Ivermectin Saving India Says Berquist

Ivermectin Saving India Says Berquist — A widely reported explosion of Covid-19 cases in India seems to be under control and some are crediting the use of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.

The India Health Ministry updated their COVID-19 guidelines to say that asymptomatic patients should consider taking Tab Ivermectin. The guideline says to take 200 mcg/kg once a day, on an empty stomach for 3 to 5 days to help fight the virus, reports DrewBrequist.com. The agency also instructed caregivers whose patients are quarantined to “take Hydroxychloroquine prophylaxis as per protocol and as prescribed by the treating medical officer.”

These drugs have been discouraged — if not outright opposed — by U.S. health authorities.

It’s perfectly understandable for a federal agency to refrain from endorsing untested treatment. It is beyond the realm of comprehension to inhibit front-line medical personnel from providing the treatment they think might work best.

It is even more beyond the realm of comprehension to claim long-used, well-understood drugs have become somehow dangerous.

Ivermectin Saving India Says Berquist

Ivermectin Saving India Says Berquist -- A widely reported explosion of Covid-19 cases in India seems to be under control and some are crediting the use of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.

Covid Lab Origin Considered By Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists

Covid Lab Origin Considered By Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists — Trust science, fine, but let’s allow skepticism of the scientist. He’s human, after all, and regardless of credentialing can be wrong, even intentionally so.

Almost from the beginning of the Covid crisis, prominent virologist and journals were declaring it to be definitively natural.

It came from bats. Really. No no no, it was not designed in a lab in China. It came from bats. Trump said it came from a lab? No, no, no. Orange man bad. It came from bats.

The authoritative The Lancet declared on Feb. 19, 2020 that suggesting otherwise was a “conspiracy theory”.

A letter from a group virologists led by Kristian G. Andersen of the Scripps Research Institute appeared in the March 17, 2020 of Nature Medicine saying “Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus”

The general media accepted these claims without question.

That’s changing.

Nicholas Wade published, May 5, an article about the origin of Covid 19 on the website of the widely respected Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.

While he doesn’t dismiss the possibility of a natural origin for Covid, he fully accepts the possibility — probability, actually — that it came from a lab in Wuhan.

More significantly, that if it should be found to have come from a lab, he lists those culpable for the disaster.

These would be Chinese virologists; Chinese authorities for the cover up — he does not believe the leak was intentional; the worldwide community of virologists whose desire for government money led them to successfully lobby for the removal of restrictions; and, the United States as we were responsible for funding the research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Repeat: The United States was responsible for funding the research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

And from where did this funding come? It was funneled through Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance by The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The directors of those organizations needed to give approval knowing full well for what it would be used. The NIH is directed by Francis Collins.

NIAID? That would be St. Anthony Fauci.

Wade ends his story with this:

What accounts for the media’s apparent lack of curiosity?

The virologists’ omertà is one reason. Science reporters, unlike political reporters, have little innate skepticism of their sources’ motives; most see their role largely as purveying the wisdom of scientists to the unwashed masses. So when their sources won’t help, these journalists are at a loss.

Another reason, perhaps, is the migration of much of the media toward the left of the political spectrum. Because President Trump said the virus had escaped from a Wuhan lab, editors gave the idea little credence. They joined the virologists in regarding lab escape as a dismissible conspiracy theory. During the Trump administration, they had no trouble in rejecting the position of the intelligence services that lab escape could not be ruled out. But when Avril Haines, President Biden’s director of national intelligence, said the same thing, she too was largely ignored. This is not to argue that editors should have endorsed the lab escape scenario, merely that they should have explored the possibility fully and fairly.

People round the world who have been pretty much confined to their homes for the last year might like a better answer than their media are giving them. Perhaps one will emerge in time. After all, the more months pass without the natural emergence theory gaining a shred of supporting evidence, the less plausible it may seem. Perhaps the international community of virologists will come to be seen as a false and self-interested guide. The common sense perception that a pandemic breaking out in Wuhan might have something to do with a Wuhan lab cooking up novel viruses of maximal danger in unsafe conditions could eventually displace the ideological insistence that whatever Trump said can’t be true.

And then let the reckoning begin.

The entire stinking temple needs to come down. Let it be Biblical.

Covid Lab Origin Considered By Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists
Covid Lab Origin Considered By Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists

Covid19 Funded By US Reprise

Covid19 Funded By US Reprise — The establishment media is now discussing things that were laughed at a short time ago.

