No Robert James, the words “chili” “chocolate” “coyote” and “tomato” did come to us from Spain. They were given to the English language by the Aztecs.

News, Entertainment, Enlightenment
No Robert James, the words “chili” “chocolate” “coyote” and “tomato” did come to us from Spain. They were given to the English language by the Aztecs.
$778 Million Climate Bill Looming For Delco — Center for Climate Integrity says Delaware County, Pa. municipalities will have to spend $778 million by 2040 to address climate change.
The threat was made at the center’s July 25 virtual press conference and reported in the Aug. 4 The Delaware County Weekly which is the county government’s news letter.
It was attended by Delaware County Council Chairwoman Monica Taylor, Clean Air Council Executive Director Joe Minott, Resilient Analytics Director Paul Chinowsky and Sharpsburg Mayor Brittany Rendo.
Ms. Taylor has completely signed onto the scam.
“The study’s findings on the economic impact of climate change on our communities in Pennsylvania are a wakeup call,” she said. “Climate change will affect all Pennsylvania communities, and some residents more than others. We cannot afford to ignore the consequences of inaction.”
If the climate crisis was real, Barack Obama would not be living in a seaside mansion in Martha’s Vineyard and have other mansions in Washington D.C. and Hawaii. Al Gore, the Clintons and the Kerrys would not have carbon footprints 100 or 200 or 300 times average.
We would not be tolerating the coal-coated skies of China which produces twice the greenhouse gases as the United States.
The wokest states would not be ripping down hydro-electric dams.
Bruce Springsteen, however, would be performing concerts to protest the lack of nuclear power plants.
In the four years under Democrat control, Delco’s budget went from 40 pages to 421 pages, and county residents can expect a 35-percent permanent property tax hike if the Ds keep council this November.
Monica Taylor is among those up for election.
$778 Million Climate Bill Looming For Delco?
Morton Homestead Filthy Information Station — Here’s one of the information stations at the Morton Homestead off Route 420 in Prospect Park. The structure is traceable to 1698 and may be the oldest building in Pennsylvania. But really, you think someone can do something about the filthy information stations? They are all like this by the way. The photo was taken, Aug. 4.
Transforming an enemy into friend William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-5-23
Fmnc gq y uyigle bpcyk.
Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.
Martin Luther King, Jr.