Madoff Victims Included Greedy Liberals

Eliot Spitzer Madoff Victims Included Greedy Liberals
Eliot Spitzer

Bernie Madoff financed his Ponzi scheme with promises of what should have been unbelievable returns.  One of his victims was disgraced New York Governor Eliot Spitzer who before he became known as Client-9 was known for aggressive prosecutions of Wall Street investment firms and having a high IQ.

It appears that Eliot was susceptible to dreams of easy money as any greedy capitalists.

Here is a list of Madoff’s more famous victims. Some, one can feel sorry for. The ones who want to take money form the middle class in the name of social justice so they can wear shiny halos, not so much.

Madoff Victims Included Greedy Liberals

None Dare Call Clinton Cash What?

None Dare Call Clinton Cash What?
Treason doth never prosper: what ’s the reason?

None Dare Call Clinton Cash What? — Since 2001, Bill and Hillary Clinton have earned at least $136.5 million with the money spiking for Bill’s speaking fees after Hillary became Obama’s Secretary of State.

The money came from foreign governments and business interests. This includes $2.35 million from Uranium One of which the state-owned Russian atomic agency, Rosatom now owns in its entirety.

Uranium One’s mines account for 20 percent of the uranium mined in the U.S.

The sale of Uranium One to the Russians was something that raised concerns among many. It went, through, anyway, apparently at Mrs. Clinton’s behest.

Revelations such as this are detailed in the book Clinton Cash by Peter Schweizer scheduled to hit the shelves May 5 but is already being discussed by media outlets that have obtained advanced copies.

The Clintons character didn’t magically change when Bill left office. One wonders how much safer and how much freer the world would have been if he had never entered.

Treason doth never prosper: what ’s the reason?
Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason.

Sir John Harrington


None Dare Call Clinton Cash What?

Ben Farrell Apple Expose

It’s a time-tested rule-of-thumb that the ones who most loudly proclaim their compassion, open mindedness and altruism are the cruelest, most bigoted and greediest. Silicon Valley proves this rule. The companies that are most supportive of the Democrat Party and most insistent upon “social justice” are the world’s most predatory capitalists and the least tolerant of diversity and dissenting views. Ben Farrell Apple Expose

Ben Farrell, an Australian policemen who emigrated to the U.S. to work at Apple, has written an expose on the company’s  cult-like business model and rather inhumane treatment of its workers.

Here is an excerpt from his article: I Quit: What Really Goes On At Apple published on April 6, 2015 on his site Road Less Travelled.

By Ben Farrell

I’ve just escaped the Apple institution. I’ve sent in my resignation, and fled down its bright white corridors curated by crass colourful pictures of iPhones past. I handed in my security pass and in return I was able to re-claim my creativity, individuality and free thinking from the secure Apple cloak room.

Finally now, for the first time in two years, I feel light, creative and inspired. I am again an individual with my own creative ideas, perceptions, values and beliefs. It may take me a while, but from what I believe – I’m now able to express such beliefs again. I am no longer part of the collective  iCult machine whose dirty, worn-out, greasy and naive internal mechanisms of bullying, harassment and mind-games push out shiny and polished iPhones every year. I AM FREE

It is ironic that one of the world’s largest companies and one that prides itself on innovation, creativity and ‘breaking the mould’, operates on such soul limiting entrenched dogma. It’s an organised boys club where perception is valued over substance and tenure over talent. I spent two years in the Apple camp managing customer service improvement for their technical support contact centres and out of the fifteen plus years working in this industry I’ve never witnessed so many bizarre and unprofessional things, only some of which I have time to touch on here.

I found Apple to be a sheltered workshop. The common language spoken being passive aggression, sarcasm and Kool-Aid fuelled stories of ‘success’ designed to manipulate and intimidate naive workers who have never experienced corporate life outside the Apple walls. Like the Chinese emperors believed the forbidden city in Beijing was the centre of the universe and constructed their empire around it, I’m sure that some people at Apple feel the same… Is it a coincidence that the new Apple Campus looks like a giant spaceship? Maybe the plan is for everyone to drink poisoned ‘kool-Aid’ before ascending to the mothership… Sounds like I got out just in time.

