Top Donors 2014 As Per Sunlight

Top Donors 2014 As Per SunlightTop Donors 2014— Sunlight Foundation which does yeoman’s work showing how our political campaigns and crusades are funded recently distributed a best-of 2015 which included this dissection from April of where the money went in the 2014 election from the “one percent of the one percent”.  They hold this category contains 31,976 persons who contributed $1.18 billion.

Sunlight noted that this money skewed slightly to the GOP and conservatives — $553 million verses $505 million to Democrats and liberals. The top donors, however, were overwhelmingly D.

Liberal hedge fund manger Tom Steyer  spent $73,884, 467,  which is more than the next 17 Republicans combined. A nice chunk of it went to the campaign for Tom Wolf.

The number 2 donor was former New York Mayor Michale Bloomberg who once upon a time was a Republican but has since moved solely into the camp of country-club progressives. He gave $11,042,800 of which $10,527,600 went to the left.

Sunlight is a critic of Citizens United, the 2010 Supreme Court decision that held that the First Amendment prohibited government interference with political spending by non-profit groups. Much of this money now goes to “super PACs” which are political action committees that don’t make direct contributions to candidates but stick to issues.

Criticism of Citizens United is extremely short-sighted. The Supreme Court got it right. The largest media organization in the world is Philadelphia-based Comcast. It’s “news” outlets are NBC and its spin-offs, which are basically Democrat propaganda machines. The New York Times, despite its fading reputation, is also a partisan mouthpiece. There is no inherent difference between a group of people chipping in to send out mailings and make posters to disseminate information than a New York Times front page story except that the mailings and posters are likely  far more honest and accurate.

Top Donors 2014 As Per Sunlight



Slave Labor Shrimp

Slave Labor Shrimp
If it’s Thai don’t buy.

Slave Labor Shrimp — Kudos to The Philadelphia Inquirer for its Dec. 15 story regarding how the cheap shrimp found in Walmart  is brought to you by the hands of slaves.

Yes, the Red Lobster and Olive Garden restaurant chains are also mentioned as is upscale retailer Whole Foods. Frankly, we would presume guilt for any bag labeled “Product of Thailand.” Or China, for that matter.

The article describes how victims of human trafficking are trapped in jobs requiring them to work from 3 a.m. to 7 p.m. to work off usurious debt.

Just so we can have cheap seafood.

There are those calling for a boycott. Count us as having started. We are going to stick to Hill’s when we want something from the sea.

Slave Labor Shrimp

Trump Outrage Misses Point

Donald Trump said, Monday, Dec. 7, that there should be a ban on Muslim immigration until we find out “what the hell is going on” in the Muslim community and oh did the outrage machine get in gear. Well, the Trump outrage misses point.

Here is today’s front page of the New York Daily News.

Trump Outrage Misses Point

Golly what incisive commentary. The Donald is beheading the Statue of Liberty with a scimitar. If The Donald carried around a scimitar we sure wouldn’t want him as president, much less if he beheaded people. Actually, if he beheaded people and put it on YouTube we would want him banned from the country.

Here is yesterday’s front page of the Philadelphia Daily News.

Trump Outrage Misses Point

We should just invoke Godwin’s Law  and make Trump president. But let’s not. Let’s just point out  that, unlike with Christianity and Judaism,  Hitler never tried to wipe out Islam. He actually kind of liked it. Some say it even inspired him.

Trump Outrage Misses Point

Even the Delaware County Daily Times feels obliged to defend the poor oppressed sect of head choppers. Delco Muslims Discount Trump Because They Have Faith in America their front page screams. Do the Delco Muslims have faith in our history of tolerance of dissenting views? Or do they have faith that our social events make for a lot of fat targets? We wonder.

And that gets us to the point. If piracy, violence and terror were not granted permission by a religious document there would be no call for a ban on immigration for those who accept the authority of such a document which are those who called themselves Muslim. If the sect had a reputation for merely praying seven times a day and then passing flowers to passersby there would no controversy. Is there anyone calling for an immigration ban on Buddhists? Hindus? Didn’t think so.

