Lara Logan Defended

Lara Logan Defended — Lara Logan was our topic July 22 when she said cults that torture children rule the world.

She doubled down, Oct. 19, on Newsmax’s The Balance hosted by Eric Bolling. The segment concerned illegal immigration.

Ms. Logan, who had been the CBS Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent and a 60 Minutes host, said a source told her that the globalists had a plan to illegally migrate 100 million people to the US to dilute the pool of patriotism.

What a silly thing to say. Who could even imagine such? That was sarcasm.

She also said those in the World Economic Forum dine on the blood of children.

She was called an anti-semite for spreading a “blood libel” and has been banned forever from the network.

Lara Logan Defended

That Klaus Schwab, the villainous Swiss face of the WEF, is not Jewish but the son of a guy who literally worked for the Nazis, is irrelevant it appears when making that smear.

Anyway, Emerald Robinson has done a fantastic job of defending Ms. Logan, who was also accused of sprouting “Qanon” conspiracy theories because of her remarks on Newsmax.

Ms. Robinson writes:

The Q-Anon conspiracy theory is not that Joe Biden hired a gay Satanist last month as his official White House “monkeypox coordinator” because that really happened.

The Q-Anon conspiracy theory is not that an ABC News anchor was caught on video explaining how ABC News had stopped her from reporting on pedophile sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein — because you can watch that video for yourself.

The Q-Anon conspiracy theory is not that President Bill Clinton took twenty six plane flights with pedophile sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein between 2001 and 2003 just after he left office — because that actually happened too.

The Q-Anon conspiracy theory is not that that infamous pedophile sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein videotaped and blackmailed the global elites for three decades — because that actually happened too.

The Q-Anon conspiracy theory is not that the laptop of Hillary Clinton’s chief aide Huma Abedin was seized by the FBI and kept from being investigated by disgraced FBI agents like Peter Strozk who set to work undermining President Trump — since that’s obviously true.

The Q-Anon conspiracy theory is not that Democrats protected a major gay donor named Ed Buck whose favorite pastime was injecting black men with deadly doses of meth while chasing them around his apartment with an axe — because that actually happened too.

The Q-Anon conspiracy theory is not that Democrat Party politicians encourage drag queens to strip in front of schoolkids at public libraries — because that also happens to be true.

And that’s her just getting started. Check out her column on Substack.

Lara Logan Defended

Erik Gerhardt Wants More Liberty And Less Government

Erik Gerhardt Wants More Liberty And Less Government

By Bob Small

Erik Gerhardt clearly states his manifesto on his campaign website: The Constitution was written to control the power of the Government, not to constrict the Liberties of its people.

Gerhardt, 37 of Pennsburg, is the Libertarian candidate for US Senator in Pennsylvania.

“We can promote the independence our founding fathers intended by eliminating property taxes,” he said. “Most taxes are nothing short of theft”.

Erik Gerhardt Wants More Liberty
Erik Gerhardt

He also stated the “non-aggression principle” (NAP) his party embraces, namely there is no right to use force except in retaliation.  

With regard to abortion, Gerhardt defends the Dodd decision but wants the issue decided in Pennsylvania via referendum. He says he’d like the morning-after pill to be readily available.

“The court’s decision was the right one and the states and their people should have a constitutional question added to the ballot to have the people decide on the issue,” he said.

Gerhardt began working in construction at the age of 16 and started his own business ECG Carpentry, in 2015.

Gerhardt says se need better education for our children, less and fewer taxes and sustainable business plans to not steal from our citizens. 

In this interview, Gerhardt describes his three step plan to assist small business, which include triple deductions for businesses with four employees or less, another health care deduction when they break that threshold and health care not being bound by state lines.

His plan for police reform, as described in this Williamsport Sun-Gazette article, includes jujitsu training for recruits.

Hopefully, this 37 year old from Pennsburg can bring many of his ideas to the public during this election cycle. 

Erik Gerhardt Wants More Liberty And Less Government

Restore to me the joy William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 10-24-22

Restore to me the joy William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 10-24-22

Ftq Myqduomz Dqbgnxuo iuxx qzpgdq gzfux ftq pmk Oazsdqee pueoahqde ftmf uf omz ndunq ftq bgnxuo iuft ftq bgnxuo’e yazqk.
Mxqjue pq Faocgqhuxxq

Restore to me the joy William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 10-24-22Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
Psalm 51:12

Restore to me the joy William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 10-24-22