Even after-work beers were a strange affair. Drinks with colleagues revolved around the same stories told again and again as drunken management spoke of times when Apple executives made ‘strategic’ decisions to cut jobs and shut down Apple sites so swiftly and carelessly. Like boy-scouts around a campfire, employees eyes would glow and twinkle at this notion of power and embrace these stories with awe but with utter disrespect for the actions Apple has on the broader community of contractors, vendors, partners, resellers and business partners they have bent over a barrel of non-profitability. Remarks such as “… to make a decision that affects so many lives and so many jobs so quickly like that shows the sheer level on which they (Apple executive management) operate… Amazing” were common dialogue around Friday beers. In my opinion a monkey can cut jobs, but at Apple the strangest things are revered.

Sixteen hour days are filled with meetings after meetings followed by more meetings. Whilst this is somewhat standard in most organisations, meetings at Apple wreaked of toxic agendas designed to deliberately trip people up, make fools of the less respected and call people out. Team spirit is non existent as ‘internal customers’ attack individuals and push agendas that satisfy their morning egos. Hours upon hours were wasted in meetings to prepare for meetings in preparation for other meetings to the point where little work actually got done. These rehearsals – called ‘dry runs’ (to me it sounds like something you’d pick up from South East Asian street food) – were meetings to refine impressions and push agendas… how to get the impressions right. How to bend, twist and polish data to tell the story you were instructed to tell… Not the reality the data presents. If a story can’t be forged, the data is excluded.

I had organised a day off recently where all my family were visiting me from interstate. Despite this I had agreed to dial in to one conference call as the audience attending was ‘important’. Well it seems Important but disrespectful, as the audience never even turned up, yet I was still made to ‘dry-run’ the whole meeting from start to finish for an hour and a half as if there was full attendance and interest in what I was saying. So, as the food I had prepared for my family went cold, there I was stuck on the phone role-playing a fake menial meeting to satisfy managements ego.

Sickness, family emergencies, and even weddings are given no respect at Apple. When I started my role I missed one business trip as my wife was pregnant, fell down the stairs and had to be hospitalised – this was listed as a ‘performance issue’ on my record and brought up during a one on one with management as a major ‘miss’ on my behalf. Meetings at midnight were also common place where I was always asked to present something menial (again to be seen), however even then I wasn’t allowed to simply speak to my topic but instead I was fed scripts by management through instant message with countdowns included about how long I had left to speak (“1 min 30 secs left”… “too long…”, “wrap it up”…).

Read more of the Ben Farrell Apple Expose at

Ben Farrell Apple Expose

Ignore Small Loud Progressives

Rush Limbaugh, last week, had a fascinating observation regarding the social pressure techniques mastered by the progressives that have many of us wondering why so often nonsensical ideas become policy and law at the expense of our freedom and lifestyles. Ignore Small Loud Progressives

“There is on Twitter this thing called StopRush, and it’s people attacking me and this program much the way Indiana is being attacked today, and whatever conservative institution was attacked yesterday,” he said. ” . . .It’s 10 people. We researched it. We know who the people are. We know where they live. Virtually 85 percent of all the so-called outrage e-mails and tweets are generated by 10 people, made to look as though they are thousands and thousands and thousands. It’s all fake. It’s all phony.”

But it gets worse.

“Let’s say there’s a mom-and-pop operation that wants to advertise on our station in Illinois, Chicago, WLS, and that local sponsor’s commercial is heard, and the next thing that proprietor knows, he’s got thousands and thousands of tweets threatening him, telling him defamatory things about me, lies and things totally made up about things I’ve supposedly said on the radio,” Rush noted.. “And the guy gets scared. We found out that not only are only 10 people behind this, but in the vast, I mean vast majority of cases, 90 percent of the tweets are coming from out of state.”

The people who do these things are wannabee tyrants. They won’t be swayed by truth or reasoned debated because they accept neither truth or reason. They don’t value decency, and compassion as we do. They are bullies. When we learn to stand up to them we will be much happier, freer, richer and stronger.

