Ebola Crisis Exposes Rotted Government

Ebola Crisis Exposes Rotted Government
By Chris Freind


Ring. Ring.

“Hello? CDC? Yeah. Quick question. I just took care of a guy with Ebola. Maybe you heard of that virus. Anyway, I was wondering — should I fly on a commercial airplane? And I should let you know that I have a fever.”

CDC: “Oh, fever, schmever. Sure. Why not? Enjoy the friendly skies. What’s the big deal?”

* * *

This conversation is obviously a parody of the real call that took place between a nurse that had direct contact with Ebola patient Thomas Duncan, and the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention.

Unfathomably, the CDC, did, in fact, give the thumbs up to Amber Vinson to fly commercially, despite having full knowledge that A.) she had been caring for an Ebola patient, B.) her colleague, nurse Nina Pham, had already contracted Ebola from Duncan, even though she had worn protective gear, and C.) Vinson had a fever — a symptom of the disease.

How is that possible? It is so immensely stupefying that, for once, this writer is at a loss for words, except to say that the American government is, undeniably, broken.

Its handling of the Ebola crisis — or, more accurately, the lack thereof — was, and remains, pathetic. Despite knowing that this Ebola outbreak, which began almost a year ago, was bound to come to America, the CDC made mistake after inexcusable mistake. One would think the “pregame” jitters would have subsided by now, and with it, the incompetence.

But it hasn’t.

In fact, the Dumb And Dumber show continues unabated.

* * *

The problem isn’t just with the CDC. And it’s not just the Obama Administration and Congress. It’s the entire government, at all levels.

Once upon a time, America solved its problems by rolling up its sleeves and getting the job done. From putting a man on the moon to foiling the Soviets during the Cold War, and from passing Civil Rights legislation to building a world-class transportation infrastructure, our leaders used common sense and an iron will to keep America moving forward.

But that has changed.

Somewhere along the way, we fell, and are now stuck in a malaise of stagnation, with far too many comfortable with mediocrity. Gone is the pioneering spirit that embodied what America was — a nation with an unbreakable self-confidence, and a people who innately understood that with a bold vision, and the courage to see it through, nothing was impossible. Whereas once we would never settle for second-best, now we are content with simply being “better than most.”

Which, as this writer has pointed out many times, is like being valedictorian of summer school.

Nowhere is that more apparent than the government’s failures. And before the partisan barbs fly, let’s not forget that it isn’t Obama’s government, nor was it Bush’s. It’s ours. We alone are responsible for picking the captain of our ship, and have no one to blame but ourselves for the course we have taken.

From the DMV to the White House, the failures of government have taken a serious toll on Americans’ optimism, the hallmark that, above all, has set us apart from every other nation.

Common sense has gone out the window. It has been replaced by politicians jockeying for the 30-second sound bite to gain cheap points and throw red-meat to their bases, with zero regard for actually coming up with a real solution.

The result is an America that either charges headlong into a situation before considering the ramifications, or, on the opposite end, sits idle and does nothing, paralyzed to act. When we do emerge from the fog, the crisis is already upon us, forcing us more often than not to make ill-fated decisions.


–America ended its space shuttle program despite having no replacement; now, we must rely solely on the Russians to ferry us to our space station.

–Educational achievement levels continue to decline, yet no innovative solutions are offered; instead, we throw more money at the problem, despite knowing it won’t fix anything.

–We invade country after country with absolutely no clue about how to proceed once regime change is achieved; the results speak for themselves.

— Both Parties talk incessantly about reforming immigration, yet neither has any interest in doing so, creating a huge crisis on the southern border.

–Our onerous tax structure and unfavorable trade policies harm America’s companies, while foreign competitors continue to woo American jobs overseas.

— Despite full knowledge that America’s health care system was not equipped, let alone trained, to deal with the Ebola crisis, the government continues to drop the ball. Now, Americans routinely reject government reassurances that all will be okay. Instead, panic has set in, causing major volatility in the markets.

* * *

Whether it’s the miles of red tape, unaccountable bureaucrats, the bowing to political correctness, an overall aloofness to the concerns of Main Street USA — or all of the above — the causes for Americans’ growing pessimism must be addressed. Quickly.

The alternative is ever so bleak.

Ebola Crisis Exposes Rotted Government

Biden Boy Booted From Navy For Coke

Hunter Biden, the son of Vice President Joe Biden, has been given the boot from the Navy after testing positive for cocaine The Wall Street Journal is reporting.

