Secret Service Driver Kept From Testifying For Trump

Secret Service Driver Kept From Testifying For Trump — The crazy claim that President Trump attempted to wrench the steering wheel from his Secret Service was promoted by the kangaroo congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021 protests and diligently reported as plausible by the controlled corporate media.

Apparently Trump was trying to force the Secret Service to take him to the Capitol so he could lead an insurrection or something.

It was based on a tale spun by Cassidy Hutchinson who was an assistant to Mark Meadows who was The Donald’s final chief of staff.

It was bad enough that this bizarre story was taken at face value, but kangaroo committee hid indisputably exculpatory evidence that would have quashed it in its crib.

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley has a column, today, June 5, noting how the driver said nothing of the sort happened and sought to tell the committee such. His testimony, however, was stonewalled until the false and crazy tale became ingrained in the public knowledge.

Those who run our nation are worse than mad. People better wake up else real misery awaits.

Secret Service Driver Kept From Testifying For Trump

One thought on “Secret Service Driver Kept From Testifying For Trump”

  1. Any idiot that thinks potus is riding “shotgun” in the beast and not behind several inches of shatterproof glass in the back seat is just that, an idiot.

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