Bachmann Endorses Rohrer

Michelle Bachmann the Minnesota Congresswoman and former GOP presidential contender has come endorsed Sam Rohrer in his U.S. Senate Republican primary race. Mrs. Bachmann has credited Rohrer with her becoming involved in politics.

Here is excerpts from her endorsement letter:

Dear Patriots,

I’m writing today to ask for your support for my good friend, Sam Rohrer. Sam is running for the U.S. Senate seat, in Pennsylvania, which is currently occupied by Democrat Senator Bob Casey.  . . 

 Polls have repeatedly shown that Sam is the strongest candidate in the race against Bob Casey, but he is facing a primary challenge brought by two former Democrats. Neither has experience, but both are trying to purchase our party’s nomination.  Don’t let this happen. I’ve known Sam for many years.  For nearly two decades in the Pennsylvania Legislature, he fought for limited government, responsible spending, and personal freedoms–even when he had to oppose career politicians and the establishment to do so.

We need good, honorable guys like Sam Rohrer in the United States Senate. He’ll stand up to guys like Harry Reid and the establishment.  He’ll hold the line against Harry Reid’s tax increases, Obamacare, and federal intervention in our education system.  .  .

I’m very proud to support my friend, Sam Rohrer, and I hope you will be too.

Yours in Liberty,

Michele Bachmann

U.S. Congresswoman


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