Independence Hall Foundation Endorses Health Act

Independence Hall Foundation Endorses Health Act — After agonizing deliberation, the 12-member board of the Independence Hall Foundation is announcing, today, (March 24)  its support for the American Health Care Act–with reservations.

“President Trump’s recent ultimatum suggesting that today may be the last opportunity to repeal ObamaCare has given greater urgency to the passage of this bill,” said Foundation spokeswoman, Teri Adams.

“For years, our organization has strenuously opposed ObamaCare, in every aspect, and we welcome the opportunity to replace it with free markets solutions–such as Health Savings Accounts and insurance competition across state lines.

“While the AHCA doesn’t achieve all of our immediate objectives, it’s a good first step in a three-pronged approach.

“AHCA eliminates the detested ObamaCare mandates (employer and individual); repeals taxes on insurers, medical devices manufacturers, and pharmaceuticals; reduces costly federal subsidies; encourages Health Savings Accounts; gives states more flexibility and control–especially in relation to Medicaid; and ends funding for Planned Parenthood,” said Ms. Adams.

“The architects of this legislation have promised a follow-up to this bill which includes two additional phases. Phase 2 would entail action on the part of the administration to initiate regulatory changes and provide the states with even greater administrative flexibility.

“The final phase, Phase 3, is the one we greatly support but have reservations regarding the will of Congress to enact at a future date–and that involves allowing health care insurers to compete across state lines.

“In order to achieve this objective, such a bill would have to clear a 60-vote filibuster proof majority in the Senate and we’re not confident that the votes are there.”

“All in all, though, we can’t keep second-guessing Congressional leaders and the Administration. We must act.

“We trust they have brought forth this legislation in good faith. Let’s pray it succeeds–for the good of the people and our nation,” said Ms. Adams.

Independence Hall Foundation Endorses Health Act

Progressive Disrupters Unlike Tea Party

Progressive Disrupters Unlike Tea Party — The establishment media is attempting to paint the recent organized disruptions by largely paid operatives  of events sponsored by Republican legislators as being akin to the successful Tea Part movement that started in 2009. Royal Brown III has created this chart to show they are nothing at all alike and will ultimately fail.


Tea Party Movement

Leftist Movement

Source of Members

Grassroots movement which sprang spontaneously from conservative “we the people” without major organizational efforts – no Central Organization or official 3d Party called the Tea Party

Astroturf not grassroots came about by Trump’s victory over HRC- Centrally Organized by such groups as Obama’s Organizing for Action wit over 32,000 members & 250 offices; over 100 leftist groups part of George Soros’s Open Society Foundation; new group Indivisible which has a 25 page Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda including disrupting Town Halls, etc.


No funding from large benefactors or groups -funding from individual members of Tea Party movement

Funding from large Benefactors like George Soros and his Open Society Foundation and the CEO of Progressive Insurance & others. Professional organizers paid; some demonstrators paid as much as $1500 day (per Rush Limbaugh).


No formal advertising; spread by word of mouth; mostly homemade signs at demonstrations; demonstrators not paid

Paid advertising thru media; Professionally made, fill in blank signs often made ahead of event; demonstrators often paid by Soros or Soros funded groups

Violence, Law Breaking

None – only violence done by leftist plants.

Some Demonstrations turned into riots with violence against people, destruction of property – examples Washington DC Women’s March (over 200 arrested & charged) & Berkeley – no arrests because of orders of Berkely President & Mayor

Media Coverage

Sparse or downplayed – examples – Trump Rallies-sizes downplayed; more attention paid to Demonstrators than supporters by MSM – often Fake News

Wide coverage such as recent Town Halls by Republicans where protestors disrupted free speech & MSM mislead readers/viewers that Obamacare a good thing

Impact on Voters

Republicans won back House in 2010; won back Senate & a Supermajority in House in 2012; won Presidency with Trumps 306 EC votes; retained House & Senate; 33 Governorships; all but 4 State Congresses; plus an additional 1000 state seats in 2016

Irrelevant that Trump lost Popular vote by 2.5 M all of which can be attributed to CA & much of these votes made by illegal aliens–proof over 3 M illegal aliens registered

Trump lost Popular Vote in 2016 and is not the legitimate POTUS which is a False Narrative


Tea Party Movement

Leftist Movement

Condition of Area in which Protest/Demonst ration Occurred

Always left cleaner than found the area. No cost to city for clean-up

Always leave a mess in area they are demonstrating in and over at high cost to city for clean-up.

Stay Within Laws & Ordinances

Always including obtaining any necessary permits and staying within approved area. Respect the rights of people driving in area to be able to pass on way to work or wherever their destination.

