Target Bathroom Policy Bad Business

Target Bathroom Policy Bad Business — Target Corp., April 19, declared that men with severe emotional issues can use the ladies’ bathrooms at its 1,800 discount retail stores and its stock has since droppedĀ  $2.65 per share. Target Bathroom Policy Bad Business

More than a million people haveĀ  signed a boycott petition against it.

If the organized boycott ended tomorrow the business’s future would still be bleak.

The vast majority of those who use the stores are women. People — especially women — don’t want to be in places that creep them out.

If one saw a mouse scamper across the floor of a restaurant one would never return no matter how much one had patronized it in the past.

So imagine a woman seeing the equivalent of a 200-pound mouse in lipstick and a wig and fishnet stockings scamper into the stall next to hers.

If you have Target stock sell it while you can.

And in a related issue, Montgomery County’s Springfield School District has opened its girls rooms to boys who say they feel feminine.

Hippette Superintendent Dr. Nancy Hacker says it was done because a junior at the school was afraid to use the boys’ rooms.

So now the 14 and 15 year old girls, many of whom are just as insecure about their bodies and the changes occurring in them as he, get to share their private space with him.

And maybe other males trying to make a big prank out of it.

With cellphone cameras.

Really stupid people are now running our institutions.

And for those who claim that this is now an undebatable matter of “settled science” here is what the most authoritative scientific voice says.

Target Bathroom Policy Bad Business


Mountain View Monster Email Escape

Mountain View Monster Email Escape — Google has obvious issues for those concerned about privacy. Paoli-based DuckDuckGo is an alternative for browsing the web but what about for those who depend on an email service like Gmail? Mountain View Monster Email Escape

And want it free.

In a Quora discussion, the most promising suggestions appear to be and

Unlike with DuckDuckGo, which we use constantly, we can’t vouch for them from experience. We strongly suspect they are better than something associated with Google, however, and are certainly a starting point for those wishing to wean themselves from the clutches of the Mountain View Monster.

Hat tip Bob Small of Delco Debates.

Mountain View Monster Email Escape — Google is Watching Google is Watching


William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 4-28-16

Wang MangWang Mang was the one and only emperor of the Xin dynasty. He nationalized all land in the empire, set prices through a state purchasing agency, introduced an income tax, and create state monopolies over essential goods.

The people suffered. He was overthrown in a revolt after seven years and his body hacked to pieces.

Are you listening Bernie Sanders?

Wang Mang –William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 4-28-16

Andrew Jackson Defended

Andrew Jackson Defended

By Chris Freind Andrew Jackson Defended

Move over, Jerry Maguire.

When Treasury Secretary Jack Lew says, ā€œShow me the money!ā€ he means it. Literally.

Since changing whoā€™s on our currency clearly ranks as one of todayā€™s most pressing issues, Secretary Lew decided to boot President Andrew Jackson off the front of the $20 bill, replaced by Underground Railroad abolitionist Harriet Tubman.

So what prompted this move? And why now?

Letā€™s take a look:

1. Some will claim that race was the driving factor, with a former slave eclipsing a onetime slave owner.

If race entered into the equation, it shouldnā€™t have. Slavery was wrong, as we know. But do we condemn, for all of eternity, those who owned slaves ā€“ a common practice of that era? Do we disregard, and even whitewash from history, a personā€™s decent qualities and accomplishments, solely because of that?

If thatā€™s the case, every monument to Thomas Jefferson ā€“ by far Americaā€™s biggest hypocrite on the slavery issue ā€“ has to go. The man who threatened to derail the Declaration of Independence if an anti-slavery clause wasnā€™t added was himself an avid slave owner. As a crusader against the practice ā€“ so long as he could keep his slaves ā€“ Jefferson is perhaps Americaā€™s most overrated ā€œhero.ā€

But does that mean we should blast his face off Rushmore and dismantle the Jefferson Memorial? Should we close the University of Virginia, which he founded? Same for George Washington, who also owned slaves. And do we shutter the Ivy Leagueā€™s Brown University, founded on profits from the slave trade?

Of course not. Hopefully, we are mature enough to discern mistakes from accomplishments, celebrating the significance of the latter while not endorsing the former.

Tubman trumping Jackson, while a bad idea for many reasons, has no place in the race debate.

2. President Jacksonā€™s accomplishments ā€“ from defeating the British at the Battle of New Orleans, to founding the Democratic Party, to preserving the Union when South Carolina threatened succession ā€“ earned him a place on the $20 (perhaps the most widely viewed denomination, since itā€™s the predominant bill dispensed by ATMs). That honor should not be revoked, regardless of someone elseā€™s accomplishments. One has nothing to do with the other.

3. In the same vein, Harriet Tubmanā€™s courageous achievements obviously merit recognition. Fine. But do it in such a way that it doesnā€™t diminish a former president.

Build a monument in her honor. Construct a museum. Name a congressional wing. Or yes, place her on U.S. currency, but make it an original denomination, be it a newly minted coin or a $15 bill. But donā€™t denigrate her and that for which she fought ā€“ equality and fairness ā€“ by creating a controversy where there neednā€™t be one.

Both she and President Jackson deserve better.

4. Jacksonā€™s fate was widely expected to be the same for Alexander Hamilton, who was slated to be wiped from the $10 bill. But credit for saving his portrait from the monetary dustbin is being given to ā€“ are you ready for this? ā€“ the Broadway play ā€œHamilton.ā€


Itā€™s bad enough that the Treasury Department is meddling where it shouldnā€™t be, but to base a monumental decision ā€“ right or wrong ā€“ on a fleeting musical is crazy.

