China Bought Dominion Fact Checked

China Bought Dominion Fact CheckedThis story hit a nerve. It’s getting “fact checked” by self-proclaimed gatekeepers at Facebook and elsewhere.

Things have evolved and some of the criticism is legitimate. For instance, it is correct to point out that the securities sold by Staple Street Capital went to UBS Securities Co., LLC.

This is UBS’ New York affiliate, not the UBS Securities Co., Ltd. that is openly affiliated with the Chinese communists, and which we incorrectly cited as the purchaser.

On the other hand, some of this evolution is in a far more frightening direction. It turns out that  three of the board members of UBS Securities Co. LLC are Chinese according to

Two of them, at least, have close ties to the Chinese government, according to NTD, and by the fact-checker for that matter.

We think that’s worse. The enemy you see is less dangerous than the one you don’t.

The “fact checker” says the UBS Securities didn’t buy Dominion Voting Machines but appears merely to have used the $400 million to acquire a partnership in Staple Street Co., Dominion’s owner. This was a month before the election.

How exactly is that better?

We are not offended by the fact checking. We are offended/angered/frightened, however, that these well-financed media “authorities” are more concerned about this story than the influence the Chinese government has obtained over one of our major voting machine suppliers.

It’s also worth noting that in another serendipitous coincidence, a company controlled by a rabid partisan Democrat acquired in July voting machine maker Hart InterCivic.

Below, is the original story about the Chinese and Dominion.

It’s not a theory when you have the documentation. Just saying that for my conspiracy theory fans.

Staple Street Capital III, L.P. sold $400 million in securities to UBS Securities Co., Ltd. as reveled 12:15 today, Dec. 1, by attorney Lin Wood in a cryptic tweet to a link to the sale’s SEC Form D.

The SEC Form D was filed Oct. 8.

Form D is the required notice for companies that have sold securities without registration under the Securities Act of 1933 under certain conditions.

The filing must be within 15 days of the sale.

Staple Street Capital is the New York-based, private equity firm that acquired Dominion Voting Systems in July 2018.

Dominion voting machines were used in 28 states, Nov. 3.

Many think they could be programmed to flip votes from one candidate to another or delete votes for an undesired candidate.

UBS Securities Co., Ltd. is a Chinese investment bank controlled by the Chinese government.

That’s right, it looks like the Chinese ran our election, at least in a lot of places. Do not concede Mr. President.

China Bought Dominion Fact Checked
China Bought Dominion In October
China Bought Dominion Fact Checked
China Bought Dominion Fact Checked
China Bought Dominion Fact Checked

Treason War And Election

Treason War And Election — If you haven’t seen this snippet from Tucker Carlson’s Dec. 7 program where Di Dongsheng, a professor at Renmin University in Beijing and a flunky of the Chinese Communist Party, saysat the top of America’s core inner circle of power and influence, we have our old friends” you can check it here:

Di implied the “old friends” were behind Biden’s campaign.

 But now we’re seeing Biden was elected [laughter]. The traditional elite, the political elite, the establishment, they’re very close to Wall Street. So you see that, right? Trump has been saying that Biden’s son has some sort of global foundation. Have you noticed that? Who helped him [Biden’s son] build the foundations? Got it? There are a lot of deals in all these. [laughter, applause]

Yeah, and now it’s been established that Hunter Biden is the subject of a criminal investigation despite the pre-November squawking denials of the “old friends” in the establishment. If Hunter is owned, “The Big Guy” is too.

And it’s also been established that the Chinese targeted — and co-opted — American political figures, academics and, it’s safe to assume, media members.

These included former Democrat presidential contender Congressman Eric Swalwell of California’s 15th Congressional District, who was tapped for the House Intelligence Committee in his second term, an unusually fast track.

The Chinese appeared to have begun nurturing Swalwell when he was a Dublin City councilman. Kinda makes your stomach sink if you think about it.

The 2020 Election might have been an act of war. Treason was certainly involved.

Don’t doubt that Trump is the winner.

Treason War And Election
Want to have some fun? Show Joe Biden this and ask him to grab his dog’s tail while taking a shower.
Treason War And Election

China Bought Dominion In October

China Bought Dominion In OctoberThis story hit a nerve. It’s getting “fact checked” by self-proclaimed gatekeepers at Facebook and elsewhere.

