Wagner Two-Faced On Anti-Business Law

Wagner Two-Faced On Anti-Business Law — Sen. Scott Wagner, who says in the below article, that he is “extremely concerned with how Federal and State Regulations are choking businesses” and “Barack Obama’s anti-business agenda” is pushing legislation to make life harder for small business by adding  “sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression” to the list of “protected classes“.  Nobody likes bullies but what Wagner and Sen. Pat Browne (R-16) are ignoring with the laws they are pushing is that bullies exist in government too and especially in the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission  which would be tasked with enforcing this garbage.

There are employers and supervisors who take pleasure in humiliating employees and prospective employees. Nobody likes them. They are not an iota as dangerous, however, as the government officials with that character trait.

Like those in the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission.

The anti-business bill Wagner is pushing, SB 1307, is advancing and was re-referred to the Rules and Executive Nominations Committee on June 27.

A bill, SB 1316, sponsored by Sen. Browne which would forbid discrimination against men claiming to be women regarding housing such as college dorms moved to the State Government committee June 21.

SB 1306, also sponsored by Browne, which would grant even broader privileges to men claiming to be women, remains stuck in Labor and Industry.

All these bills expand control by unaccountable bureaucrats over our lives and should die quiet deaths.

Wagner, a Republican, represents the 28th District in York County.


By Sen. Scott Wagner

Wagner Two-Faced On Anti-Business Law
How is giving more power to the PHRC helping business?

The Pennsylvania state budget for 2016-17 was finalized July 13. I will be reporting in depth the details in an email next week.

This email is focused on the Presidential election.

I will be traveling to Cleveland next week to attend the Republican National Convention.

It appears that the Presidential race is down to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

I expect that Donald Trump will be nominated as the Republican candidate for the General Election in November.

I would like to share my thoughts and opinion.

As a private sector business owner I am extremely concerned with how Federal and State Regulations are choking businesses.

Case in point – Barack Obama’s war on coal has just about vaporized the coal industry in the US and especially Western Pennsylvania.

Businesses employ people and create jobs – they always have, and always will.

I am very concerned about the thought of Hillary Clinton stepping foot into the White House and doubling-down on Barack Obama’s anti-business agenda.

Americans have witnessed firsthand the last three weeks of events – first when Bill Clinton just by chance happened to be on the same tarmac, at an airport on an airplane, at the same time that the United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch was at the same airport, the same tarmac and on an airplane, and they just happened to meet.

The press reported that Bill Clinton and Ms. Lynch discussed golf, the weather, their children and grandchildren – ironically several days after this chance meeting the FBI announced that they are not going to pursue action against Hillary Clinton over her emails.

Cut me a break – The press, Bill Clinton and Hillary must think that Americans are clueless and stupid – the meeting was preset and a deal was definitely done on an airplane.

I have been watching Donald Trump very closely – I watch what he says and what he does.

Looking back to 2013 when I announced that I was going to run for the Pennsylvania 28th State Senate seat I called a donor in the York community – he told me that he was going to sit on the sidelines with my race – he had concerns that my style wouldn’t work in Harrisburg.

I have worked hard on my style – but at the end of the day – my style is asking questions and continuing to ask questions until I fully understand the issue – demanding accountability – I am pushing the envelope on change and breaking the status-quo mold.

Please allow me to point out – I did not have a lifelong plan to run for a seat in the Pennsylvania State Senate – I was fed up, and when our Senator resigned I decided to roll up my shirt sleeves and get involved to make a difference.

I think Donald Trump is similar in many ways to me – he doesn’t need the job as President and he doesn’t need the money – the guy is seventy years old – I am sure he would be much more happy continuing to operate his businesses – it appears that his children are highly active in the businesses and are smart and intelligent – Donald Trump could spend the rest of his life working with his children and watch them become great business people.

I think that Donald Trump, in his own large ego way, said one day, “I have had enough of America being pounded and run down by career politicians and the crony system.”

I stayed on the sidelines up until a few weeks ago – I made a decision to let the Republican candidates work through the process – at the end of the day I respect each and every Republican candidate who stepped into the ring with their own ideas of how to get America back on track.

Now that Donald Trump is most likely going to be the Republican Candidate I am going to do everything I can to help him get elected.

I put a lot of effort into Mitt Romney’s campaign in 2012 – his campaign was not run well in Pennsylvania, and as a result he lost.

This past weekend I reached out to someone in the Pennsylvania State Republican Party to arrange a meeting with the top person or people who are running Donald Trump’s campaign.

I received a call this past Monday afternoon that a meeting had been set up with Trump’s campaign people for that evening.

I traveled to Cleveland and had a forty-five minute private meeting with Paul Manafort, the National Campaign Manager for the Trump campaign and five other high level campaign people.

The conversation was direct and to the point – I expressed that many people in Pennsylvania want to be part of this critical race.

I requested 20,000 yard signs so that any person who wants a “Trump for President” sign for their yard can get one in South Central PA.

I also asked what may be a strange question – Does Mr. Trump have a best friend? – A best friend who can be off stage at an event that Mr. Trump is speaking at, and if he says something stupid that this friend can yell at Mr. Trump for the stupid comment or comments he made.

I am lucky – I have several friends who yell at me if I say something stupid – I am getting better and so will Mr. Trump.

I left the meeting on Monday night with Paul Manafort with an increased level of confidence that Donald Trump has hired Mr. Manafort and a very strong team is being assembled to win the General Election in November and put Donald Trump in the White House.

News releases today are suggesting that Governor Mike Pence from Indiana may be Donald Trump’s pick as his running mate for Vice President.

I had an opportunity to meet and have a conversation with Governor Pence at an Republican Governor’s Association event in Detroit this past October.

