Bunny Welsh Gives Insight On Cavalcante Escape

Bunny Welsh Gives Insight On Cavalcante Escape — Former Chester County, Pa. Sheriff Bunny Welsh appeared, today, Sept. 6 on WWDB‘s Don’t Back Down and AM 990’s Chris Stigall show to describe the ongoing effort to capture Chesco prison escapee and multiple murderer Danelo Cavalcante, who has now been on the lam for a week.

The escape has made international news.

Cavalcante escaped from the prison, Aug. 31, after being convicted 15 days earlier for the April 2021 stabbing of Deborah Brandao, his ex-girlfriend. He was sentenced to life in prison.

Cavalcante, who entered the country illegally, was also wanted for murder in his native Brazil.

While we missed the Stigall show, we heard her tell Don’t Back Down hosts Stan Casacio and attorney Andy Teitelman that a plea in Portuguese from Cavalcante’s mother for him to surrender is being broadcast from aircraft over southern Chesco. She noted that men and women in law enforcement are diligently searching the area in the 90-plus heat all the while wearing body armor and carrying full equipment.

She said that Cavalcante, who is only about 5-feet tall, is believed to have some survival training, which is helping him avoid arrest.

Ms. Welsh said that Cavalcante’s prison shirt has been found.

She noted that if the Chesco Sheriff Department kept its K-9 squad Cavalcante would likely been arrested hours after his escape.

She said the prison in Pocopson is designed for 1,100 inmates but now has a population of about 600.

Ms. Welsh, who was among those consulting with President Trump regarding law enforcement issues, also told a story about the compassion of the President. She said that family whose son died of a fentanyl overdoes asked her to pass on a letter to Trump. She said that he took it and offered condolence. Following the event, though, he approached her, talked with her about it and then wrote a personal note to the family.

Trump never went public. The only ones who know about it are the ones she tells.

Hopefully, she never stops telling it.

She said that Trump, in person, is gentle and more inclined to listen than speak.

Bunny Welsh Gives Insight On Cavalcante Escape

Bunny Welsh Gives Insight On Cavalcante Escape

Pennsylvania Schools Lose 139K Students But Add 21K Administrators

Pennsylvania Schools Lose 139K Students But Add 21K Administrators — Pennsylvania public schools have lost 139,000 students since 2000 but gained 21,145 more employee, notes Commonwealth Foundation.

This employee growth includes nearly 40 percent more highly paid administrators than 20 years ago.

Schools have not gotten better.

The Foundation also points out that Pennsylvania school districts spent $21,263 per student in 2021–22, ranking 7th in the nation at nearly $5,500 more than the national average.

Chesco United reported, Aug. 24, that an audit of 12 school districts by state Auditor General Tim DeFoor found that all routinely pass big tax hikes despite having budget surpluses in the tens of millions of dollars.

Those running our schools don’t care about themselves not education.

School choice and charter schools are a solution. Chesco United notes that the cost per-pupil at a charter school is about half that of a district one and parents have far more say in the curriculum and hiring.

Pennsylvania Schools Lose 139K Students But Add 21K Administrators

Pennsylvania Schools Lose 139K Students But Add 21K Administrators

The Well By Briscoe Shows A Generation In Despair

The Well By Briscoe Shows A Generation In Despair — Oliver Anthony’s bitter lament Rich Men North of Richmond was a surprise mega-hit a few weeks back and now another song of American despair is on radar.

Texas-based Briscoe released The Well in June to promote their album West of It All which is coming out Sept. 15.

It’s not what one would call optimistic.

It opens “When the well runs dry and the food runs out and the words you speak are the only things that touch your mouth.”

We, however, are optimistic.

We liked it and think it’s going to be a success.

Oliver Anthony is young and the Briscoe band members are younger. The upside to the garbage being fed this generation by those who wish us to eat bugs and live in coffins is that when you see the problem and start singing about the problem, the problem becomes solvable.

Yes children, the climate crisis is way overblown. You do not have to give up your cars, air-conditioning or gas stoves.

And yes, men and women are different and have different roles.

Believe in God and you’ll believe in the glory of living. Fear will disappear to be replaced by hope, and bitterness will become love.

Here’s the song:

The Well By Briscoe Shows A Generation In Despair

The Well By Briscoe Shows A Generation In Despair

Who so loves believes the impossible William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 9-6-23

Who so loves believes the impossible William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 9-6-23

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Who so loves believes the impossible Elizabeth Barret Browning Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Who so loves believes the impossible
Elizabeth Barret Browning