Brat Scares Amnesty Establishment

Dave Brat’s earthshaking defeat of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, June 10, in Virginia’s 7th District Congressional Republican primary should sound the siren for those who equate “immigration reform” as “amnesty, amnesty, amnesty or you’re a bigot.”

This would be most of the Republican establishment.

OK, you got your wake up call.

And here’s your bonus clue: instead of putting “amnesty” in the lead of your immigration reform proposals put “enforcement”. Work from the premise that our immigration and border control laws are necessary and just.

Really, simply say these words:  our immigration and border control laws are necessary and just.  Watch the mouths drop on the mainstream commentators and editorial writers. Watch them start to sputter. Watch the rest of America applaud.

Most of us conservatives don’t hate Mexicans — or  Irish, Chinese, Hondurans etc. who also have an illegal presence here. Most of us don’t think that they are evil people. Most of us understand that if we were in their shoes we might skirt the law to live in America if given the chance.

Imagine a red light. A driver who rolls through one is not a monster. But suppose  a cop rather than a ticket upon catching one gives him free food, health care and a college education. So much for orderly traffic. The system breaks down and the roads become unusable.

The first step in immigration reform should be to require that every government agency at every level have EVerify to check the immigration status of applicants.

Yes, this includes school districts.

The second step is to allow law enforcement officers at all levels to enforce the law they have sworn to duly uphold.

The third step is to impose painful sanctions on governments sworn to uphold the law who publicly declare they won’t. This means consequences for all who declare their cities to be sanctuaries. The consequences can include loss of funding and greater presence of federal law enforcement. Remember our immigration laws are just and necessary.

The fourth step is one of diplomacy aimed specifically at Mexico. Americans must be allowed to own property in Mexico along the border without being bound to a Mexican real estate bank. Mexico also must become safer. It had a murder rate as of 2012 of 22 per 100,000. This five times that of the United States which is 4.7 per 100,000. Mexico has strict gun control. We must push to get that nation to adopt the Second Amendment so they actually have the right to bear arms rather than just keep them in their homes. Oh, just imagine the heads that would spin when this is proposed. Yes, we must encourage the sane, law-abiding Mexicans who want to be left alone to be armed rather than arm the thugs in that nation which is perversely what our policy has been under the Obama administration. Finally, we have to bring home Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi.

At that point we can start talking about cutting some slack to those who have been living here illegally for a long time and have assimilated into this country as a productive member of their community. Note this would not include gang members.

Brat Scares Amnesty Establishment

Brat Scares Amnesty Establishment








Tesla Bill Angers Other Auto Makers

State Sen. John Rafferty (R-44) introduced SB 1409, June 9, that would change Pennsylvania’s Board of Vehicles Act of 1983 so that a  “manufacturer or distributor may own, operate or control a new vehicle dealership trading solely in electric vehicles”.

It contains a whole lot of other conditions so that it basically solely applies to Tesla Motors, the California maker of electric cars that use a franchise-free, web-based, direct sale model.

Existing law prohibits auto makers from selling directly to customers hence the need for franchises to act as middle-men.

Tesla certainly should be allowed to sell directly to customers.

Of course, so should Ford, Toyota, BMW etc.

If the law should be repealed entirely so that all auto-makers may sell directly to consumers via the internet what would happen to the poor franchise owners?

Weathers Dodge in Middletown, Delaware County, was closed in 2010 after 78 years as part of Obama’s plan for reorganizing Chrysler.  It became Weathers Motors where it sells used cars and provides superb service.

The former franchises that offer good deals on used cars and provide superb service will survive. The others? Would you shed tears for them?

Tesla Bill Angers Other Auto Makers


Tesla Bill Angers Other Auto Makers


School Bosses Make Big Bucks

School Bosses Make Big Bucks

Philadelphia School Bosses Make Big Bucks

The always excellent Commonwealth Foundation  published last month the first issue of Commonwealth Commentary, an old-fashioned, dead-tree newsletter.

Featured was an article by Maura Pennington describing how the Philly school bosses make big bucks despite the district being broke and crying for more money.

Ms. Pennington notes that Philadelphia School Superintendent William Hite pulls in $270,000 (not counting benefits) and his deputy makes $210,000.

Contrast that to the $175,000 salary pulled down by Gov. Tom Corbett.

Ms. Pennington reports that eight assistant superintendents make $145,000 each and the district’s budget director makes $128,724.

All told, 395 employees — about the size of a typical suburban graduating class — make over $100,000.

Again, not counting benefits.

The real reason that school vouchers and charter schools are opposed by these educational establishment is not because they are ineffective but because they will derail the gravy train.

The cost of a charter school is about 60 percent of that of a public school.

Hat tip Judy and Lynn

School Bosses Make Big Bucks



Honor Flight Trip Approaches

The first trip of 2014  for Honor Flight Philadelphia is June 21.  Participating will be 176 World War II veterans.

The return will be 6:15 p.m., at St. Kevin’s Church, 200 W. Sproul Road, Springfield Pa. 19064.

Volunteers are sought to welcome them back with cheers and flag waving.

Honor Flight provides an all-expense paid trip for veterans to Washington D.C. to visit their memorials. The veterans are treated to a banquet upon their return.


Honor Flight Trip Approaches

Honor Flight Trip Approaches

Bill Gates Money Common Core BSoD

Common Core is spreading through the nation like, well, a computer virus and The Washington Post explains how it happened.

