Thoughts On Secession

Barack Obama may be the most divisive president since Lincoln, yet has neither his intelligence, moral character, work ethic nor his willingness to bend over backwards to find common ground with his opponents.

So movements have begun in various red states calling for secession from the Union. Pretty much a joke, right?
Well the media outlets now are writing hand-wringing articles saying what a disaster it would be for the red states which is not what one does when one is laughing.
The rebuttal to such claims is that   relatively small nations do just fine and that places like Qatar, Norway and Switzerland are as rich or richer than we are. 
It is worth considering how much better off we Pennsylvanians with our new found natural gas bounty would be without the debt-laden millstones of New York and California.
Just sayin’

4 thoughts on “Thoughts On Secession”

  1. The one thing I noticed was that at least a third of the people signing the petitions didn’t even live in the state it was for. A lot of bogus names. The other fact that Texas is really the only state that is self sufficient.
    CNN) — Nothing says “sore loser” like threatening to leave the country after an election defeat. And that’s what hundreds of thousands of Americans have done by petitioning for their states’ secession on the White House website. It’s reminiscent of the great British tradition of right-wing celebrities threatening to leave the UK if the Labour Party wins power. Alas, they never do.
    Legally, secession is impossible, and all attempts to do it have failed. But it’s not a philosophically unattractive idea. A democratic society works best when it’s rooted in the principle of free association: We all get along with one another because we choose to. Good will is maintained because the individual’s membership in the community is voluntary — were it compulsory, that would breed resentment. But free association only works so long as the individual is free to disassociate when he or she wants.
    The call for secession will be mocked and dismissed. But while it is built on a legal fallacy, it does articulate honestly the feelings of a growing number of conservatives who feel emasculated in 21st century America. It’s now the duty of the Republican Party to try to integrate them back into mainstream, legitimate politics.

  2. You do know NY is another one of the states wanting to secede, right? Also, they’re just petitions started by random people – it’s not actually going to happen.

    Thirdly, I’ve been watching this website (which has been riding the “philly’s best website 2010 train for 2 years too long) turn more and more into a hate page for liberals and democrats. Obama is more than willing to bend over backwards to work with his oponents – the republicans just refuse to vote for anything he says and sandbags every idea he puts on the table. If he refuses to work with anyone, how was he working with chris christy so well to help out NJ during Sandy? He got them help a helluva lot faster than Bush did the people during Katrina. You DO know Lincoln was hated while he was in office, but is one of the most beloved Presidents now.

    You might as well change this sites name to

  3. Just remember that Obama is still YOUR president. You live in the US, so he’s YOUR president. If you don’t like it, then leave the country. As in YOU. Not a whole state that doesn’t wanna go with you. Or suicide. That’s always an option.

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