Update: “Fact checker” Lead Stories works for PRC-connected tech firm Bytedance.

Update 2: Dominion Machines Internet Connection Proved

Things have evolved and some of the criticism is legitimate. For instance, it is correct to point out that the securities sold by Staple Street Capital went to UBS Securities Co., LLC. This is UBS’ New York affiliate, not the UBS Securities Co., Ltd. that is openly affiliated with the Chinese communist, and which we incorrectly cited as the purchaser.

On the other hand, some of this evolution is in a far more frightening direction. It turns out that  three of the board members of USB Securities Co. LLC are Chinese according to and Epoch Times.

Two of them, at least, have close ties to the Chinese government.

We think that’s worse. The enemy you see is less dangerous than the one you don’t.

One of the “fact checkers” says that USB Securities didn’t buy Dominion Voting Machines but merely used the $400 million to acquire a partnership in Staple Street Co., Dominion’s owner, a month before the election.

How exactly is that better?

We are not offended by the fact checking. We are offended/angered/frightened, however, that these well-financed media “authorities” are more concerned about this story than the influence the Chinese government has obtained over one of our major voting machine suppliers.

It’s also worth noting that in another serendipitous coincidence, a company controlled by a rabid partisan Democrat acquired in July, voting machine maker Hart InterCivic.

Below, is the original story.

It’s not a theory when you have the documentation. Just saying that for my conspiracy theory fans.

Staple Street Capital III, L.P. sold $400 million in securities to UBS Securities Co., Ltd. as reveled 12:15 today, Dec. 1, by attorney Lin Wood in a cryptic tweet to a link to the sale’s SEC Form D.

The SEC Form D was filed Oct. 8.

Form D is the required notice for companies that have sold securities without registration under the Securities Act of 1933 under certain conditions.

The filing must be within 15 days of the sale.

Staple Street Capital is the New York-based, private equity firm that acquired Dominion Voting Systems in July 2018.

Dominion voting machines were used in 28 states, Nov. 3.

Many think they could be programmed to flip votes from one candidate to another or delete votes for an undesired candidate.

UBS Securities Co., Ltd. is a Chinese investment bank controlled by the Chinese government.

That’s right, it looks like the Chinese ran our election, at least in a lot of places. Do not concede Mr. President.

China Bought Dominion In October
China Bought Dominion In October
China Bought Dominion In October
China Bought Dominion In October
China Bought Dominion In October

Treason Never Prospers, Right Joe?

Treason Never Prospers, Right Joe? –Joe Biden has been hidin’. A major candidate avoiding the public is unprecedented in the fortnight before a presidential election.

Treason Never Prospers, Right Joe?
C’mon man, sometimes treason does prosper

What could be the reason?

Well, has it ever before occurred that documents belonging to a close family member been revealed to indicate treason by the candidate?

Yeah, we’ll use that word. We’ve used it before.

Hunter Biden’s laptop left at The Mac Shop, a  a Wilmington, Del. computer repair store, has revealed among many other things, that Hunter was looking to get $850K per year in a do-nothing job with Shanghai-based conglomerate CEFC China Energy Co., along with equity which included 10 percent going to Dad.

There is only one logical reason we haven’t been protecting US IP and industry from the People’s Republic Of China since the Clinton years.

Treason doth never prosper, what’s the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it Treason.

John Harington

Treason Never Prospers, Right Joe?

Complex Scheme Undermines Immigration Reform

Complex Scheme Undermines Immigration Reform

By Joe Guzzardi

Once again, the Deep State has set out to undermine President Trump. And in the process, career bureaucrats and entrenched Capitol Hill never-Trumpers are attempting to put the skids to U.S. tech workers. The issue, as per usual, is well-paying, white-collar jobs that Department of Homeland Security and Department of State want to give away to foreign nationals.

Complex Scheme Undermines Immigration Reform

As first reported by Breitbart’s Neil Munro, DHS and State have concocted a complex scheme that would, unless President Trump intervenes to scotch the plan, result in 400,000 work permits being issued to foreign nationals, almost exclusively Indians and Chinese. Jumping for joy along with the prospective employment authorization recipients are bottom-feeding immigration lawyers who will profit obscenely from paperwork pushing, cheap labor-addicted corporations and immigration expansionists for whom too much is never enough.

