April 26 Ballot Question

April 26 Ballot Question — There will be one question on the ballot in Pennsylvania spring election, tomorrow, April 26. April 26 Ballot Question

While only registered Republicans and Democrats can vote in their parties’ respective primaries, all registered voters are eligible to weigh in on whether the Pennsylvania Constitution should be amended to abolish Philadelphia Traffic Court.

We think we are going to vote yes.

A question regarding raising the mandatory retirement ages for Pennsylvania judges has been moved to Nov. 8, according to Ballotpedia.

April 26 Ballot Question

Cruz Kasich Play Survivor

Cruz Kasich Play Survivor — Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich announced an alliance, yesterday, April 24, to keep Donald Trump from getting enough delegates to win the Republican presidential nomination in July.

They are missing that the American public is not watching “Survivor” but “The Apprentice” concerning this process, and not with The Donald playing The Donald but they.

If it is perceived that the party powers pick the nominee through backroom deal-making, the little guy and gal who had so excitedly voiced the choice they are ignoring  will look squarely at the Republican Party and say “You’re Fired.”

They will stay home and not vote for the congressional candidates, the senate candidates and the state legislative candidates. It could very well mean the end of the GOP.

People are sick of the political class. They are sick of how they use the spending that has gained us a $19.25 trillion debt to create filthy rich lifestyles for themselves. They are sick of their demand for approval of  strange and intolerant sexual lifestyles. They are sick of their unwillingness to confront an aggressive and violent political philosophy that stands against everything upon which this country was founded.

John Kasich has no chance at a popular nomination and should drop out. If Ted Cruz should shine tomorrow in Pennsylvania and the other primary states, win California and become the nominee at a contested convention, most will find that to be fair.

But if he gets it by playing kindergarten games it is over, and this alliance with Kasich is an indication that that is what he plans to do.

Regarding tomorrow’s Pennsylvania primary, the delegates pledging themselves to Trump in the 7th Congressional District are Ralph Wike of Springfield and Jan Ting of Haverford Township.

A list of delegates statewide is here.

Here is Trump’s statement on the Cruz Kasich Survivor Alliance.

Cruz Kasich Play Survivor It is sad that two grown politicians have to collude against one person who has only been a politician for ten months in order to try and stop that person from getting the Republican nomination.

Senator Cruz has done very poorly and after his New York performance, which was a total disaster, he is in free fall and as everyone has seen, he does not react well under pressure. Also, approximately 80 percent of the Republican Party is against him. Governor Kasich, who has only won 1 state out of 41, in other words, he is 1 for 41 and he is not even doing as well as other candidates who could have stubbornly stayed in the race like him but chose not to do so. Marco Rubio, as an example, has more delegates than Kasich and yet suspended his campaign one month ago. Others, likewise, have done much better than Kasich, who would get slaughtered by Hillary Clinton once the negative ads against him begin. 85 percent of Republican voters are against Kasich.

Collusion is often illegal in many other industries and yet these two Washington insiders have had to revert to collusion in order to stay alive. They are mathematically dead and this act only shows, as puppets of donors and special interests, how truly weak they and their campaigns are. I have brought millions of voters into the Republican primary system and have received many millions of votes more than Cruz or Kasich. Additionally, I am far ahead of both candidates with delegates and would be receiving in excess of 60 percent of the vote except for the fact that there were so many candidates running against me.

Because of me, everyone now sees that the Republican primary system is totally rigged. When two candidates who have no path to victory get together to stop a candidate who is expanding the party by millions of voters, (all of whom will drop out if I am not in the race) it is yet another example of everything that is wrong in Washington and our political system. This horrible act of desperation, from two campaigns who have totally failed, makes me even more determined, for the good of the Republican Party and our country, to prevail!

Cruz Kasich Play Survivor

Green Party Caucus In Delaware County

Green Party Caucus
Moderator Jocolyn Bowser-Bostick presents Darryl Cherney to the audience at the Green Party Caucus.

Green Party Caucus In Delaware County — The Delaware County Green Party held its caucus, today, April 23, at Swarthmore Borough Hall. Seven persons attended and four voted.

Spokesman Bob Small said turnout was way down from recent years as the major parties are still having hotly contested primaries.