Secretary Lew certainly seems to have a lot of time on his hands.

5. At the risk of sounding conspiratorial, is it just coincidence that this news, heralding ā€œwomenā€ and ā€œdiversity,ā€ comes right as Hillary Clinton is about to be the first woman presidential nominee?

And the new bill design will be unveiled, to mammoth fanfare, in 2020, the year in which Mrs. Clinton may well be running for re-election. Another coincidence?

6. So long as weā€™re discussing fairness, how is it right to honor Martin Luther King Jr. with a national holiday ā€“ which he certainly deserves ā€“ by marginalizing George Washington and Abraham Lincoln? Sorry, but two of historyā€™s ā€“ not just American history, but all of historyā€™s ā€“ greatest figures each deserves his own special day. And while weā€™re at it, God spare us from the car and furniture companiesā€™ ā€œPresidentā€™s Dayā€ sale ads, which take desecration to a whole new level.

7. Perhaps most tragic is that so few care about this issue, especially the narcissistic millennials. Broad stroke of the brush, to be sure, but itā€™s nonetheless true that too many simply disregard our history with a cavalier shrug, despite the ease of learning that technology has provided. All the blood, sweat and tears that went into making America the greatest nation in world history is being whitewashed and forgotten, replaced by a gluttonous, I-donā€™t-care-about-that-stuff attitude. And that disdain doesnā€™t stop with history, as there is an equally glib antipathy toward such things as manners, correct grammar and common courtesy.

But so long as they can ā€œlikeā€ the stupidest things imaginable on social media ā€“ while being incapable of holding a basic thirty-second human-to-human conversation ā€” life is good.

Unless we cash in that attitude quickly and buy a dose of common sense, the problem will never be solved, no matter how many Harriet Tubman $20 bills we print.

And you can take that to the bank.

Andrew Jackson Defended

Post Primary 2016 Thoughts

Post Primary 2016 ThoughtsPost Primary 2016 Thoughts — Congratulations Mike Puppio and Pat Meehan, and kudos to Stan Casacio for getting into the arena.

Except for the top of the ticket, our choices did not do so well. Truthfully, the only one we are really upset about is Joe Peters loss to State Sen. John Rafferty (R-44) in the Pennsylvania Attorney General Republican Primary.

A win by Peters would have been a big win for the forces of truth, justice and light, and a big blow to the special interests and those who feel no qualm about looting the public treasury.

And even if Trump lost big, the results of a small committeewoman race in Chester County would still make today a good day.

Congratulations Donna Ellingsen for sticking it to the bullies.

And if one should be wondering we are 100-percent behind Pat Meehan for re-election this November.

Post Primary 2016 Thoughts


Donna Ellingsen Wins

Donna Ellingsen WinsDonna Ellingsen Wins — Donna Ellingsen easily won re-election to her seat asĀ  Elks Township committeewoman.

She beat party-pickĀ  Suzanne M. Dougherty, 195-119, according to Chester County’s election website.

Mrs. Ellingsen has been the subject since January of an attempt by the county GOP rulers to remove her from her position.

Hopefully, her win tonight puts to sleep the party-bosses’ power play.

Donna Ellingsen Wins.

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 4-26-16

Richest President -- Can a rich person be a good president?Richest President — Can a rich person be a good president? Yes. The richest president America ever had was George Washington, with a net worth of $525,000.

$525,000 is not rich you say? In G.W.’s day $1 was worth $1,000 today. Accounting for inflation, his worth would be $525 million.

Richest President — William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 4-26-16

BillLawrenceOnline Voting Choices

BillLawrenceOnline Voting Choices — Today is Primary Day in Pennsylvania and while endorsements are usually counter-productive exercises in arrogance and pomposity, there are still some who follow this site who are curious as to how we (I) will vote.

So here it is:

BillLawrenceOnline Voting ChoicesDonald J. Trump for President. The Donald has boldly said things that needed saying and didn’t back down when confronted by the usual self-appointed arbiters of propriety as political candidates have invariably done in the past. In fact, rather than changing positions on “controversial” matters we have seen other candidates come to his way of thinking.

The issues on which Trump did appear to flip, the flip came quickly and decisively and was not so much a change in substance but nuance.

Trump has run his campaign with brilliance bordering on genius. He has achieved a commanding lead in the face of opposition by the media and the political establishments of both parties. And without funding from special interests. Six months ago, few pundits expected him to be even in the race. Obviously, he has the skills to be president.

Ralph Wike, Jan Ting and Mike Puppio for 7th Congressional presidential delegates. Wike of Springfield and Ting of Haverford Township are declared Trump supporters. Puppio, who chairs the Springfield Republican Party, has pledged to vote for the district’s winner on the first ballot. We know and like Mike, and respect his integrity and political instincts. If the 7th District (or Springfield) go strongly for Trump we suspect he will stick by The Donald. If not, who is to blame him if he does otherwise.

Stan Casacio for Congress. We fully expect his opponent in the 7th District, incumbent Pat Meehan, to win in a landslide. Still every vote for Casacio sends a message to Meehan that there others besides unions and the abortion lobby that he’d better listen to occasionally.

Joe Peters for Attorney General. Peters has a long, highly regarded, non-partisan, boots-on-the-ground career in law enforcement. His opponent, State Sen. John Rafferty (R-44), is a hack. Rafferty takes money from the same crowd that contributed to our present disgraced Democrat Attorney General Kathleen Kane.

We fully understand that there are intelligent and decent people who will choose differently. Excepting the attorney general race. There, an informed intelligent and decent person could only vote for Peters.

BillLawrenceOnline Voting Choices