This is not a religious dispute about the nature of God or even His existence. This is an existential philosophical battle.

Our nation was founded on the values of certain unalienable right bestowed upon all individuals by our Creator. This dovetails very nicely with, and is in fact based upon, the  value  of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Philosophies that conflict with this must be and will invariably be fought and we would be fools to welcome those who hold such conflicting philosophies.

And for the record it should be noted that Trump is not calling for a permanent ban. It’s rather bad journalism to imply otherwise.

Trump Outrage Misses Point


Ben Carson Target Of Media Hitmen

Ben Carson Target Of Media HitmenGOP Presidential contender Ben Carson has the establishment peeing in their pants in a way he noted that he scandalously did as a kindergartner.

The jackals who claim to be journalists but are just lame propagandist are digging up every statement the noted doctor ever said or wrote and trying to make him look like a rube.

And this is a guy who separated Siamese twins.

An especially noxious smear was the one that aired Thursday on NBC Nightly News. They showed video of a younger Carson speculating that the Egyptian pyramids might have been built by the Biblical Joseph to store grain.

I guess these people never heard of Charles Fort. This crowd pointedly and dishonestly refused to discern  between how one handles oneself in unserious venues about unserious matters and in making life and death decisions like separating Siamese twins.

Just imagine what these rats would do if they found that Carson used a spiritualist to talk to dead people or had a strong connection with someone who really hates Joseph’s ethnic group.

Of course, he doesn’t so they have to really stretch to make this accomplished man look small.

Also, kudos to Carly Fiorina for her appearance on yesterday’s (Nov. 7), The View.

She handled a very hostile interrogation with grace and got her points across perfectly to the frustration of the shrews on the panel.

It was remarkable that when she described how all Americans could find common-ground on some matters concerning abortion like Planned Parenthood’s harvesting of body parts for sale and profit, Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg shrieked in denial and defense.

And Whoopi, it isn’t Mrs. Fiorina with the thin skin. You were far more upset with her pointing out your “comedy” wasn’t funny than she was for you making fun of her looks.

Ben Carson Target Of Media Hitmen

Cruz Shames Quintanilla, Old Media

Ted Cruz Shames Quintanilla One questions the wisdom of the Republicans letting a Comcast-affiliated network host a presidential debate then one sees what candidate Ted Cruz does to the sickeningly dishonest moderators tasked to making the GOP look bad and realizes it was an act of genius.
Ted Cruz, today’s hero

One questions the wisdom of the Republicans letting a Comcast-affiliated network host a presidential debate then one sees what candidate Ted Cruz does to the sickeningly dishonest moderators tasked to making the GOP look bad and realizes it was an act of genius.

He actually makes Carl Quintanilla blush with shame.

Here it is if you haven’t seen it:

Ted Cruz Shames Quintanilla, Old Media


Sharyl Attkisson Sues DOJ

Former Emmy-award winning investigative reporter and substitute CBS-anchor Sharyl Attkisson and her family are suing the Obama Administration over the apparently government-sponsored bugging of her computer. Sharyl Attkisson Sues DOJ

Specifically named in the lawsuit are former Attorney General Eric Holder,  former Postmaster General Patrick R. Donahoe, the U.S. Justice Department and the Postal Service.

She is asking for $35 million.

She says that three separate computer forensic exams showed that hackers used sophisticated methods to monitor here work between 2011 and 2013 while at CBS. She says she has “pretty good evidence” that these efforts were connected to the Justice Department.

This is a rather serious and scary scandal. You would think she would be a household name at this point.

Ms. Attkission resigned form CBS in 2014 saying the network tried to stifle investigations into Obama Administration scandals.