Ignore Small Loud Progressives

Apple Hypocrisy Saudi Expansion

Apple Hypocrisy Saudi Expansion
Hipster = Hypocrite

Apple CEO Tim Cook has called for a boycott of Indiana because of the state’s new religious freedom law which prevents business-owners from being compelled to participate in activities that violate their religious principles.

Meanwhile, as, notes, the company is expanding its presence in Saudi Arabia.

Hypocrisy and hipster have more in common that just merely starting with H.

In a related matter rich, white, middle-age male MSNBC 1% Ed Schultz was so flummoxed  by Heritage Foundation’s Ryan Anderson’s reasonable explanation of the law  that he cut off his mic.

Schultz was calmly corrected by Anderson on numerous points when he tried to claim the law was something it was not.

As it is highly unlikely you saw it we will post it for you.

Hat tip National Review




Sestak Living Wage April Fool

Sestak Living Wage April Fool
Joe says if a dog can live on $1.78 per hour so can my staffers.

Sy Snyder of PoliticsPa.Com has a story about Sestak for Senate’s fine young staffer Jason Turner who just sent out a ghostwritten yarn for the Admiral about how the minimum wage must be raised.

“How can we expect anyone to live on $7.25 per hour?” asked Jason.

Jason is being paid $448.50 ever two weeks, reports Snyder, which comes out to $1.78 per hour.

Hey Jason, it’s April Fool’s Day. Joe is just goofing with you about you getting a raise.

Sestak Living Wage April Fool

Je Suis Rush Limbaugh

Californian John Adams, who Ed Driscoll of calls the most famous and important classical composer in the world, premiered his new work Scheherazade.2, March 26, at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in the heart of hip Manhattan. Je Suis Rush Limbaugh

Adams introduced his work saying he was motivated by an exhibition he saw in Paris concerning the legendary Islamic queen Scheherazade. If you don’t know the story, it concerns  an Islamic Persian king who upon marrying a new wife would behead the old one. He had gone through a thousand women by the time he got to Scheherazade.

Scheherazade, of  course, had a plan. Before her beheading, she asked to bid farewell to her sister.  The king consented and during her farewell she told the sister a story which the king overheard. She stopped in the middle as dawn was breaking and the king asked her to continue. She said should couldn’t as it was time for her beheading. The king postponed the execution for a day so she could finish it for him. She did the next night but started another which again stopped in the middle before dawn. So the king again postponed things and this went on for 1,001 nights and become the inspiration for Bugs Bunny cartoons and Walt Disney movies.

Anyway by the time the stories were finished, the king had fallen in love with Scheherazade and she lived happily ever after with a serial killer.

Adams said that after seeing the exhibit he read One Thousand and One Arabian Nights and was appalled by “casual brutality toward women” it depicted. During this time, he also began reading of the treatment of women in various third-world Islamic-influenced places such as Egypt and Afghanistan.

So he explained this to his audience at his work’s premier, and then for some bizarre reason felt obliged to add regarding the oppression of women: “find it on Rush Limbaugh.”

This sanctimonious twit compared Rush Limbaugh to people who kill girls because they had been raped and women because they had affairs.

There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with Limbaugh. There is nothing wrong with calling Rush a blowhard.  But bearing false witness is a big wrong and that’s what Adams did.

We seriously doubt that the has every listened to Limbaugh live and in any sort of context but is merely parroting the conventional wisdom of the his insular crowd.

What’s even sicker is the reaction of his crowd which gave a long round of applause to the slander.

In 2009, Limbaugh was part of a group that was attempting to buy the St. Louis Rams football team. The old media reported that he said on his radio show that James Earl Ray deserved a medal for the murder of Martin Luther King Jr. and that slavery was beneficial. The quotes were fabricated but still placed in his Wikipedia biography as fact. Those who know of the scrutiny Limbaugh faces  for every word he utters — which one would reasonably think is everyone in professional journalism — would reject the quotes out of hand. Yet they were reported as true and hence ended his chance at becoming a team owner.