The article  is a paean for the sickness. One would expect that, however, in an organ of the feudal establishment.

Common Core is the educational standard that is being imposed quickly and without much discussion. It contains a strong whiff of Orwellian indoctrination.

The reason why it spread so quickly and quietly as per the Post is money. Lots and lots of money, namely that of Bill Gates, whose significant technological accomplishments might be the Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) and, ironically, our malware epidemic.

If you should be wondering why the governor or state representative or state senator who sings hymns to conservatism and local governance is not fighting this garbage, now you know the trail to follow.

Bill Gates Money Common Core BSoD

Bill Gates Money Common Core BSoD


Barack Obama La Vida

Barack Obama La Vida

Barack Obama La Vida, pillars of salt, pillars of sand

Barack Obama is having a tough time of it.

His staggering incompetence is becoming apparent to even the hippest hipsters.

The most love-struck soccer mom is now beginning to understand that he is basically just an arrogant a-hole.

Even newspaper editors and television commentators are turning on him.

Yes, as in Chris Matthews.

Well, Barry. Today’s song is just for you.

Philadelphia Press Association 69th Banquet

Philadelphia Press Association 69th Banquet

Congratulations to Philadelphia Press Association winners Margie Royal, Peg DeGrassa, Anne Neborak and David Bjorkgren from the Delco News Network. With them (center) is Association President Pat Delsi.

Yesterday, June 8, was the Association’s 69th Annual Award banquet which was held at Anthony’s Creative Italian Cuisine in Haddon Heights, N.J.

The food was delicious and far surpassed typical banquet fair. Kudos to Press Association treasurer Renee Winkler for her choice of beer and wine.

Margie won honorable mention for Newspaper Writing Weekly Division; Peg won third place Newspaper Writing Weekly Division, and second and third place for Business Coverage Combined; Anne won first and second place for Sports Photography, first place for Feature Photography, third place for Breaking News Photography, and second place for Newspaper Writing Weekly; and David won first and second place for Column Writing Weekly, and first place for Editorial Writing.

The complete list of winners can be found at the Philadelphia Press Association website.

Philadelphia Press Association 69th Banquet




Bill Addresses Elder Abuse

The Pennsylvania House, June 3, passed legislation to help protect senior citizens from being taken advantage of by a power of attorney, said State Rep. Jim Cox (R-129)

The vote was 197-1 with State Rep. Carl Metzgar (R-69) being the dissenter.

House Bill 2007 aims to address situations where a power of attorney fails to comply with the agent’s directives listed throughout the document, said Cox. The legislation would require the official notice that failure to comply could result in criminal charges, eliminating a legal loophole of ignorance.

The legislation also would allow Area Agencies on Aging the ability to seek access to confidential records of a senior through a court order, if they believe that a crime is being committed and the senior lacks the capacity to give consent.

The legislation is now before the Senate.

Bill Addresses Elder Abuse

Bill Addresses Elder Abuse

Another Botched Abortion

By Janet Morana

Lakisha Wilson would be alive  if we cared about women’s health. Because if we did, if we really cared about women’s health, we would have banned abortion long ago, as soon as it became obvious that abortion was equally deadly in the front office and the back alley.

Earlier this spring we watched the CEO of General Motors get a public dressing-down because her company failed to recall cars to perform a very inexpensive fix until thirteen people had died. The broken-hearted families of some of these GM victims have been interviewed on television and we feel for them. We understand their grief. We know that losing a loved one from a completely preventable cause feels woefully unfair.

We may never see the family of Lakisha Wilson on TV. We will not be shown what her family is going through, knowing that they lost this beautiful 22-year-old woman because of a harmful and deadly procedure that should have been recalled decades ago. Certainly no CEO will face a congressional grilling. Did you see Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards facing angry politicians after one of her clinics let Tonya Reaves bleed to death in Chicago? No.

When abortion is the cause of death, there is a whole new set of rules. It’s not mentioned in the media. Death certificates are tailored to make it seem that it wasn’t the abortion that killed these women. The pro-aborts on Twitter barely make a sound. But the fact remains that Lakisha Wilson would be alive today if she hadn’t gone to Preterm clinic in Cleveland to end the life of her baby. And her child would still be kicking in her womb.

The cloak of silence around abortion is so heavy that we would not even know of Lakisha’s death had it not been for the pro-life protesters and sidewalk counselors who watched her taken away by ambulance, and we would not have heard the total nonchalance with which a clinic worker summoned an ambulance to attend a to a young woman who was not breathing if not for the tireless efforts of our friends at Operation Rescue. They are leading a press conference today to make sure people do learn of Lakisha and what killed her.

There is never a reason compelling enough to kill an unborn child, but somehow we as a society have learned to avert our eyes. We cannot let this willful blindness obscure the truth about abortion. It is a harmful product that kills women and their children, and it needs to be recalled before one more mother exercises her freedom of choice and dies in the process.

Please go to and sign the petition to demand that abortion is taken off the market.

And if you are not convinced then read my book, Recall Abortion where there is compelling evidence as to why this product called abortion should be recalled!


Janet Morana is executive director of Priests for Life and co-founder of  Silent No More Awareness Campaign.  This column and more like it can be read on Janet’s Blog.

Another Botched Abortion

Another Botched Abortion