There are 13 candidates on the ballot five of whom are endorsed. They are Darryl Cherney of Northern California, Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry of Southern California, William Kreml of South Carolina, Kent Philip Mesplay of Texas and Jill Stein of Massachusetts.

Cherney talked to the audience via Skype. He said that among his achievements were founding the Headwater Redwood Reserve and winning a $4.4 million lawsuit against the federal government after the FBI alleged he and Judi Bari had blown themselves up in a pipe-bomb incident in 1990. He said that among the first things he would do if elected president would be to pardon several people including Chelsea Manning and Leonard Peltier, and cover the White House in solar panels.

He also said he would ban fracking and create a new commission to re-investigate the 9/11 terror attacks. He said the first investigation was a cover-up and cited as evidence the current attempt to declassify of 28 of its pages allegedly implicating Saudi Arabia.

Ms. Curry talked to the audience by phone. She said the Green Party is run by white males over 50 and it is her goal to get more woman of color in power in the party and, presumably, the country.

Statements were read from Kreml and Mesplay by moderator Jocolyn Bowser-Bostick.

Ms. Stein, who was the party’s candidate in 2012, is expected to win the nomination again this year.

There are about 600 Green Party members in Delaware County.

Small noted before the caucus, that while only registered Republicans or Democrats may vote in their respective party primaries on Tuesday, there is referendum question regarding amendments to the state Constitution available to all registered voters.

It is:

Shall the Pennsylvania Constitution be amended to abolish the Philadelphia Traffic Court?

A question regarding raising the retirement age for judges to 75 has been rescheduled until November.

Green Party Caucus In Delaware County

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 4-23-16

England taxed windowsEngland taxed windows — In 1691, England taxed the number of windows on a house. Consequently, houses began to be built with very few windows or people would close up existing windows. When people began to suffer health problems from lack of windows/air, the tax was finally repealed in 1851.

England taxed windows — William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 4-23-16

Operation Bennett Trifecta Kudos

Operation Bennett Trifecta Kudos — Kudos to the Chester Police Department, Pennsylvania State Police Troop K Vice Unit, and the Delaware County Criminal Investigation Division for busting up a long-running cocaine ring in the city’s Ruth L. Bennett Homes housing project.

Fifteen were arrested and city life got just a little bit better.Operation Bennett Trifecta Kudos

The investigation was named Operation Bennett Trifecta.

A list of those arrested can be found here.

Operation Bennett Trifecta Kudos


Free Joe Kenney Concert In Broomall

Free Joe Kenney Concert In BroomallFree Joe Kenney Concert In Broomall — Pianist Joe Kenney will be giving a concert at New Hope Christian Church, 551 Paxon Hollow Road, Broomall, PA 19008, on Sunday, April 24, at 4 p.m. He will be performing works by Bach, Schubert, Liszt, and Debussy. The performance is free and open to the public.

Free Joe Kenney Concert In Broomall

Donald Trump Open Letter

Donald Trump Open Letter

By Chris Freind Donald Trump Open Letter

Dear Mr. Trump:

From your business acumen to your sense of humor to your unprecedented ability to “tell it like it is” where others fear to tread, you are a man of many admirable qualities – qualities, not coincidentally, that are requirements for a successful president.

Which is why it’s so frustrating to watch you continue to implode – a feat entirely of your own making. Despite being firmly in the driver’s seat just a short time ago, controlling your destiny and potentially that of the nation’s, you now find yourself flailing, unable to regain your once-unstoppable momentum. Sure, you won your home state of New York, and will likely do well in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, but barring a miraculous finish, you’ll come up short, forcing a contested Republican convention.

Open convention or not, if you don’t get your head in the game quickly – assuming you truly want to win – not only will you be flushing your chances for the GOP nomination down the toilet, but with it, the hopes of many Americans.

And that’s unfortunate. Donald Trump will land on his feet, no matter what happens. But what about the millions who expended blood, sweat and tears fighting for you, and defending you when your antics were indefensible?

What will you say to those who, justifiably cynical for so long, had given up on representative government and succumbed to apathy? And yet, because of you, they found themselves daring to believe. They rediscovered hope.

