The ‘Journalism’ Of Joe McGinniss

Joe McGinniss, who was a sportswriter for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, a columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer and was a one-time, long-time resident of Swarthmore, has written a book that is causing much pain in a family and might very well destroy a decent person who has much to bring to the political discourse.

The book is, well, there’s not really a good reason to name it.

But SayAnythingBlog.Com has an article by Rob Port with a first hand description of the style of “journalism” for which McGinniss has become known.

Port is the son of an Alaskan state trooper who had been  tasked with investigating in the 1980s the molestation of several girls — one of whom turned out to be Port’s sister–  by a Wasilla public school teacher named Walter Koenig.

The principal came under fire from the community for not taking complaints about the molestation seriously. Remember, this was the 1980s.

Sarah Palin’s father, Chuck Heath,  was a teacher in the district and he came to the principal’s defense.

McGinniss contacted Port via email  hoping he’d throw some mud on Heath. Instead, Port responded that it was a dead issue and the Heaths and Palins were fine people.

McGinniss then emailed Port with a narrative that implied Heath and Port’s dad were somehow enablers of pedophilia.

Port never responded.

But he did save the email exchange and now they are on his site which can be found here.

The most important thing established by McGinniss is that he is a cancer on journalism, if not the entire human race.

The ‘Journalism’ Of Joe McGinniss


The 'Journalism' Of Joe McGinniss

4 thoughts on “The ‘Journalism’ Of Joe McGinniss”

  1. I knew McGinniss back in the days when he worked at The Bulletin, He was a creep then, and he obviously hasn’t changed.

  2. No doubt Joe McGinniss will be offered a job at the New York Times since his qualifications are so well-suited to their corporate culture.

  3. Sarah Palin –
    “So, this is why we must remember that the challenge is not simply to replace Obama in 2012. The real challenge is who and what we will replace him with. It’s not enough to just change up the uniform. If we don’t change the team and the game plan, we won’t save our country..”

    Just, “Anyone is better than Obama” is not good enough to save our country. Not even close.

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