Biden, 44, a lawyer, was commissioned an ensign in the Navy Reserve in 2013 after decided to join as a public affairs officer.

He was given a drug test upon reporting to his unit at Navy Public Affairs Support Element East in Norfolk, Va. and tested positive for cocaine.

“It was the honor of my life to serve in the U.S. Navy, and I deeply regret and am embarrassed that my actions led to my administrative discharge,” Biden said. “I respect the Navy’s decision. With the love and support of my family, I’m moving forward.

Don’t weep for Hunter too much. He, is a board member of Burisma Holdings, which is Ukraine’s largest private gas producer and is owned by Nikolai Zlochevsky, who was allied the Ukraine’s with Russian-puppet Viktor Yanukovych before the people threw him out in February.

Did you know that Sarah Palin’s son Track served in the military as well?

Biden Boy Booted From Navy For Coke

Biden Boy Booted From Navy For Coke

New Springfield High Plan Leaves Crowd Leary

About 100 persons spent two hours on a Thursday night hearing Springfield School District (Pa) officials detail plans concerning the fate of the high school.

Considering the questions asked, the consensus of the crowd in the auditorium on Leamy Avenue seemed to be “please don’t raise our taxes, we can’t take any more. ”

The officials led by School Director Doug Carney described the current state of things and went through four scenarios as to what to do about it. They were extending the life of the existing building via necessary maintenance, renovating the building, putting a new one  at the intersection of Leamy and Rolling Roads, and putting a new one  adjacent to the Saint Francis property on Saxer Avenue.

Carney noted the maintenance work to extend the life of the building would be far more expensive than most understood due to the asbestos roof, the ancient low-pressure steam heating system and pipes, and the simple pane windows that date to the 1950s.

The discussion was organized to clearly point to the district’s preference of a new high school behind Saint Francis Church, that would have more community athletic fields, parking and better traffic patterns.

It was noted that the building would be smaller than the existing one — the existing one is underused –and have geothermal heat.

Quite a bit of volunteer labor went into the study. The logic behind it is sound and those who did it deserve respect and praise.

However, the plea “we can’t take any more” trumps all.

The costliest of the plans was the one for a new Leamy Avenue building coming in at $150 million, followed by the one for renovating the old high school.

The new school near Saxer Avenue was pegged at $144 million, and the life-extension maintenance at $110 million.

This is a little lower than the costs initially presented in May.

For the most likely plans this translates to an ultimate tax increase of $171 per $100,000 assessed  for the necessary maintenance one which would mean  $250 per year more for a home assessed at the district average of $146,000; and  $273 per $100,000 assessed for the Saxer Avenue one or $398 per year for a home assessed at the district average.

Note the tax will not be implemented all at once but in frog boiling increments — now estimated at between  $26-$46 — over nine years until the max is reached.

In the question period, Carney said in response to rumors about the school district  seeking to buy Saint Francis, that the only contact it has had with the Archdiocese was a plan related to straightening Speakman Avenue, which the Archdiocese rejected.

He also noted that the district is considering unprecedented ways of raising revenue including selling naming rights to the school.

New Springfield High Plan Leaves Crowd Leary

New Springfield High Plan Leaves Crowd Leary
New Springfield High Plan Leaves Crowd Leary
New Springfield High Plan Leaves Crowd Leary
New Springfield High Plan Leaves Crowd Leary

Paycheck Protection Amendment Defeated

An amendment to a school emergency allergy bill, (HB 803) instituting “paycheck protection” was defeated 28-20, yesterday, Oct. 15.

All Democrats voted nay excepted for LeAnna Washington who didn’t vote. They were joined by Republicans Pat Browne, Stewart Greenleaf, Bob Mensch, John RaffertyTommy Tomlinson and Eric Erickson.

Erickson represents the 26th District in Delaware County. There is no point in giving him grief, though, as he vacates his seat this December.  We are disappointed it should be noted.  He has indicated paycheck protection is not something he opposed.

The others, except for Browne who represents Lehigh County, also represent the Philadelphia suburbs.

Paycheck protection would end the almost universal Pennsylvania practice of union dues, fees and political contributions being automatically deducted from the paychecks of government employees including those in the public schools.

This would require supporters of those causes to write checks or make other arrangements to transfer the money, just like, well, the rest of us do.

In places where this was implemented the money for leftist “progressive” groups dried up. They are apparently not so popular that their flock won’t stop the tithes when given the chance.