Often violate laws and ordinances such as blocking traffic on busy streets & highways – little regard for the convenience of others or ability to get to work


Feature Regular Folks “we the people”

Often involve celebrities such as liberal Congresspersons, Hollywood Actors & others from entertainment industry like professional sports


Civilized actions without lewd language or gestures

Often use lewd gestures and profanity even in the presence of children or they have coached children to do the same

Topics/Themes of Demonstrations

Pro-America, Pro-Constitution, Pro-Life, Pro LE, Pro- 2A, Cut Taxes, enforce laws including immigration, anti-illicit drugs, full vetting of migrants from dangerous countries, anti-Obmacare

Anti-American, Pro-Choice, BLM/anti-LE, Pro-Gun Control, Pro- illegal aliens (undocumented migrants), pro-migrants from dangerous countries, Pro- Obamacare

Congressional Actions related to POTUS Inaugurations & Cabinet Appointees

1. No Republicans boycotted the Inauguration of President Obama for both terms.

2. There was bipartisan support in the Senate to Confirm POTUS Obama’s Cabinet appointees and the process was completed without extraordinary delays.

3. Both of Obama’s SCOTUS appointees were confirmed by the Senate without serious delays or protests. The nuclear option did not have to be used.

1. 65 Democrats boycotted the Inauguration of President Trump including most in the House Black Caucus.

2. Democrats in the Senate have “slow walked” and delayed POTUS Trump’s Cabinet appointees in an unprecedented stall including entire committees boycotting hearings.

3. POTUS Trump’s nominee for SCOTUS Judge Gorsuch has run into serious opposition which may require the use of the “nuclear option” to confirm


Tea Party Movement

Leftist Movement

Calls for Impeachment

Although there were calls for Obama’s impeachment by concerned citizen members of the Tea Party there were no serious calls by Republican Congresspersons for his impeachment.

Numerous calls for impeachment by Democrat Congresspersons have already been heard on over the national MSM.

Media Coverage

The MSM coverage of the Tea Party Movement has been and continues to be either vastly negative with Fake News inserted or non-existent. Town Hall meetings attended by conservatives who have been civil in their questions and discourse have been little covered.

The MSM shares the leftist agenda and has been mostly positive about the leftist protests & demonstrations with very little criticism or coverage of the lawless outbreaks. They have covered the disruptions of Town Hall meetings held by Republicans.

Election Legitimacy

The Tea Party movement did not challenge the legitimacy of POTUS Obama’s election and re-election except to point out the many examples of voter fraud and illegal alien registration to vote. There were no challenges to the Electoral College.

The left has repeatedly challenged the legitimacy of POTUS Trump’s election despite his overwhelming 306 EC votes using the irrelevant popular vote as their guideline and many are now calling to abolish or change the EC system.

Progressive Disrupters Unlike Tea Party

Independence Hall Foundation Praises Gorsuch

Independence Hall Foundation Praises Gorsuch — The Independence Hall Foundation is praising President Donald Trump’s selection of Judge Neil Gorsuch, of Colorado, a federal judge who currently serves on the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, to fill the vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court created by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia.

“We believe Judge Gorsuch is cut out of the same cloth as Justice Scalia and will arrive at his court decisions after giving careful consideration to the orginal intent of the framers of the U.S. Constitution,” said Foundation spokeswoman, Teri Adams. 

“We are impressed with Judge Gorsuch’s written opinions and his recent decision affirming religious liberty.               

“Although we anticipate a confirmation battle from Democrats on the far left of the political spectrum, we think reasonable Democrats will defer to President Trump on this choice given Judge Gorsuch’s stellar record as a judge and his tremendous intellectual prowess.

“Our organization will do everything in its power to make sure Judge Gorsuch is confirmed,” said Ms. Adams.

“We also note that Judge Gorsuch clerked for former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Byron White, a Democrat appointed to the court by President John F. Kennedy.

“We are grateful to Republican senators, led by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, for postponing, indefinitely, a vote on President Barach Obama’s choice to fill the Scalia vacancy, Judge Merrick Garland,” said Ms. Adams.

Independence Hall Foundation Praises Gorsuch

Betsy Nelsen Guest Of Delco Pats

Betsy Nelsen Guest Of Delco Pats — Betsy Nelsen, who is the Northeast Regional Coordinator of Heritage Action, is the speaker at the Feb. 13 meeting of the Delaware County Patriots.

It’s 7 p.m., at the Marple Library, 2599 Sproul Road, Broomall Pa. 19008.

Betsy Nelsen Guest Of Delco PatsHeritage experts have played a prominent role on President Trump’s transition team.

Pizza, soft drinks, coffee and dessert will be provided. A $5 donation is requested to cover the cost of the room. Register here.

Betsy Nelsen Guest Of Delco Pats

Independence Hall Foundation Honors Scott Garrett

Independence Hall Foundation Honors Scott Garrett — The conservative Independence Hall Foundation has chosen Congressman Scott Garrett (NJ-5) as its 2016 Frederick Muhlenberg Legislator of the year.

The Award is named in honor of Pennsylvania Congressman Frederick Muhlenberg, the first Speaker of the US House of Representatives and is awarded annually to a legislator from the tri-state region. 

Congressman Muhlenberg, born January 1, 1750 in Trappe, Montgomery County, PA, served in the Continental Congress and the Pennsylvania House of Representatives before representing the Keystone State’s At-Large and 2nd Congressional Districts from 1789-1797.  As House Speaker, Congressman Muhlenberg had the distinct honor of being the first signer of the Bill of Rights.

