

Well, the times they are a changing.
Trending on Twitter right now are Tyrone Woods, one of the former SEALs killed in the attack under the headline  Osama Bin Laden Is Dead. So Are Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty; and #Benghazi.

Sen. Casey At The Bat For Philly Corruption

Tea Party activist Bob Guzzardi reports that it has been unveiled that Sen. Bob Casey Jr. got millions of earmarks for the Philadelphia Housing Authority that federal auditors found was used for shoddy and unsafe work at low-income housing units. 

Hey, look at it this way. It made millions for a handful of needy politically connected Philadelphia Democrats.

Don’t Mess With Texas

The bankrupt — morally, intellectually and financially — European Union is expressing outrage that Texas has announced that it will arrest any “observers” they send who fail to follow state election law regarding who can enter a polling place and distance limits as to where they can stand.

What is so hard with the concept of following just and duly enacted laws? Liberals really have an issue with representative government.

Thoughts On Donald Trump’s Offer

Donald Trump is being scorned by the “I’m-smart-set” for his  offer of $5 million to the charity of President Obama’s choice if the president would release his college transcripts and passport application.

One would imagine the charity of his choice would include his campaign.
President Obama has been bugging me for a lousy $3 for months, and has accepted $1 million from well-known hater Bill Maher so he obviously needs the money. 
Why not just take a moment to sign a few papers, task an aide — maybe the same one that keeps sending me emails  — to do the legwork and collect a cool $5 million. 
Maybe he can even do some negotiating with The Donald i.e. say “If you want it this bad make it $6 million and you got a deal”. 
I betcha Trump would go for it.
But the president hasn’t and won’t. Why? It should be a no-brainer. He’s clearly not embarrassed about how raises funds — jetting to Vegas during international life-and-death crisises and such.
It’s just one of those things that make you go hmmmm. 
Nov. 6 can’t come soon enough.

How To Defuse Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions

(Second in a two part series. Click here for part I)
For sheer horror, nothing could compare to the detonation of a nuclear weapon by terrorists. Cities would be uninhabitable. Markets would plunge, leading to a global depression. Martial law would likely be imposed, with civil liberties turned into unaffordable luxuries of the past. Chaos would rule, life in the West would never be the same, and the terrorists, for all practical purposes, would have won. 

Achieving a 99 on a test is fantastic, but that same score, applied to stopping nuclear-armed terrorists, would be a catastrophic failure. So the strategy is very straightforward. As Coach Boone said in Remember The Titans, “We will be perfect in every aspect of the game.”  

Because if we aren’t perfect, it’s game over. 

Of course, the problem isn’t al-Queda developing the bomb, since more often than not those ass-clowns accidentally blow themselves up while handling even the simplest explosives.  

The clear and present danger is a rogue nation such as Iran developing the bomb. But President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, crazy like a fox, is way too smart to launch nukes against Israel, for he innately understands that doing so would make his country the world’s largest piece of glass. Israel and the United States would retaliate with a massive nuclear attack of their own, and Mahmoud loses. 

So the issue is Iran funneling nuclear weapons to terrorists, a possibility that grows as Iran’s march towards nuclear statehood continues. 

So how do you stop them? 

A. Stop making idle threats. Nothing is more counterproductive than a war of rhetoric with no hammer to back up those words.  Unfortunately, this is nothing new, as all recent Administrations have made this their de facto policy. 

Hollow words are appeasement. They send a message that we are weak, a carte blanche for adversaries to advance their nuclear interests unimpeded. It is only when a strong leader with a clear policy — and the resolve to execute it — comes along that things change. 

B.  Sanctions are a solid step, but many countries cheat with no repercussions. If nuclear technology and supplies continue to circumvent the sanctions, what’s the point? It’s time to call out the offenders for their unjustifiable actions in front of the global community and cut them off. We have the biggest stick.  Time to use it. 

C. U.N. weapons inspections sound nice, but are worthless since they have no teeth. Saddam Hussein played the U.N “inspection” game masterfully, stringing out the process and turning it into a laughingstock. We got lucky, since he had no nuclear program.  Not the case with Iran. 

D. Deal with the Muslim world in the only language they understand: ultimatums backed up by a massive sledge hammer to the testicles for noncompliance. 

A look at history shows the inarguable success of decisive leadership: 

After Libya masterminded the bombings at the Rome and Vienna airports, and the German discotheque, Ronald Reagan launched comprehensive air strikes, missing Gaddafi by mere minutes. And the Achille Lauro highjackers? Nailed. The message was unmistakable:  with Reagan calling the shots, Libya would face increasingly severe consequences for each terrorist act.  Keep in mind that Gaddafi, much like Ahmadinejad, was portrayed as a “madman” with whom one could not reason.   Reagan proved that incorrect, as Gaddafi virtually disappeared during the remainder of the Gipper’s term. 
It is no coincidence that American hostages, after 444 days of captivity in Iran, were freed the very day Ronald Reagan was inaugurated.  Carter was perceived as weak, while Reagan’s resolve was feared. Mission accomplished. 

