Fear Of A Dem Pro-Life Candidate

Fear Of A Dem Pro-Life Candidate

By Bob Small

Having been arrested at anti-government demonstrations, I have nothing but respect — never mind the cause — for those willing to be arrested for a belief. 

The would include Terrisa Bukovinac. She is among those seeking the Democratic nomination for president 

Ms. Bukovinac is the founder of Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) which she says is a “liberal pro-life group”.  She says that The Progressive case against abortion “is inconsistent with the noon-violent instincts of feminism to tie the liberation of women to the elimination of any group of human beings”.

The Christian Post notes Ms. Bukovinac’s group includes pro-life activists who have been convicted of federal charges — and face 11 year sentences — in connection with a 2020 lockdown” of a D.C. abortion clinic.

Ms. Bukovinac has been rallying to their defense.

Ms. Bukovinac was also among those outside the federal prosecutor’s office, last October, protesting the persecution of Mark Houck

She talks about the need to bring back the concept of “ rescue”.  Rescue is a PAAU tactic that involves “entering abortion facilities to pass out roses with pregnancy help information attached to abortion-minded patients.”

She has also served on the boards of Democrats for Life of  America and Rehumanize International

The loyal Democrats of Swarthmore had never mentioned either to me.

In this Minimise interview, she simply says “I want to change the way that humanity views unborn life.”

In this CRUX interview, she asks the question, as an atheist, “if we only get one life to live and there’s no God to bring about justice in the end , how could abortion be just?”.

She believes we need “a willingness to disrupt the status quo.”

“No social justice movements are won without critical nonviolent direct action,” she says.

She is a co-leader of Secular Pro Life and serves on the board of Let them Live.

Here is an update regarding the D.C. Abortion Blockade trial.

Most of the updates, for some reason, seem to be from The Christian Post.

My arrests for civil disobedience also had to do with disagreements about US Government Policy.

My time in jail was hours, however, not years.

Fear Of A Dem Pro-Life Candidate
Terrisa Bukovinac supporting Mark Houck, Oct 7., 2022 in Philadelphia

Fear Of A Dem Pro-Life Candidate

The Radical History of Labor Day

The Radical History of Labor Day

By Bob Small

When my wife and I worked as State of Pennsylvania drones, one of us usually marched in the Philly Labor Day parade, to show solidarity with our union, the Pennsylvania Social Services Union a.k.a PSSU.

Exactly how did all this Labor Day marching get started?

Matthew Maguire and Peter Mcguire conspired to create Labor Day, and the first Labor Day parade was held in New York City in 1882.

Theses articles, here and here, point to Matthew Maguire not being granted “Father of Labor Day” status due to his strong socialist leanings, including being the Socialist Party candidate for president in 1896.

Grover Cleveland made Labor Day a federal holiday in 1896, hoping to make amends for sending in the military to squash the Pullman Railway strike.

Grover Cleveland did not become the first president to serve three non-consecutive term However, Grover Cleveland remains the only President to serve two non-consecutive terms. That could change next year.

 Grover Cleveland jailed socialist Eugene Debs, who then ran for president from jail.

Eugene Debs: The Socialist Who Ran for President From Prison – Men

Both of the purported founders of Labor Day are buried in New Jersey. The Peter J. Mcguire Memorial and Gravesite lies in Pennsauken.

The Matthew Maguire gravesite, sans museum, lies in the Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Totawa.

The Department of Labor was founded on March 4, 1913, by President William Howard Taft, on his last day of office.

For a more philosophical discussion of Labor Day and the new socialism from an Austrian perspective, see this article from the Mises Institute.

 The author proposes that “over the past thirty years, international bureaucracies have played a growing role in making the world a better place for socialism.”

Nowadays, rather than discuss the Pullman strike of 1894, we discuss Labor Day sales and barbecues, and we no longer march. One might say capitalism has won.

The Radical History of Labor Day

The Radical History of Labor Day

Start children off on the way  William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 9-4-23

Start children off on the way  William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 9-4-23

Itt tijwz bpib cxtqnba pcuivqbg pia lqovqbg ivl quxwzbivkm ivl apwctl jm cvlmzbismv eqbp xiqvabisqvo mfkmttmvkm.
Uizbqv Tcbpmz Sqvo, Rz.

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
Proverbs 22:6

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