Previous Foundation Legislator of the Year award recipients are Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick (PA-8), 2015; Congressman Jim Gerlach (PA-6), 2014; and Pennsylvania State Representative Steve Barrar, 2013.

“This year’s recipient, Congressman Scott Garrett, a staunch defender of religious liberty and the Bill of Rights, was a natural choice for this award,” said Foundation spokeswoman, Teri Adams.

“A consistent conservative over the years, outgoing Congressman Garrett, who represents a portion of Northern New Jersey, has a lifetime rating of 99.3 from the American Conservative Union. 

“A founder of the House Constitution Caucus and the House Freedom Caucus, Congressman Garrett is also a member of the Republican Liberty Caucus,” said Ms. Adams.

“While serving on the House Budget Committee, the Congressman fought for accuracy in government accounting by introducing the Budgetary and Accounting Transparency Act of 2014.

“Among a myriad of other concerns, the Congressman also fought against government earmarks and for the First Amendment Defense Act.  In 2007, he sponsored legislation supporting United Nations Membership for the island of Taiwan.”

Born in Englewood, NJ, Congressman Garrett spent most of his life in the Garden State–serving in the New Jersey State Assembly from 1992-2003. The Congressman received a BA in Political Science from Montclair State College and a JD from Rutgers School of Law, Camden.

He and his wife, Mary Ellen, have two adult daughters.

Independence Hall Foundation Honors Scott Garrett

Tar Feathers Supply Demand

Tar Feathers Supply Demand — Politicians beware. Bill Denison has informed us that the price of tar (asphalt) and feathers have increased drastically over the last eight years indicating much greater demand for them.

Tar Feathers Supply Demand



Monumental Thanksgiving Fete

Monumental Thanksgiving Fete — The Delaware County Patriots will be having a Thanksgiving social, 6 p.m., Monday, Nov. 14 at the Marple Library, 2599 Sproul Road, Broomall, Pa. 19008.

Monumental Thanksgiving Fete
Preparing for a happy, thankful event.

We suspect it will be a happy one.

Dinner is pot luck and attendees are asked to contribute. It will be followed by a screening of the movie “Monumental”.

Door fee is $5 to cover the cost of the room.

Please RSVP at

Monumental Thanksgiving Fete

Jill Stein Gets It

Jill Stein Gets It — Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein blasted the Democratic Party in a tweet.

Jill Stein Gets It
She gets it.

“The Dems’ leaked emails reveal their mastery of corporate politics. Manipulate the process, the voters, the media, all to serve the elite,” she said.

She gets it. It’s a shame the race wasn’t between her and Trump. We may vehemently disagree with her solutions but we fully respect that she understands the problem. Our Founders rebelled against feudalism. The corporate cronyism that is being imposed on our lives is different in name only.

It’s no coincidence that Hillary Clinton is out-raising Trump 20 to 1 among one-percenters. These are types who want to supplant individual conscience and be lords of the world.

For my very religious friends who remain NeverTrump, remember the punchline: “Why didn’t you save me, God, when I prayed for deliverance?” “I sent you two boats and a helicopter.”

Jill Stein Gets It




DelcoDebates Swarthmore Speakers Corner A Success

DelcoDebates Swarthmore Speakers Corner A Success
Tom McBride of Swarthmore takes his turn in the fireplace.
DelcoDebates Swarthmore Speakers Corner A Success
Bob Small of Swarthmore organized the event.
DelcoDebates Swarthmore Speakers Corner A Success
Some are preparing to speak. Some are preparing to listen.

DelcoDebates Swarthmore Speakers Corner A Success — DelcoDebates presented its initial Hyde Park Speakers Corner event, Saturday afternoon Sept. 17 in Swarthmore, in Little Crum Creek Park on Cresson Lane, just off Swarthmore Avenue. The free event was held in a shady grove in the park by the large stone fireplace.

Volunteer speakers included Roger Balson, Bill Denison, Rich Gardner, Ed Mcadams, Tom McBride, Wil Scull and Bob Small.

Bob Small gave a short introduction followed by Roger Balson explaining the parameters of the discussion.

About a dozen short talks were given on a range of topics, including 911 as discussed in; the need for activism; Smedley Butler; constitutional amendments; environmental degradation; free and equal elections; gerrymandering, and quick and easy questions to ask local and national candidates.

Afterward, future activities were discussed including referendum on the November ballot concerning an  amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution which would increase the mandatory retirement age for judges from 70 to 75.

Those who would like to be notified of future Candidate Forums, Issue Forums, Speaker Corners can contact Delco Debates at

The Speakers Corner in London’s Hyde Park began in 1872 and continues to this day. Many other countries have since created a Speakers Corner, where anyone can speak.

DelcoDebates is a group dedicated to providing a space for all viewpoints,
including alternative and Independent Candidates.

DelcoDebates Swarthmore Speakers Corner A Success