By contrast, George H.W. Bush, perceived as an appeasing wimp, presided during a resurgence of Libyan terror activities.  After the bombing of Pan Am 103, how did President Bush respond?  He didn’t.  

But Gaddafi once again played ball when George W. Bush threatened regime change, correctly calculating that keeping his WMD program was far outweighed by a wounded but ferocious American tiger coming at him.  Saddam, on the other hand, responded with his middle finger — a decision that didn’t work out too well for him. 

Those successes should be built upon, as all are rooted in sound policy backed up by iron-fisted force.  But what America cannot do is idly blabber while the enemy becomes stronger, since Iran passing the point-of-no-return is absolutely unacceptable. 

How about this for a New American Doctrine: 

1. Civis Romanis (I am a citizen of Rome).  Rome’s policy was unmistakably effective:  If harm should come to even one citizen, Rome’s retribution would be on a scale never before seen. Rome placed such a high value on its citizens that any transgression against them was seen as an act of war.  Marauders got the message loud and clear, and Romans traveled the breadth of Empire free of worry, confident in their safety.  

This is as applicable today as it was then, since the nuclear weapons of rogue nations threaten every American. But Civis Americanis isn’t our policy, and it shows, as threats are growing:  North Korea’s missile tests, Iran’s nuclear ambitions, Venezuela’s vehement anti-U.S. policy and the Taliban’s resurgence in Afghanistan.  These countries must be forced to understand that American lives and interests are sacred, and nothing comes before them. Nothing. 

2. Properly assume the role of the world’s only superpower.  Stop appeasing — and apologizing to — those who threaten our physical and economic security, establish clear ground rules, and act with immediate decisiveness when those rules are violated.  The world is a global economy, so America needs a proactive (but not an interventionalist, boots-on-the-ground) foreign policy. 

And if the U.S. is to remain the preeminent power, quickly achieving total energy independence is imperative.

3. No nuclear weapons for any more countries.  This one is simple:  institute a global ban on any more nations developing nuclear weapons.  Period.  Any country pursuing a peaceful nuclear program but not allowing American weapons inspectors total access, at all times, will have all of their nuclear facilities,  and their Defense Department, flattened. On this point there can never be negotiation or compromise.  If it takes 20,000 pounds of bombs to get the job done, then use 200,000.  Pound the facilities by a force magnifier of 10.  Then hit them again.                                                                 

While some will label this a reckless policy that would destabilize the Middle East (isn’t it already?), look to history. When Israel took out Iraq’s nuclear facilities at Osirak in 1981, what happened?  The world feigned disapproval, but every nation breathed a huge sigh of relief. Israel is still in existence, Iraq became a nuclear eunuch, and the world is undoubtedly a safer place.  

If our resolve does not weaken, and  if  we are diligent about respecting the sovereignty of
other nations (with the exception nuclear weapons), the United States will once again stand proud as the world leader representing peace through strength. 

At the risk of using the wrong messenger to convey the right message, heed the words of Al Capone in The Untouchables: 

“Somebody messes with me, I’m gonna mess with him. Somebody steals from me, I’m gonna say you stole….You can get further with a kind word and a gun, than you can with just a kind word.” 

Early Morn, Pre-Debate Rally For Smith

Well-wisher will gather 8:30 this morning, Oct. 26, outside WPVI Channel 6 on City Line Avenue in suppor of GOP senate candidate Tom Smith in his debate with Democrat incumbent Bob Casey Jr., according to Don Adams of Independence Hall Tea Party PAC 

The debate is closed to the public.
“While Tom is not a practiced professional politician like Bob Casey, we think he’ll more than hold his own against the Senator — Barack Obama’s number one ally in Pennsylvania,” said Adams.
Adams notes that immediately following the greeting,  his group and WPHT talk show host Dom Giordano will host a yard sign party at 3 W. Lancaster Pike, Ardmore, Pa 19003.
Giordano will broadcast from the site from which Romney/Ryan and Catholics for Romney/Ryan/Smith yard signs will be distributed.

Hurricane Watch

So what are you doing this Monday or Tuesday?

A consensus is developing that that’s when Sandy is going to hit the coast of New Jersey and words like “nightmare scenario” and “historic” are being thrown around describing its expected effect.
Granted we are not Madame Marie but maybe some prepping for us on the East Coast is warranted.
Hat tip Tom C