Explosive Child Trafficking Expose Looming? What Will Public Response Be?

Explosive Child Trafficking Expose Looming? What Will Public Response Be? –Liz Crokin, the entertainment journalist the establishment loved until she started pointing to the strange pedophilia code words in the Podesta emails from the 2016 Wikileaks dump, is now pointing to signs that the child trafficking scandal might finally breaking into the psyche of the average American.

Liz cites the Wall Street Journal story that Instagram had not merely tolerated pedophiles but helped them find each other. Instagram, like Facebook, is owned by Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta Platforms.

The Meta products had no difficulties disappearing election activists or vaccine skeptics yet couldn’t stop children from being trafficked on its products.


The math adds up but the answer is extraordinarily ugly.

Liz also notes that President Trump re-posted on Truth Social a story that Mel Gibson will be releasing a four-part story exposing child sex slavery.

She also notes a response from Elon Musk to a tweet from TopLobsta with photos of a decrepit Joe Biden and a very buff Gibson with a reference to andrenochrome.

And the long-suppressed child-trafficking expose Sound of Freedom is about to get a major release in less than a month.

Conspiracies happen and just because there’s a theory doesn’t mean it’s false.

Explosive Child Trafficking Expose Looming? What Will Public Response Be?

Explosive Child Trafficking Expose Looming

Plandemic 3 Is Must Watching

Plandemic 3 Is Must Watching — Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening is available free on Twitter and embedded below.

It was directed by Mikki Willis who in 2016 was a big-time Bernie Sanders backer.

Many excerpts are shown from the spookily prophetic 1969 film The Capitalist Conspiracy by G. Edward Griffin and it features a circa 2022 interview with the filmmaker.

It exposes Klaus Schwab, the Great Reset, and a host of other forces seeking to rule by totalitarianism.

How many were aware that Schwab was born in Nazi German to Swiss parents happily employed by Adolph Hitler? This is the guy that is basically leading the West.

Get active in your communities, love and embrace freedom and be strong enough to say no.

Hat tip Katie.

Plandemic 3 Is Must Watching -- Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening is available free on Twitter and embedded below.

Plandemic 3 Is Must Watching

Our Choices That Show What We Truly William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 6-10-23

Our choices that show what we truly William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 6-10-23

V nz n fvaare. Guvf vf gur zbfg npphengr qrsvavgvba. Vg vf abg n svther bs fcrrpu, n yvgrenel traer. V nz n fvaare.
Cbcr Senapvf

our choices that show what we truly areAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
J.K. Rowling