Staying on Track

The Roar

Staying on Track

How is it that we start off our Republican primary season with contests that are essentially “open to the public?”  And how about Romney’s dominance?  Let’s not kid ourselves, this is another media product.  All of a sudden, Paul becomes a factor and that plastic face slicked down hair styled Huntsman now acts as a contender.  All with media applause.

Along the way, talking heads are announcing that the Tea Party is a wash, no more.  WOW!  What are we expected to do in January, ten months before the election?  Do not buy into their propaganda.  We are waiting and growing.  And the bottom line is that for the vast majority of those with the three pointed hats, whoever is nominated, the Tea Party will support.

Sure, we have our preferences but the one overall point of agreement is that Obama will be the loser come November.  And by the way, judging from his recent abuses, he senses this and is doing all the mischief he can.  So be it since he is only growing our Tea ranks.

Not only has the Tea Party, in 2010,  brought many into representation, we have also uncovered what previously went unknown.  There is as republican presence, often consisting of the most respected and relied upon individuals, which are now known with the RINO label after their names.  This is one fantastic accomplishment coming out of those mid-terms.  The playing field has been greatly altered by this outing of weasels.

Also, punditry weasels have been identified.  The former hallowed belief in that “fair and balanced” network also has undergone a public questioning.  Leading the RINO charge is the incessant double speak from Karl Rove.  I mean, does he really believe that the average voter hangs onto every bit of opinion emanating from this arrogant bore?  And Krauthammer is no better.

So with the final result of this recent contest in New Hampshire, with all the independent impact, is there any wonder as to the ascendency of Paul and Huntsman?  I noticed one amazing thing to come out of Iowa.  Huntsman didn’t even enter that contest but somehow garnered much of the questions in that initial New Hampshire debate.  Why was that?  Care to venture a guess?

Time and space do not allow for my take but this subject will come up in my next posting.  Suffice to say that similar to that RINO presence, while maybe suspected, it never-the-less continued unabated and deeply hidden until the Tea Party’s impact. So will other influences surface, and in this case, will be connected with Huntsman in particular.
Stay tuned.

Jim Bowman, Author of,
This Roar of Ours

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