How will you look them in the eye and tell them you tried your best when you refused to stop hurling insults and belittling all who oppose you, despite knowing that such behavior has been the major reason for your decline?

Given that your staff seems to be filled with “yes men,” and in spite of an apparent hearing problem that precludes you from listening to common sense, here are a few “Freindly” suggestions, on the eve of the crucially important Pennsylvania primary:

1. Stop whining. No one likes a chronic complainer, and to many (even some supporters), that’s exactly what you’ve become. Adding salt to the wound is that many of your outbursts are filled with considerable inconsistencies, which make you look eminently unpresidential.

Take the delegate situation. When you lose a state and/or its delegates, you typically engage in an insult-laden tirade (often on Twitter because you refuse to hold a press conference), whining about how you’re being cheated, and that the nomination is being stolen from you.

Yet when you win, as you gloat and call opponents third-grade names while telling the world that you have the nomination locked up, we hear none of those complaints. Which is it, Mr. Trump? Because it can’t be both. Granted, the primary system needs significant revision, but you should have known the rules of each state going in. You can’t pick and choose based on how well you perform in a particular state.

2. Be consistent. From the get-go, you had the resources to hire the best and brightest campaign strategists to navigate the labyrinth of rules, but given that Ted Cruz is outmaneuvering you, it’s clear you didn’t pull the trigger and put the proper team in place. Fine. That was a costly mistake, and there’s no such thing as a perfect campaign. Admit it, rectify it, and move on.

But blaming your delegate losses on a grand conspiracy by the party elites to defraud you is make-believe. The rules have not changed since you decided to run, so stop acting like they were. The fact that you got caught unprepared is no one’s fault but your own. Americans want humility in their leader, and will reward those with the ability to admit mistakes (as well as win, and lose, graciously). A dose of such humility would serve you well.

3. Take a lesson from the Boy Scouts: Be prepared. Every candidate makes gaffes on issues, and the American people will overlook them, so long as they’re about trade deal minutiae or the name of the president of Guyana. But stumbling on major issues, such as abortion and visas for skilled foreign workers, ostensibly because you were unprepared, is a killer. Right or wrong, the American people see those mistakes as the result of a cavalier approach to the issues. If you aren’t sure about an issue, saying the magic words, “I don’t know, but will do my homework,” works wonders.

Few expect (or want) their president to be an expert on every issue. But giving bush-league answers on issues that have been around for decades, and then taking multiple positions in rapid succession in a misguided attempt at damage-control is a recipe for disaster.

Learn the issues, and advocate with poise and grace, and you win hearts and minds. It’s late in the game for such advice, but heed it, because it will only get harder from here.

4. Stop playing the victim. The prevailing perception of Donald Trump right now is that of a nasty, mean-spirited bully who can dish it out like a champ, but can’t take an iota of criticism. Instead, he resorts to hurling insults, threatening lawsuits and boycotting people who have “offended” him.

Americans look at your ongoing feud with Fox’s Megyn Kelly and your refusal to participate in debates not to your liking as an ominous harbinger of a Trump administration. Will you walk out on China during trade negotiations because you don’t like a question they ask? Will you boycott media organizations that criticize you? Will we go to war because you refuse to employ diplomacy, tact and, God forbid, restraint when it’s warranted?

People won’t elect a president whom they view as unpresidential, and that will never change.

5. Finally, start spending your own money. Now. As this columnist wrote back in October: “Trump made a huge error by not spending $100 million on a nationwide ad campaign showing a kinder, gentler Donald Trump. Since he is the only one who could afford such a blitz, he could have defined the campaign, leaving his opponents powerless to respond. Incomprehensibly, he did the opposite, putting away his checkbook and accepting campaign contributions. In doing so, he lost his biggest trump card.”

No better time than the present, Mr. Trump.

The ultimate winner will be one who can appeal to a broad GOP constituency. Right now, that leaves you out in the cold. But if The Donald opens his wallet, stops hurling insults, demonstrates a firm grasp of the issues, and eats some humble pie by admitting his mistakes – all while being the only one on the national airwaves telling the Trump narrative – we could see the most exciting convention in history.

And who knows? You might turn out to be the best “Trump card” the Republican Party has had in a long time.

Donald Trump Open Letter