I have been extremely busy traveling around the Commonwealth meeting people, and learning issues that are important to them.
People keep asking me what my campaign is about and what is my plan to beat Governor Wolf.
If you are interested in learning more about my plan and activities as I travel around our great Commonwealth, please visit my website by clicking here: www.wagnerforgov.com.
My calendar is packed with events, meetings, and fundraising events until the end of the year and we continue to add more each week.
I am not running to be the next Governor of Pennsylvania because I think the job is fun or I need something to do – I am on a mission to make Pennsylvania greater than it is today.
Each and every day as I meet people and business owners across Pennsylvania I become more energized to clean up Harrisburg and solve problems and seize opportunities.
One question which a few people have asked is: “What has Scott done since he arrived in Harrisburg, he doesn’t to seem to have accomplished much?”
I was not elected to introduce meaningless legislation every day so I feel good and it impresses my constituents.
I made a decision to run for Governor because I witnessed first-hand as soon as I arrived in Harrisburg in April of 2014 the dysfunction that is blocking Pennsylvania from moving forward.
Ask yourself this question – “Are you better off today since Governor Wolf has been in office”?
If you want school taxes eliminated, better high paying jobs, less regulations, better treatment of veterans and seniors, to name a few examples, then please consider supporting me.
Harrisburg is screaming for a Governor who understands the private sector business world and issues that affect jobs being eliminated, or issues that affect jobs from being created – I am a private sector business owner who started several businesses from scratch – I know the issues inside and out affecting businesses that employ Pennsylvanians.
Harrisburg is screaming for a Governor who is a proven leader and is a visionary.
Harrisburg is screaming for a Governor who understands the importance of people, promotes communication, building teams, setting goals, measuring success or failure – people want to know how well they are doing and to be a part of something great.
Harrisburg is screaming for a Governor who can and will solve the issues in Pennsylvania.
That leads me to the single largest issue in Pennsylvania, and that is the heroin and opioid crisis.
Shortly after I was sworn into the State Senate, I was supplied first-hand information on the heroin and opioid crisis in Pennsylvania.
In July of 2014, The York County Heroin Task Force was formed by David Sunday from the York County District Attorney’s office, York County Coroner Pam Gay, law enforcement officials, community leaders and victims relatives.
What I have learned since joining the Senate, and what I continue to learn each and every day about this crisis leads me to be willing to estimate the cost to Pennsylvania’s citizens and businesses – minimum $25 billion annually and rising.
When I become Governor, I will have an emergency meeting with the district attorneys and law enforcement officials from across the state to determine what I can do as the governor of Pennsylvania to assist them to deal with this crisis.
The heroin crisis is getting worse by the day and it needs action immediately.
I pledge to the law enforcement community that within the first three days that I am sworn in as the next Governor of Pennsylvania, I will reverse by executive order, the moratorium on the death penalty imposed by Tom Wolf.
But he won’t keep weird men out of the little girls room.
Regarding heroin and opioid use, Wagner makes the same omission that everyone else does, from our public officials, to the family and friends of people who use those drugs, destroying their lives: No one talks about expending effort to keep people from using drugs in the first place. Yes, people who sell drugs should be punished, and yes, people who have addictions need treatment. But if we were to expend more effort to keep them from using in the first place, it would cost us less-and I don’t mean just in terms of money, but the emotional costs to our families.
To me, it’s of a piece with the Left’s/Progressives stance on kids having sex–they’re going to do it, anyway, we can’t keep them from doing it, so let’s tell them where to get contraceptives. Same thing in this case. Kids and young adults are going to use drugs–hell, we share our weed with the kids, it’s harmless, after all–so we might as well do nothing to stop them.
It was true to previous generations, and it is still true today: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Well at least that’s ONE thing I agree with Wagner on, but it’s not enough to get my vote since he’s for the bathroom bills and HB76 (which will destroy our public school system by putting HARRISBURG in charge of collecting and distributing funds to our school districts).
For those of us in Pennsylvania, Senate bill 613 would add sexual orientation, gender identity or expression to a list of protected classes. There are several Dems and 2 republicans cosponsoring the bill. Senator Wagner, who is running for governor is one of the 2 republicans supporting this bill. This is the gateway bill to move the progressive left agenda forward. WELCOME TO PA!
Wagner ought to move to Philadelphia and register as a Democrat!