The toxic brew that Capitol Hill subversives have cooked up is a blend of DHS and State Department fancy footwork that will displace qualified, experienced U.S. tech workers and block recent U.S. college graduates from getting jobs at prestigious corporations. Munro estimates that each year about 800,000 college graduates with degrees in skilled occupations in health care, engineering, business, math, science, software or architecture are poised to enter the labor market.

The State Department will dole out the first batch of Green Cards to 120,000 foreign nationals. Those individuals will receive the unused family reunification visas that the COVID-19 virus put on hold. Remember that President Trump’s intention was to slow immigration during the pandemic. State’s action flies in President Trump’s face.

At the same time, DHS officials have started the process through an early filing for adjustment of immigration status to give backlogged Indian and Chinese nationals up to 300,000 employment authorization documents. The nationals would receive a so-called Green Card Lite that will nevertheless eventually lead to permanent residency and citizenship.

A Green Card Lite provides legal status to an uncapped number of foreign nationals and their families. The Indian worker population in the U.S. is about 1 million, a total that has certainly sent a nearly equal number of U.S. tech workers to the unemployment line. Because their fates are tied to their employers’ approval, H-1B employees are indentured servants or, as the Immigration Reform Law Institute’s John Miano refers to them, “bonded” servants.

Moreover, once those workers become lawful permanent residents (LPR), they can petition spouses and children to join them. Princeton University researchers found that an average of 3.5 persons per each new LPR are petitioned. Using the 3.5 multiplier, today’s 1 million Indian workers will eventually swell the U.S. population by 3.5 million as the petitioners’ families come to America.

For more than 30 years under both Republican and Democratic administrations, protecting U.S. tech workers’ jobs has been a straight uphill climb. When President Trump signed his “Buy American, Hire American” Executive Order, U.S. workers’ hopes rose cautiously. But after a 30-year history of setbacks at corporate giants like Disney, Caterpillar, Facebook and Amazon, caution was the appropriate sentiment as DHS and State have demonstrated in their most recent stealth assault on American workers.

Since the egregious, decades-old U.S. tech workers’ undermining could once be charted through federal databases, in 2014 the government changed its policy, and authorized the destruction of H-1B records after five years have elapsed. In a notice the Labor Department posted, it wrote that paper or electronic Labor Condition Application records “are temporary records and subject to destruction.”

The new policy came under harsh attack from then-responsible reporters, researchers and academics. Lindsay Lowell, Georgetown policy studies director at the Institute for the Study of International Migration, said that throwing away government data is “willful stupidity,” and “an anathema to the pursuit of knowledge….” Other critics called erasing key information related to American job displacement a clumsy coverup that attempts to whitewash Congress’ willingness to sell out U.S. workers.

President Trump can – much as he did when he successfully intervened after the Tennessee Valley Authority attempted to displace its skilled IT workers – bring the Deep State’s treacherous plot to a screeching halt. But for the president, distractions abound. There’s the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett and the November 3 general election, looming about a month away.

For President Trump, the risks of inaction could cost him vitally needed votes of young professionals, plus the votes of millions who supported his pro-America 2016 campaign.

Joe Guzzardi is a Progressives for Immigration Reform analyst who has written about immigration for more than 30 years. Contact him at

Complex Scheme Undermines Immigration Reform

Hunter Biden Human Traffickers And Other Reveals

Hunter Biden Human Traffickers And Other Reveals — Here’s a story you’re not likely to see on CNN or read in the Washington Post — unless it’s a lame attempt to excuse it.

Hunter Biden Human Traffickers And Other Reveals
Barry, Joe and Hunter share some laughs

The Senate committees on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (HSGAC) and Finance have finished an investigation. It has established that the Obama Administration was well aware of the conflict of interest Hunter Biden’s involvement with Burisma Holdings, the corrupt Ukrainian energy firm, and ignored it.

It revealed that Hunter’s position changed US policy of supporting anti-corruption efforts.

It showed that Hunter had Secret Service protection during his foreign dealings.

It showed that Hunter received millions beyond his sweet Burisma paycheck including a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow.

It showed that Joe Biden’s brother James and James’s wife Sara also got profited from Ukraine.

Maybe most damningly it revealed that Hunter had ties to women involved with human trafficking in Eastern Eruope.

