William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 10-23-14

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 10-23-14


Alaska is the westernmost — and easternmost state. Its Aluetian Island chain extends past the Antimeridian i.e the 180th Meridian which is considered to be the dividing line between the east and west hemispheres.

Purdon Ebola Hoax Spreads Facebook Panic

If it’s on the internet it must be true, is the punchline to a joke that is taken to heart much too rarely.

This story about an Ebola-caused quarantine of Purdon, Texas  got 340,000 Facebook shares, reports TheVerge.com.

It is entirely made up.

NationalReport.net, the perpetrator of the hoax, calls itself a satirical site — when caught anyway. There is nothing to indicate it as such on the pages it publishes.

And there is nothing funny about its content i.e. Those who had immediate contact with the infected parties, including several children who shared classes at a local elementary school, have all reportedly been transported to the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, where they are being closely monitored for signs of illness.

Ho ho ho.

It’s no different than the town jackass phoning in a false fire report to get himself some attention.

It is no different than a Delaware State professor blaming Ebola on the CIA.

NationalReport deserves attention and publicity. The entire world should know that it is the town jackass of the internet. Those affiliated with it should know that it is best to leave off of their resumes any connection to it when seeking new employment.

Hat tip Digg.com.



Purdon Ebola Hoax Spreads Facebook Panic


Purdon Ebola Hoax Spreads Facebook Panic


Purdon Ebola Hoax Spreads Facebook Panic

Gaming Nation Is America

eMarketer.com estimates that 101.1 million US consumers of all ages will play games via web browser on a desktop or laptop at least once per month this year
This represents 31.7 percent of the population and 40.2 percent of internet users.
Gaming Nation Is America
Gaming Nation Is America

Ebola Discovery Displayed In ’76 Film

Tom Coniglia has submitted this fascinating link containing contemporary footage of the discovery of Ebola by Belgian microbiologist  Peter Piot in 1976.

Thank you, Tom.

Ebola Discovery Displayed In ’76 Film

Houston Government Endangers Liberty

Houston Government Endangers Liberty
By Chris Freind

Houston, you’ve got a problem.

Based on disturbing events in Texas’ largest city, it’s clear that Ebola is a distant second in the “greatest threat” category.

That honor goes to political extremist Annise Parker, the mayor of Houston.

In a move that is anathema to religious liberty and freedom of speech, Houston, under Parker’s direction, has issued wide-ranging subpoenas to five pastors who attempted to overturn the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO). An “anti-discrimination” law, HERO is also known as the “Bathroom Bill” because a provision allows transgender people to use either male or female restrooms, which the pastors opposed.

After HERO became law in May, the pastors helped gather more than 50,000 signatures to place the issue on a ballot referendum. Since only 17,000 signatures were necessary, it appeared Houstonians, not the mayor and city council, would ultimately decide the fate of the ordinance.

Not so fast.

Even though Houston’s city secretary certified the signatures, city Attorney David Feldman deemed 38,000 — yes, thirty-eight thousand — to be invalid, killing the referendum initiative. Not only do some legal experts contend Feldman acted without legal authority, but much of his reasoning is flawed (such as circulators having to be registered voters, a requirement that has been consistently invalidated by federal judges nationwide).

A lawsuit filed by several citizens challenging the city’s action led to subpoenas of massive scope, demanding privileged information from the pastors in 17 different categories. According to the Houston Press, subpoenaed information included:

–Anything related to Parker, Feldman, HERO or any HERO drafts, and any copies or drafts for the petition to repeal the ordinance;

–Anything related to “the topics of equal rights, civil rights, homosexuality, or gender identity;”

–Any language related to rest room access or “any discussion about whether or how HERO does or does not impact rest room access;”

–Communication with anyone at the religious rights group Alliance Defending Freedom, which has criticized the ordinance.

–“All speeches, presentation, or sermons related to HERO, the Petition, Mayor Annise Parker, homosexuality, or gender identity prepared by, delivered by, revised by, or approved by your or in your possession.”

Hell, they might as well try to find out who killed JFK.

After heavy criticism, the mayor slightly revised the subpoenas, “removing” sermons, which means nothing since sermons are actually speeches, and Parker acknowledged some could still be fair game.

Let’s analyze:

1. None of the subpoenaed pastors are even party to the lawsuit against the city.

2. Parker’s rationale is, “We want the instructions on the petition process.” In other words, how the preachers instructed their congregants regarding the petition drive. The mayor claims that if preachers are politicking from the pulpit, sermons and other communications are fair game. Two problems:

First, this case is only supposed to be about whether there are enough valid signatures to warrant a referendum. The pastors’ viewpoints on the mayor and HERO are completely irrelevant.

Second, one needs to define “politicking.” It’s true that a preacher advocating the election of a particular candidate from the pulpit may place the tax status of his church in jeopardy. But there is nothing illegal about a religious organization advocating positions on various issues. That has been a time-honored tradition in America and, no pun intended, thank God for that.

