Fitzpatrick Worker Takes Entin Signs

Fitzpatrick Worker Takes Entin Signs — Brian Fitzpatrick who is seeking a third term to represent Pennsylvania’s 1st District in Congress is facing a Republican primary challenge from Alex Entin, a regular patriotic family man with an MBA.

Is Fitzpatrick afraid of Entin?

Fitzpatrick Worker Takes Entin Signs
Alex Entin

Below is video of one of his campaign workers brazenly taking Entin signs on Stonyhill Road in Lower Makefield at Route 332.

The minion says they were illegal.

Since when do campaign workers enforce laws?

Maybe Fitzpatrick, a former FBI agent, can answer.

For what it’s worth, being an FBI guy is no longer a resume enhancer.

The primary election is May 17.

Here is the video.

Fitzpatrick Worker Takes Entin Signs

Why We Can’t Hate DuckDuckGo Too Much

Why We Can’t Hate DuckDuckGo Too Much — While Chesco’s DuckDuckGo is getting a lot of hate for its flirtation with wokism, we can’t bring ourselves to join in, at least too much.

Here are yesterday’s (April 17) referrals from search engines to this site.

Why We Can't Hate DuckDuckGo Too Much

The Duck is between a 10th and a 50th the size of Google yet it got us 12 times the finds as the corrupting crawler from California.

Just the same, we have switched to Brave. We’ve long used the browser but we are now using the search engine as well and we like it.

By the way,,, Dogpile and AOL search engines combined got us more searches than Google.

Google does not give you what you look for but gives you what it wants. Avoid it at all costs.

Guard their mouths William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-18-22

Guard their mouths William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-18-22

Cnkt ck ckxk gz vkgik, Jksuixgzy cgtzkj zu xgoyk zgdky. Tuc znkxk’y g cgx, yu Jksuixgzy cgtz zu xgoyk zgdky. Cnkt znkxk cgy g yaxvray, Jksuixgzy cgtzkj zu xgoyk zgdky. Tuc zngz znkxk oy g sorj xkikyyout, Jksuixgzy cgtz zu xgoyk zgdky.
Gtt Iuarzkx

Guard their mouths William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-18-22Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity.
Proverbs 21:23

Guard their mouths William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-18-22