If you are a long-time reader of this site the revelations aren’t a surprise.

We think worst might be coming.

A link to the Senate report.

Hunter Biden Human Traffickers And Other Reveals

Pennsylvania Court Kicks Greens Off Ballot

Pennsylvania Court Kicks Greens Off Ballot — The Democrat Party minions on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, Sept. 16, kicked Green Party presidential candidate Howie Hawkins off the Nov. 3 ballot citing a paperwork error.

Repeat: The judges decided that a paperwork error was enough to throw a guy off the ballot; a guy whose supporters spent hours acquiring the appropriate amount of signatures.

The vote, which overturned a lower court ruling, was 5-2 with only the Republicans dissenting. Not saying the GOP motivations were noble but they were in the right if you believe in honest interpretation of the law, representative government and citizen leaders.

Actually, we remember when a citizen activist got shafted by the court when the Republicans controlled it.

It is beyond apparent that our courts are entirely about politics and the judges don’t give a fig about justice or the rule of law.

Anyway, Bob Small, a Green Party activist from Swarthmore, wrote a poem about the matter which we are publishing.

It should strike a little fear into any Democrat with brains. You know, Donald Trump is probably more of a Green than Joe Biden, at least when it comes to military intervention and trade. Even foreign labor. The USMCA did give Mexican autoworkers a nice raise, you know.

Bob’s poem:

Explain to me
why I should vote for the Party that knocked my Party off the Presidential Ballot

Explain to me
why I should vote
against 45
and for –
even though I can only vote for HH
by a write in

Explain to me
how this election
is any different
is any different
from any election since at least 1968 in terms of choice
in terms of choice

Explain to me
how I should hold my nose
and vote for a guy named joe
and maybe next election-
I don’t believe
there’s any explanation this time just like there wasn’t any last time any of the last times
from casey to biden and before

Every other country
even included one named Russia
has alternative Parties on the ballot except- Explain that to me.

And here is the official Green Party press release:

HARRISBURG, PA – In the greatest act of voter suppression since Jim Crow legislation, the Democratic Party has disenfranchised 9 million voters in the Commonwealth by using an amendable paperwork error to remove Howie Hawkins from the Pennsylvania General Election ballot in November.

State election officials informed Green Party officers that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, submission of affidavits by fax copy to the Bureau of Elections, which offices were closed due to the pandemic, would be acceptable.

The Democrats failed at two other attempts to defeat democracy in the Keystone State, including a red herring challenge to the 8,500 signatures collected by the GPPA during the pandemic.  The Democrats falsely claimed the signatures were illegible but dropped the challenge when a simple check of the registered voters’ database demonstrated their deceit.

Not satisfied, the Democrats doubled down their attack by appealing a lower court decision allowing the Green Party candidates to appear on the ballot, to the PA Supreme Court which as a 5 – 2 majority of Democratic Party Judges.

The Democrats claimed that the fax copy violated procedure and thereby made the Green Party candidate ineligible.  In the dissenting opinion, it was made clear that this was an amendable situation and should not bar the Green Party from the November election.    The five Democratic Party judges disagreed.

There are two ways to defeat democracy, one way is by preventing citizens from voting, and the other is by preventing worthy candidates from appearing on the ballot. When the law can be used as a subterranean tool in a process which can only be labeled “political profiling” the meaning and the intent of the law is subverted as is the democracy from which those laws were supposed to have sprung.

Pennsylvania Court Kicks Greens Off Ballot
Pennsylvania Court Kicks Greens Off Ballot

If Democrats Believed In Democracy Why Do They Fear The Greens?

If Democrats Believed In Democracy Why Do They Fear The Greens?

By Bob Small

Do Democrats believe in Democracy?

As Ronald Reagan famously said in 1980, There you go again. This time the Pennsylvania Democratic Party reacts in fear and trembling to the big bad
Pennsylvania Green Party by once again taking them to court to keep them off the Novemember Ballot. As though Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden is afraid of Green Party Presidential Candidate Howie Hawkins. I doubt that, and I doubt he even knows about the Pennsylvania Ballot Access situation. It would be interesting to get his reaction to this, but I’d be willing to bet we’ll never get that.

If Democrats Believed In Democracy Why Do They Fear The Greens?