Rising with Krystal & Saagar, a webcast which is affiliated with The Hill, has aired the story that the U.S. government funded the coronavirus research at the Wuhan lab from which Covid-19 was released.

You could have read it here a month ago.

Below is the story from Rising.

Hat tip Chris Saullo.

So what’s the over/under as to when Dr. Judy Mikovits gets rehabilitated?

Covid19 Funded By US Reprise
Covid19 Funded By US Reprise

CDC Created Covid-19 For Profit?

CDC Created Covid-19 For Profit? — Donna E sent this fascinating video by David Martin regarding patents and the Coronavirus.

Yes, patents have been issued involving coronavirus, a naturally occurring disease.

Martin says the development of Covid-19 was started for profit by people connected with the Center for Disease Control then was moved to Wuhan, China when good guys in government became uncomfortable with the direction it was taking.

CDC Created Covid-19 For Profit?

Maybe Covid-19 should be called the CDC Flu.

Martin calls out Tony Fauci,  Ralph Baric and many others.

Martin is the creator of the MCAM CNBC IQ100 index.

Watch Martin make his case here:

CDC Created Covid-19 For Profit?

Byrne Reveals China Involvement, HCQ Scam As He Finishes His History

Byrne Reveals China Involvement, HCQ Scam As He Finishes His History — Patrick Byrne published the last piece, Feb. 9, of his history of the theft of the 2020 election.

The six chapter tale plus an introduction will be remembered and studied for the ages.

The most horrifying part is his suspicion that China is involved.

If the Strong Hypothesis is correct and this is all a Chinese psyop, there is a way you will be able to be sure.  Authoritarian Chinese measures will be imposed on the US population (under the guise of stopping something vague like, “extremism”). President* Joe Biden will fill his administration with China-doves, and he will reverse an Executive Order of Trump’s to allow the Chinese to resume building components of our electoral grid. Because of the political discourse being constrained by Big Tech and authoritarian measures, within 10 years there will be prison camps in America built next to hospitals for the purpose of organ-harvesting from dissidents. By that time, Xi Jinping will have a button on his desk: one day he will hit it, the US electrical grid will shut down, and over the course of one year the United States will turn into a farm (which China’s 1.6 billion people will appreciate).

Byrne says the Republican Party is useless and recommends donating to DefendingTheRepublic.org which is the brainchild of Sidney Powell and Mike Flynn.

Oh, and Bryne says the hydroxychloroquine panic was orchestrated as part of the psyop and that its use by frontline doctors would have save thousands of lives. Great minds, right?

Byrne says he accepts Biden as president but will only use his title with an asterisk due to the cheating. It’s an excellent idea and we will adopt it.

Byrne Reveals China Involvement, HCQ Scam As He Finishes His History
Byrne Reveals China Involvement, HCQ Scam As He Finishes His History

Follow The Science Phonies Called Out By Cole

Follow The Science Phonies Called Out By Cole — The always controversial David Cole of the always controversial TakiMag.com has maybe the best column of the last 14 months regarding Covid19 and the “follow the science” phonies.

Especially those in the public teacher unions.

Check it out here.

Follow The Science Phonies Called Out By Cole
Follow The Science Phonies Called Out By Cole

HCQ Treats Covid19 Successfully

HCQ treats Covid19 successfully. It should be good news but it just creates a desire to vomit.

Hydroxychloroquine is a safe and successful treatment for the China Flu.

The American Journal of Medicine says so in its January edition:

. . .when started earlier in the hospital course, for progressively longer durations and in outpatients, antimalarials may reduce the progression of disease, prevent hospitalization, and are associated with reduced mortality.

Just as President Trump pointed out back in June.

Just as Dr. Simone Gold bravely declared and lost her job for it.

The AJM also said azithromycin was effective, alone or with HCQ.

The AJM also touted zinc as a treatment:

Zinc is a known inhibitor of coronavirus replication. Clinical trials of zinc lozenges in the common cold have demonstrated modest reductions in the duration and or severity of symptoms.18 By extension, this readily available nontoxic therapy could be deployed at the first signs of COVID-19.19 Zinc lozenges can be administered 5 times a day for up to 5 days and extended if needed if symptoms persist. 

Gee, zinc successfully treats Covid symptoms. Where did we hear that before?