For example, the push to outlaw slavery was rooted in northern churches as pastors encouraged their flocks to support the abolitionist cause. Same goes for much of the impetus behind the Civil Rights Movement.

America’s freedoms are supposed to prevent religious persecution by government. The actions of Mayor Parker fly directly in the face of that.

3. One has to ask, “Why?” Why is the mayor pushing these subpoenas? Does she have a hidden agenda? One can reasonably conclude that it may be an attempt to intimidate religious leaders — who face jail time for contempt of court if they don’t comply — into accepting the radical agenda of a political ideologue hell-bent on social engineering. In other words, flat-out political retribution.

If the mayor believes so strongly in the ordinance, she should do the honorable thing: Agree to the referendum. If it passes, great. If not, Parker should start doing what the people elected her to do: govern a world-class city, albeit one with many problems.

4. This case has the possibility of setting groundbreaking legal precedent. If the mayor’s actions are upheld, America’s unique freedoms are in mortal danger. The door will be opened for more rights to be obliterated — and once that door is opened, it will never close.

This isn’t a Republican/Democrat, conservative/liberal issue, as its outcome will affect every American. Even supporters of the HERO ordinance should be extremely concerned, for anyone who thinks attacks on free speech and religious liberties are limited to one side of the political spectrum is dangerously misinformed.

Just as those on the Right would be wise to accept the right to burn the flag or protest military funerals, no matter how tasteless, the Left should be up in arms about this frontal assault on the liberties that allow us to express who we are and what we believe, without fear of government intrusion.

Perhaps more than any other state, Texas knows a thing or two about fighting oppressors and protecting rights. So here’s hoping they take the steer by the horns and throw the subpoenas right where they belong — in the trash.

Otherwise, start saying your prayers.


Houston Government Endangers Liberty

John Kane Neglects Secret Daughter

The Democrat candidate for the 26th Pennsylvania Senate District has a secret daughter whom he has been neglecting it seems.

The Philadelphia Daily News reports that Kristin Holgerson, 32, of Maryland has posted this on Facebook:

DELCO Friends & Family: In November you’re going to have to vote for a person for State Senate seat. One of these men is not who he says he is. He claims to be a family man, launching his campaign with a commercial with all of his children in it. Well, that commercial is missing someone. Me. As some of you already know, I never had a relationship with my father. I knew his name at a young age and around 20 I met him for the first and last time. After our meeting, despite telling me I could call him at any time, he changed his number and I haven’t heard from him since.

Apparently what set Ms. Holgerson off was Kane’s commercials portraying himself as a dedicated blue collar family man.

Are we really surprised?

Kane has an income of $277,000 from work related to managing the affairs of Plumber’s Local 690 of Philadelphia and Vicinity and $119,213 comes from co-chairing the union’s vacation, a job which he has told the IRS only requires from him one hour per week.

How is that anything but an indication of self-centered arrogance and shlock?

How is that anything other than proof positive he cares only for himself and doesn’t give a rat’s tail about the union guys who chip in to have him manage their affairs?

Kane’s Republican opponent is Tom McGarrigle, a guy who owns a well-liked garage on Woodland Avenue in Springfield and by all accounts is a dedicated blue collar family man.

We have been told a story will be running in the Delaware County Daily Times.

John Kane Neglects Secret Daughter

John Kane Neglects Secret Daughter

Dog’s Purpose Explained

This off the internet is courtesy of PinkPoodleMaconga.com

A Dog’s Purpose (from a 6-year-old). …..

Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog’s owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle. I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn’t do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home. As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience.

The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker’s family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away. The little boy seemed to accept Belker’s transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker’s death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives have shorter than human lives. Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, “I know why.” Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me.

I’d never heard a more comforting explanation. He said, “People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?” The Six-year-old continued, “Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don’t have to stay as long.”

Dog's Purpose Explained

Of course, there are some dogs who really need to stick around for awhile.

Dog’s Purpose Explained


PennDOT Survey Seeks Feedback

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation is requesting public comment for improving customer services through an online survey, reports State Rep. Jim Cox (R-129).

The survey is designed to collect public feedback on safety, education and mobility needs to help guide future mobile service development.

The brief survey asks participants to prioritize safety and mobility needs related to PennDOT areas, such as public transit and driver and vehicle services, says Cox. Participants will also share feedback on educational opportunities for interacting with the department.

Residents of Pennsylvania can take the survey here.

PennDOT Survey Seeks Feedback

PennDOT Survey Seeks Feedback

Mobile Tracking Wanted By 27 percent

eMarketer.com reports that  27 percent of US smartphone owners would allow mobile in-store tracking in order to receive relevant, real-time information and offers especially information and offers involving price.
It noted that 24 percent don’t have a strong opinion and just a little bit less than half are totally creeped out by the idea.
If merchants can make 27 percent of customers happy with the new tech expect it to happen.
Mobile Tracking Wanted By 27 percent