Unionville-Chadds Ford Agrees To Parents’ Vax Wording — Kathleen Carmody has let us know that the Unionville-Chadds Ford School Board, Monday, Oct. 17, voted to use wording that allowed for exemptions to immunization requirements due to religious grounds or on the basis of a strong moral or ethical conviction similar to a religious belief or moral/philosophical grounds or whose physician certifies that the student’s physical condition contraindicates immunization.
The board initially sought to remove the wording moral-philosophical as a reason for an exemption.
As importantly the board also included the phrase or in accordance with law, regulations, or a legally binding order from the PA Department of Health and/or Chester County Health Department as a reason to exclude a child from class. The initial wording sought was programs or guidance established by the PA Department of Health.
“Both of these improvements are a noteworthy win,” Mrs. Carmody said.
She said that board members Robert Sage and John Murphy appeared to have played “the most significant role in correcting this alarming situation.”
Also kudos to WPHT’s Dom Giordano for putting light on the situation.