As for the dangers pounded nightly by our — pick an unprintable word — media of HCQ, the AJM says that while concerns exist as with any drug it is a remarkably safe one:

HCQ was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 1955, has been used by hundreds of millions of people worldwide since then, is sold over the counter in many countries, and has a well-characterized safety profile that should not raise undue alarm

If our media and regulatory agencies merely stayed neutral and let frontline doctors follow to where their observations led, tens of thousands of people would likely still be alive.

But our establishment strangely attacked, even to the point of sanctions, any who tried to promote it as a treatment. Discussion was banned by the social media giants and advocates were merciless mocked by establishment news organs.

The answer as to why this happened has nothing to do with science or the public good. Our establishment is corrupt. Anyone who trusts our media — or our regulatory agencies — is a fool.

Remember when grandma-killer Andrew Cuomo got an Emmy award? See where grandma-killer Rachel Levine has been nominated as assistant secretary of health?

Yeah, you are a fool if you trust this crowd.

Hat tip Vox Popoli

HCQ Treats Covid19 Successfully

HCQ Treats Covid19 Successfully

Levine Incompetence Led To Elderly Deaths

Levine Incompetence Led To Elderly Deaths — Chris Saullo sent a link to this article from the Delaware Valley Journal describing how the incompetence/indifference of the Wolf Administration and Health Secretary Rachel Levine led to thousands of unnecessary Covid-19 deaths in Pennsylvania.

Wolf and Levine ignored desperate pleas from advocates of the elderly as deaths in long-term care facilities exploded.

And now Illegitimate President Joe Biden has nominated Levine, a seriously disturbed person, as the nation’s assistant health secretary.

Pennsylvania has 20,063 covid deaths as of today (Jan. 22), with 10,212 coming from long term care facilities.

Levine Incompetence Led To Elderly Deaths
Levine Indifference Led To Elderly Deaths

Treason War And Election

Treason War And Election — If you haven’t seen this snippet from Tucker Carlson’s Dec. 7 program where Di Dongsheng, a professor at Renmin University in Beijing and a flunky of the Chinese Communist Party, saysat the top of America’s core inner circle of power and influence, we have our old friends” you can check it here:

Di implied the “old friends” were behind Biden’s campaign.

 But now we’re seeing Biden was elected [laughter]. The traditional elite, the political elite, the establishment, they’re very close to Wall Street. So you see that, right? Trump has been saying that Biden’s son has some sort of global foundation. Have you noticed that? Who helped him [Biden’s son] build the foundations? Got it? There are a lot of deals in all these. [laughter, applause]

Yeah, and now it’s been established that Hunter Biden is the subject of a criminal investigation despite the pre-November squawking denials of the “old friends” in the establishment. If Hunter is owned, “The Big Guy” is too.

And it’s also been established that the Chinese targeted — and co-opted — American political figures, academics and, it’s safe to assume, media members.

These included former Democrat presidential contender Congressman Eric Swalwell of California’s 15th Congressional District, who was tapped for the House Intelligence Committee in his second term, an unusually fast track.

The Chinese appeared to have begun nurturing Swalwell when he was a Dublin City councilman. Kinda makes your stomach sink if you think about it.

The 2020 Election might have been an act of war. Treason was certainly involved.

Don’t doubt that Trump is the winner.

Treason War And Election
Want to have some fun? Show Joe Biden this and ask him to grab his dog’s tail while taking a shower.
Treason War And Election

Covid Death Rate Dropping Dramatically But Wolf Sees Need For Thanksgiving Obstacles

Covid Death Rate Dropping Dramatically But Wolf Sees Need For Thanksgiving Obstacles — Gov. Tom Wolf has announced for Pennsylvania restrictions greater than when Covid-19 was most virulent last spring. These include wearing a mask in the home; and requiring out-0f-state visitors to be tested 72 hours before arriving.

It’s just in time for Thanksgiving.

The Wolf Administration is saying they are warranted because of the spike in Covid cases as per the below chart for Bucks County:

Covid Death Rate Dropping Dramatically But Wolf Sees Need For Thanksgiving Obstacles

Pretty scary, huh.

Here’s another chart from yesterday for Bucks:

Covid Death Rate Dropping Dramatically But Wolf Sees Need For Thanksgiving Obstacles

Yeah, we are being played. Maybe Wolf & Levine think with Dominion voting machines being used in Pennsylvania, their side will be in office as long as Iran’s ayatollahs. We think they are wrong. Resist.

Charts are courtesy of Dean Malik.

Covid Death Rate Dropping Dramatically But Wolf Sees Need For Thanksgiving Obstacles