All decent people have a responsibility to defend those being slandered not just if but especially if they disagree with them. Further, all intelligent people should be suspicious of those who use slander to further a political cause.

What Adams and his crowd did was shameful.

For what it’s worth,  Wiki, in the latest editing of Rush’s bio, does not even mention the Rams incident.

For those interested in a first-hand take, Rush can be heard in the Philadelphia area from noon to 3 p.m. on WPHT 1210 AM or on the web here.

Below is Adams introduction to  Scheherazade.2

Je Suis Rush Limbaugh

Chick-fil-A H8er Karma

Chick-fil-A H8er Karma
Gene Ontjes, the manager at the Chick-fil-A in Springfield, Pa., happily directs the overwhelming traffic at the drive-through on Aug. 1, 2012.

A national appreciation day was held, Aug. 1, 2012, for the Chick-fil-A restaurant chain after leftist activists targeted it because it supported Christian causes and a principle in the business expressed disapproval of gay marriage.

Well, the chain is known for giving free water to those who ask for it so one bright progressive figured he would drive up, ask for one. He would then video his harangue at the worker who brought it to him, and put it on the world wide web.

That bright progressive is Adam Mark Smith, who at the time held a $200,000 a year job — that’s almost a 1-percenter considering the $1 million he had in stock options– as CFO of Vante, a medical device manufacturer.

The bad vibes created by his obnoxious performance caused Vante to send him on his way. Smith has since been unable to find another job. He says he has had to sell his home and that he and his family are now living in an RV.

Hey, Adam, move it down by the river and give inspirational talks. Better yet, get a job a Chick-fil-A. It would teach you things, like empathy, decency, humility, and, of course, tolerance.

Chick-fil-A H8er Karma




Religious Freedom Law Outrages Usual Suspects

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed  into law, March 26,  the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the usual suspects that bow before the altar of political correctness howled. Religious Freedom Law Outrages Usual Suspects

The White House said “it doesn’t seem like a step of equality and justice and liberty”.

The NCAA said it was “especially concerned”

The NBA also criticized it.

So what does this law do? It establishes a legal test for judges to use when deciding whether or not a government act goes too far in burdening someone’s exercise of religion.

Here is the text of the law which has generally been omitted from the media outrage.

The law is motivated by instances were religious business-owners were sued under anti-discrimination laws for being unwilling to espouse views praising homosexuality in violation of the tenets of their faith.

For those objecting to this law ask yourself if you would condemn a black baker for refusing to bake a cake for a KKK chapter that celebrated lynching. How about a gay caterer refusing to hang a sign saying “God hates gay” at a function for the Westboro Baptist Church?

Unfair discrimination is refusing to sell the kind of jelly doughnut just sold to the black guy to the gay guy next in line. It’s not refusing to make a special rainbow jelly doughnut for the gay guy.

For what it’s worth, Pennsylvania is among the 19 other states that have such a law. Kudos for us.

Religious Freedom Law Outrages Usual Suspects



Matt Brown Faces Human Trafficking Charges

Matt Brown Faces Human Trafficking Charges
Matt Brown, former Temple star

Lara Witt of the Philadelphia Daily News has a story concerning the arrest of former Temple University football star Matt Brown on human trafficking charges.

Brown, 25, allegedly received money for procuring  girls ages 14, 16 and 17 for sex.

He was arrested in Baltimore.

At Temple, Brown was a kick return specialist and the Big East Conference’s special team player of the year in 2012. He signed a contract with the NFL’s Tampa Bay Buccaneers the next year but was released.

Jeffrey Epstein Matt Brown Faces Human Trafficking Charges
Jeffrey Epstein, billionaire with private island.

Ms. Witt notes that human trafficking i.e. slavery generates $32 billion per year and involves tens of millions of people.

Bill Clinton Portrait Matt Brown Faces Human Trafficking Charges
Presidential buddy.

We’d just like to point out that small fish like Brown are not the real problem. The real problem is billionaires with private islands and their presidential buddies.



Matt Brown Faces Human Trafficking Charges