Social Security Age Hike Is Feudalism — House Republican Study Committee (RSC) unveiled, June 14, a fiscal blueprint that would gradually increase the Social Security full retirement amount to 69-years-old for those who turn 62 in 2033.
Anybody hear any discussions about cutting government pensions by 10 percent? How about 20 percent? The government retiree would still be getting more than twice what the average Social Security recipient gets.
We don’t want to get any Philadelphia judge mad at us but Fredrick Douglass’ boxes of liberty sure keeps trying to run through our brains.
Jury Trial Finally Possibility For 2020 Election Fraud Claims As Philly Judge Rejects Protective Order Request
By Bill Lawrence
Jury Trial Finally Possibility For 2020 Election Fraud Claims As Philly Judge Rejects Protective Order Request — Attorney Conor Corcoran got a solid spanking when Judge Michael E. Erdos denied his request for a protective order against election whistleblowers Leah Hoopes and Greg Stenstrom, today, June 20, in Philadelphia Common Pleas Court.
Erdos rejected everything Corcoran sought which included a $15,000 fine, the removal of guns and “incendiary” devices from the defendants’ homes, and that they never come within a mile of his client.
Corcoran is representing former Delaware County, Pa. Voting Machine Warehouse supervisor James Savage in a defamation suit regarding claims that the 2020 election was rigged in Delco.
The pair’s co-defendants include President Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani and Jen Ellis.
Corcoran based his request on Stenstrom’s frequent used of Frederick Douglass’s boxes of liberty during interviews and public speaking engagements.
Douglass said liberty depends on three boxes: the ballot box, the jury box and the cartridge or powder box, depending on the version.
Corcoran said that Stenstrom’s use of powder box made him fear that Stenstrom was planning to blow him up.
It was a ridiculous stretch as was indicated by the decision. Why would Corcoran waste the court’s valuable time with this foolishness? Was he hoping that the pair, who are representing themselves, would not show? That they would not be prepared? Well, they did and were, and the professional attorney ended up with pie on his face, albeit Savage will be getting the bill.
Stenstrom and Mrs. Hoopes noted that several figures in American history have used the phrasing.
Stenstrom further noted that he was veteran who had seen war. He said violence was the last thing he wanted in America. He said he emphasized at every speaking event or interview that the law is the only path to trustworthy elections.
Erdos asked that the defendants be circumspect in their use of the boxes of liberty statement but did not order them to stop using it.
Erdos said that none of the various cases regarding 2020 election fraud allegations ever went before a jury and that the eyes of the world will be on Philadelphia when this case goes to trial.
And why will it be in Philly? Savage was employed in and lived in Delaware County when the alleged defamation occurred, after all, and Mrs. Hoopes and Stenstrom remain Delco residents.
Pennsylvania law allows plaintiffs to chose any county in the state to file their case.
So here we are.
Flanking journalist Emerald Robinson are Leah Hoopes and Greg Stenstrom
Jury Trial Finally Possibility For 2020 Election Fraud Claims As Philly Judge Rejects Protective Order Request
Democrats are fond of the term “spoiler” in reference to candidates they consider “fringe” candidates, with no realistic chance of winning, but possibly siphoning votes away from the :machine” candidates.
During my active time with the Green Party, both Jill Stein and Ralph Nader were dubbed “spoilers” who might cause their candidates to lose. If the best candidate you can choose is Hillary Clinton rather than Bernie Sanders, say, you’ve probably already spoiled your chances for victory.
In her second run at the Presidency, Marianne’s website lists some illuminating ideas. However, she may only be spoiling the chances of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, the other major Democratic candidate.
On her website, one could wade through her eight page “Economic Bill of Rights” and discover some quality ideas such as the right for universal quality healthcare and the right to an equitable and fair justice system. Other sections are equally verbose. Health is nine pages; Climate Action, 8 pages, and Why I’m Running is seven pages.
Some of the alternative parties that I used to run with insisted on handing out double-sided flyers and I would want to scream “Who are you trying to reach?” Less is always more in these instances.
One place where Marianne will do well is Fairfield, Iowa but they are in a highly spiritual universe that probably doesn’t exist in over one-tenth, if that, of our country.
And like many others, she may lack the “people skills” required for a lengthy campaign.
Her decision-making may also be called into question.
If Marianne Williamson is not a “spoiler”, she is, at best, a “vanity Candidate”, like Chris Christie or Francis Suarez. Hopefully, she gets what she wants from her campaign.
Walking is the best possible exercise William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 6-20-23
Yb texq vlr xmmbxo ql yb.
Glek Nrfdd
Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle:Â Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very far.
Thomas Jefferson