Sharyl Attkisson Sues DOJ

Pennsylvania Budget Ignored By Media

Pennsylvania Budget Ignored By Media
Gov. Tom Wolf

Once upon a time the news media would make it a point to cover the boring but complex stories that impacted the lives of their readers with the rule being the bigger the impact, the bigger the play and they would make it a point of pride to make the complexity understandable to anyone with a sixth-grade education

Yesterday, Sept. 29, Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf (D) vetoed a stopgap budget presented by the Republican-controlled legislature.

This means school districts and social services are not going to get the state subsidies upon which they have come to depend. This is going to impact many of their readers a lot.

The Delaware County Daily Times put the story on page 10 and The Philadelphia Inquirer ran it on page 4 of the B section.

The reason for Wolf’s veto was that  the stopgap budget would not give him the massive tax increases he is demanding along with the massive of transfer of wealth from Republican-voting parts of the state to Democrat-voting ones.

The governor’s irresponsibility and unwillingness to compromise is scandalous.

The legislature passed a standard budget on June 30 which was 3.6 percent higher than the previous year and increased education spending by $100 million.

If those who work in the establishment media would stop picking sides and cover all equally and honestly, we would not end up with the Wolf’s and Kathleen Kane’s — neither of whom got serious critical scrutiny because they ran as Democrats — in positions of authority.

Pennsylvania Budget Ignored By Media



Planned Parenthood Sold Spin

The videos released by Center for Medical Progress (CMP) showing monstrous behavior by the once-esteemed Planned Parenthood have been reported as “heavily edited” by the pro-abortion lapdogs in the old media. Planned Parenthood Sold Spin

Well, that’s what Planned Parenthood paid for. The vile organization hired Fusion GPS, a left-wing public relations firm, to try and spin them out of their difficulty. They came up with the idea to push that the videos were “heavily edited.”

CMP has at least 12 hours of video and most of it is available for those that want to wade through it.

To say the videos that establish that Planned Parenthood sold the parts of the bodies of the human beings they killed are “heavily edited” is like saying surveillance video showing a hold up at a drug store was heavily edited because it didn’t include the entire day.

Planned Parenthood Sold Spin

Remember Kayla Mueller

Remember Kayla Mueller
Remember Kayla Mueller

Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Trudy Rubin, yesterday, Aug. 30, became one of the few old media types expressing outrage over the fate of American Kayla Mueller.

Ms. Rubin even went so far as to call President Obama’s policies concerning ISIS inept and contradictory.

That’s certainly not writing you see every day by the establishment.

Miss Mueller was a human rights activist captured in August 2013 in Syria by ISIS. She was chained in a room and raped repeatedly over the next several months by ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi  largely because she was an American.

She was killed on Feb. 6 this year. She was 26. ISIS claims it was a Jordanian air strike that caused her death but that is far from an established fact.

During her captivity, Miss Mueller refused a chance to escape as it would endanger the Yazidi girls who were imprisoned — and being abused — along with her and to whom she had become kind of a mother figure. She had smuggled out a letter say she would never give in to her captors.

Let us remember Kayla Mueller. Let us remember Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as well.

And for the record just about  any other president except Barack Obama would not be confused about what to do. OK, Hillary Clinton, as she would be listening to Huma Abedin, would also be confused.

Remember Kayla Mueller

Elaine Fydrych, Honor Her Last Wish

Elaine Fydrych, Honor Her Last Wish
Elaine Fydrych, Honor Her Last Wish

Elaine Fydrych, of Runnemede, N. J., who died, Aug. 13, at the too-young-age of 63, asked that her death notice read “In lieu of flowers please do not vote for Hillary Clinton.”

Hence it did.

Except in The Philadelphia Inquirer which cut that part out. Death notices, of course, are paid advertisements so they are getting appropriate grief for it.

The Inky neglected to mention it in the obituary as well. Was it just not interesting? Well, it’s what people around the nation are talking about  concerning her passing.

Rather than throw stones, though, at the smarmy “smarter-than-thou” types who populate the old media, we merely ask that you honor this great woman’s last wish.

Elaine Fydrych, Honor Her Last Wish