The amendment was introduced by Scott Wagner of the 28th District who is starting to look heroic.

While there is no point in giving grief to Erickson one might want to send a nod of thanks to embattled Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi of the 9th District  who voted aye and represents most of the rest of Delaware County.

But also give a nod of thanks to Wagner and the others who are battling him.

Paycheck Protection Amendment Defeated

Paycheck Protection Amendment Defeated


Hat tip Matt Brouillette of Commonwealth Foundation

Springfield School Master Plan Meeting Tonight

A report on what happened at the meeting can be found here.

The first Town Hall Community Meeting to discuss the Master Plan for Springfield High Schooll is 7 tonight,  Oct. 16, in the Springfield High School Auditorium at the school, 49 W. Leamy Ave., Springfield Pa. 19046.

The cost of the project is an estimated $150 million.

The meeting will start with a presentation of the overall plan and options, followed by a question and answer period.
It will be broadcast live on SETV which is Ch. 11 Comcast or Ch. 29 Fios.

This is the first of six planned Town Hall meetings. A schedule can be found here.


Springfield School Master Plan Meeting Tonight


Springfield School Master Plan Meeting Tonight

Hat tip Regina Scheerer

James Merkins Fills Scanlon Judge Seat

Congratulations to James Merkins who has been picked to fill the remaining time on the Magisterial District Court Seat that was vacated by Anthony Scanlon when he was appointed to Delaware County (Pa) Common Pleas Court in June.

Merkins will run for a full-term for District Court 32-2-54 in 2015. The court serves the  1st, 5th and 6th wards of Springfield along with the 1st and 3rd precincts of the 2nd Ward.

In other matters, the initial forecast is that Springfield is not getting a municipal tax hike this year, and County Council Chairman Tom McGarrigle is developing an Ebola response policy for the county, which after all is home to one of the world’s major international airports.


James Merkins Fills Scanlon Judge Seat


James Merkins Fills Scanlon Judge Seat


Ebola Equality Political Correctness

Ebola Equality Political Correctness Thomas Frieden                            Ebola Equality Political Correctness Thomas Frieden

Ebola fear is spreading, a contingency the Obama administration should have been preparing for in August if not earlier.

The big reason for the unease is leadership. Obama said it was unlikely to get here and, well, here it  is.

He apparently thought he was dealing with the  j.v. team of contagious disease.

Thomas Frieden, who directs our Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is the man who Obama tapped to deal with matters like this.

As we should have expected, Frieden was not picked  for his skill in dealing with a crisis but for his fidelity to the poison of political correctness.

He was Commissioner of the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene when called to federal service and was best known for distributing condoms to gays and banning trans-fat from New York restaurants.

His brother Jeffrey is  the Stanfield Professor of International Peace at Harvard and critic of free markets.

It’s no wonder why Frieden is fighting quarantines for travelers from West Africa. Equality means Ebola equality as well, after all.

And it’s no wonder  that now Frieden has been compelled to act he is proposing plans that are scaring the pants off of rubber-meets-the-road health workers.

And it’s no wonder that he is giving  blame-ridden explanations without checking the facts i.e. there was no protocol to breach concerning the contagions of those who treated the late Liberian visitor Thomas Duncan.

When your skill set is political pandering that is the thing you do.

The tragedy is that Ebola doesn’t have to be scary, or anywhere near as scary anyway.

The evil, greedy Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. stopped Ebola cold at its 80,000 person rubber plantation in the middle of the Liberian hot zone, it seems and just using common sense and materials at hand.

But then those evil greedy corporate types appear to have treated the issue as crisis and not as an excuse for political posturing and laughable orchestrated photo ops.

Ebola Equality Political Correctness Thomas Frieden



Delco Vet Memorial Honored By Fox29

Delco Vet Memorial Honored By Fox29Margaret Lawrence being interview, Oct. 15, for the Fox29 feature on the Delco Vet Memorial in Newtown Square

The Delco Vet Memorial will be highlighted on the Oct. 27 edition of Fox29’s Good Day Philadelphia with weather anchor Sue Serio doing her feed from the site on West Chester Pike in Newtown Square if we understand the plan correctly.

Delaware County veterans Bob Dimond of Media, Springfield Police Chief Joe Daly and  Margaret Lawrence of Springfield whose quotes can be found on the memorials pillars will be featured.

Kudos to Barbara Ann Zippi and Linda Houldin for setting things up.

Delco Vet Memorial Honored By Fox29