Probably if you asked him, Joe Biden might think Howie Hawkins was a Pitcher for the Wilmington Blue Rocks minor League baseball Team whom he grooved a pitch to on one opening day.

The Pennsylvania Greens were forced, by a previous court decision, to go out and secure enough Petition Signatures, in this time of Covid, to be on the Ballot. Amazingly, they got three times the amount of required signatures. Amazingly, they still are being challenged. Shouldn’t the Democrats be focused on electing their Candidates rather than- To some of us, it feels like Goliath demanding the Referee measure David’s slingshot for the proper size requirements.

By the way, before anyone talks about the Greens “stealing” the Democratic
Vote, I looked at my personal vote and it said to me that it did not belong to any one political party, it only belongs to me. It does not belong to the Constution Party, Democratic Party, the Green Party, the Libertarian Party, or The Republican Party, If anyone has evidence to the otherwise, duly notarized, please forward it to me.

At a certain age, which I’m not revealing even under executive court order, you start to wonder how many more elections you might have in which to vote. If I can’t choose who to vote for, I can’t help feeling my vote, and my voice, is being “stolen”. Perhaps, if I can’t vote for the Candidate of my choice, maybe I will decline to vote. Some, perhaps, may decide to vote for the other Party Candidate, just out of pure anger.

Some progressives, not only Greens, may see this as Big Party Brutality and may consider this when they come to the polling place and/or mail in their votes.

Some of us need someone to vote for, not someone to vote against. Failing that, you obtain some of the results of previous elections.

So we end up with the question, do Democrats really believe in Democracy or is this another case of false advertising. Further, do we really live in a Democracy?

For more information about the PA. Green Party, go to

Mr. Small is a resident of Swarthmore

If Democrats Believed In Democracy Why Do They Fear The Greens?

Democrats Lawyers N95 Masks, Never Forget

Democrats Lawyers N95 Masks, Never Forget — A month ago when the seriousness of the Wuhan Bat-eater Flu was being realized, the Trump Administration sought to give liability protection to makers of the N95 masks to allow them to be used by health care providers.

The masks were being made for construction workers but it was quickly realized that they would give substantial protection to nurses, doctors and ambulance crews, and considering the shortage it should have been a no-brainer.

Congress refused to grant this indemnification on March 5. Why? Because the Democrat Party is a wholly owned subsidiary of the corrupt and greedy trial lawyers. OK, that’s a little unfair. The corrupt and greedy educational unions has a share too as does the abortion industry, big pharma and many other bad things.

It was the lawyer contingent though, that threw a monkey wrench in this.

Well by March 18, the magnitude of the crisis had become glaringly apparent. Democrat governors were screaming at the their representatives in Washington for relief. And it was granted.

Wonder how many healthcare workers would have been spared sickness and death if Nancy Pelosi and her corrupt minions were not running things in the House.

Democrats Lawyers N95 Masks, Never Forget
Democrats Lawyers N95 Masks, Never Forget
Never forget

DiFi Makes Manchurian Candidate Real

DiFi Makes Manchurian Candidate Real — We were way ahead of the curve concerning the Biden family scandals involving Ukraine and China, but now we are going to give props to The Federalist for its withering report Monday concerning powerful California Senator Dianne Feinstein.

DiFi Makes Manchurian Candidate Real
Old China hands, Feinstein, Blum and Biden

The Federalist reveals that Democrat DiFi and her husband Richard Blum have gotten hundreds of millions of dollars from investments in the state-controlled economy of the People’s Republic of China.

There may be strings.

Feinstein is an outspoken defender of the PRC. She has compared the state-orchestrated Tiananmen Square massacre n which about 3,000 died according to reliable non-PRC sources with the Kent State protests which saw four students shot by National Guard troops acting on their own.

The Dem darling fought the sale of arms to Taiwan.

She fought legislation that would have named street in front of the Chinese Embassy for Chinese anti-Communist writer and human rights activist Liu Xiabao. The legislation eventually passed but was vetoed by Barack Obama.

Did the virtue-signaling senator really not know her driver of 20 years was a communist spy? She’d have to be pretty dumb and nobody ever called her stupid.

We always suspected she was a phony but we never could imagine she might be an out-and-out traitor.

Treason doth never prosper: what ’s the reason?
Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason

DiFi Makes Manchurian Candidate Real