The Old Has Passed Away — The fulfillment of the law is Christ himself, who does not so much as lead us away from the letter as lift us up in its spirit. For the law’s consummation was this, that the very lawgiver accomplished His work and changed letter into spirit summing everything up in Himself and, though subject to the law living by grace. He subordinated the law, yet harmoniously united grace with it, not confusing the distinctive characteristics of the one with the other but effecing the transition in a way most fitting for God. He changed whatever was burdensome, servile and oppressive to what is light and liberating, so that we should be enslaved no longer under the elemental spirits of the world, as the Apostle says, nor held fast as bondservants under the letter of the law.
Justly, then, do we celebrate this mystery since it signifies for us a double grace. We are led toward the truth, and we are led away from our condition of slavery to the letter of the law.
How can this be? Darkness yields before the coming fo the light, and grace exchanges legalism for freedom. But midway between the tow stands today’s mystery at the frontier where types and symbols give way to reality and the old is replaced by the new.
Therefore let all creation sing and dance and unite to make worthy contribution to the celebration of this day. Let there be one common festival for saints in heaven and men on earth. Let everything, mundane things and those above, join in festive celebration.
Today this created world is raised to the dignity of a holy place for Him who made all things. The creature is newly prepared to be a divine dwelling place for the Creator.
Saint Andrew of Crete
Saint Andrew was the bishop of Gortineia in Crete from the late 600s to his death in the early 700s.