Shapiro And Others Charged With Obstructing Vote Fraud Investigation In Formal Complaint

Shapiro And Others Charged With Obstructing Vote Fraud Investigation In Formal Complaint — Greg Stenstrom of Glen Mills has filed criminal charges against Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, former Gov. Tom Wolf, Delaware County District Attorney Frederick J. (Jack) Stollsteimer and others for obstructing an official proceeding with regard to quashing criminal investigations of voter fraud related to the 2020 Election in Pennsylvania.

Shapiro was then the state’s attorney general.

Leah Hoopes, who is Stenstrom’s partner concerning the battle for election integrity in Delaware County, posted on X, that this action mandates a formal investigation and gives leverage to Congress and the Supreme Court to suspend election interference by the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE).

“(There is) no way around these charges,” Ms. Hoopes said. “This is (the difference) from all previous cases submitted to state and federal officials and agencies by other election integrity groups . . .and what we have been quietly and diligently working on and assembling for almost four years.”

The documents submitted can be read here.

Stenstrom and Ms. Hoopes are the authors of The Parallel Election concerning what happened in Delaware County. A 20-minute documentary describing what happened can be found here.

Shapiro And Others Charged With Obstructing Vote Fraud Investigation In Formal Complaint

Shapiro And Others Charged With Obstructing Vote Fraud Investigation In Formal Complaint

7 thoughts on “Shapiro And Others Charged With Obstructing Vote Fraud Investigation In Formal Complaint”

  1. Getting closer! A fine example of how We, The People, have to be the ones taking back our country. No-one is coming to save you

  2. How are they able to afford all of these lawsuits? We’d love to file a slew of them in Allegheny County but we can’t afford it.

  3. I just sued Shapiro for rico crimes along with 54 other officials! Follow my page speak up!

  4. The video link has stopped working. I was halfway through watching it. It will not open on any of the 4 browsers I have tried so far.

  5. What happened to the 100 or so cases of 2-state voting that were reported to PA Elections from the 2020 and 2022 gen elections?

    PA threw all of them away. No investigation into the cases.

    Who’s going to dig into that?

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