Governor Pence has done good things for Indiana since he has been in office – I can tell you he is not a status-quo person and wants to make positive changes – he is very pro-business – remember what I said earlier – businesses employ people and create jobs.

So here is my ask of everyone who cares deeply about our great country – please put aside all of your differences and be supportive of Donald Trump – the bottom line is we cannot – I repeat, we cannot allow Hillary Clinton in the White House.

Please don’t make comments that you are not going to vote for either candidate – your lack of a vote is not acceptable – please remember this great country – the United States of America – please remember the many brave people who fought for, and the people who died for, the freedoms we enjoy each and every day.

Wagner Two-Faced On Anti-Business Law

Bathroom Bills Back In Pa As SB 1306 And SB 1307

Bathroom Bills Back In Pa As SB 1306 And SB 1307 — Public outcry stopped  pending Pennsylvania legislation that would open ladies rooms and girls sports teams to men but the termites in Harrisburg never sleep and new bills were quickly introduced to  catch the sane occupants of the Keystone State off guard.

Senate Bill 974 hasn’t moved since Sept. 15 and a resolution ending further consideration on HB 1510, was passed June 7 after this garbage crept into the public conscience.

Bathroom Bills Back In Pa As SB 1306 And SB 1307
Sen. Browne, let this man in the girls room!

So on June 10, SB 1306 and SB 1307 were introduced by Republican zealots that, like SB 974, would prohibit “sexual orientation, gender identity or expression” from discrimination in “public accommodations” like, well, public restrooms.

And school showers.

And school sports teams.

And it would add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity or expression” to the protected classes making it difficult for businesses to fire or discipline those describing themselves as gay or transgendered or whatever.

The prime sponsor of both bills is Sen. Pat Browne, a Republican who represents the 16th District which is in Lehigh County, and who is also the prime sponsor of SB 974.

Brown is being strongly backed by former conservative hero Scott Wagner, a Republican who represents the 28th district which is York County.

SB 1307 adds to the law the phrasing Public policies, reflecting an open and welcoming environment and ensuring equal opportunity, foster economic growth and prosperity which benefit the inhabitants of this Commonwealth. Conversely, the absence of nondiscrimination protections hinder efforts to recruit and retain the diversity of talented individuals and successful enterprises required for a thriving economy and strong public sector on which the inhabitants of this Commonwealth depend.

Sen. Wagner, are you saying that if a guy wearing fishnet stockings comes to you asking to drive one of your trash trucks, there is policy that now prevents you from hiring him?

This is not true.

Bathroom Bills Back In Pa As SB 1306 And SB 1307
Sen. Wagner, let this man drive your trash truck!

The only thing Senator that would now prevent you from hiring such a man is your own prejudices. Please don’t project them on to the rest of us.

Protected classes do not foster economic growth and prosperity. They hurt economic growth and prosperity. The goal should not be to expand them but to eliminate them.

A discussion of Wagner’s and Browne’s bizarre crusade can be found on this archived broadcast of It’s A New Day 1180 AM WFYL below:

Bathroom Bills Back In Pa As SB 1306 And SB 1307




Wagner Target Of AFL-CIO

Wagner Target Of AFL-CIO

By Scott Wagner

Wagner Target Of AFL-CIO
Sen. Scott Wagner

The purpose of this column is to make you aware of something that I suspect is occurring as a result of my work as a PA State Senator to initiate government reforms in Harrisburg.

I have reported that I view the public sector unions in Pennsylvania as one of the largest obstacles to important government reforms in Harrisburg.

I have also mentioned that I own and operate a waste and recycling company that is based in York, Pennsylvania.

My waste company provides services to numerous municipalities in South Central Pennsylvania.

from an attorney based in Pittsburgh seeking any and all information relating to current waste contracts and all bid documents submitted by my waste company to the municipalities.

A quick Google search brought up a website for the attorney submitting the requests.

The attorney’s profile states that he, “concentrates his work representing labor unions.”

His profile goes on to state that, “he is a member of the AFL-CIO Lawyers Coordinating Committee and serves on its board of directors.”

For informational purposes it is worth noting that the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO states on their website that they represent an “estimated 900,000 members”.

900,000 AFL-CIO union members paying dues each and every month is a cash machine to union headquarters and may amount to more than a half billion dollars or more collected each year from union member paychecks.

Here is their website: www.paaflcio.org

The President of the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO is Rick Bloomingdale.

Rick Bloomingdale is highly irritated by my efforts to make any reforms in Pennsylvania.

Here is a story posted last year: http://watchdog.org/214822/union-scott-wagner-compensation/

It is clear to me that the “Right-To-know”  requests being sent to municipalities throughout South Central Pennsylvania by the attorney are the beginning of a campaign to intimidate me.

The AFL-CIO union opposes any reforms that I believe are urgently needed in Pennsylvania.

Pension reform, liquor privatization and a reduction in the size of state government are a few of the reforms that the AFL-CIO oppose.

It is important to note that the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO union was one of the largest contributors to Governor Wolf’s 2014 campaign for Governor.

In fact, on Jan. 20, 2015 when Governor Wolf was sworn in, Rick Bloomingdale, the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO President had a front row seat with other high level union officials.

Governor Wolf and the public sector unions have partnered to block reforms in Pennsylvania.

It is also important for everyone to know that Governor Wolf has sole authority to negotiate wage and benefit increases with all of the public sector unions that employ state workers (this does not include teacher contracts which are negotiated by each individual school board).

I have said repeatedly and continue to educate the citizens of Pennsylvania that as long as Governor Tom Wolf is the Governor of Pennsylvania, your school taxes will continue to go up and the status quo of Harrisburg will continue.

There is good news and bad news.

The good news is that Governor Wolf’s term ends in 32 months.

The bad news is we still have 32 months of Governor Wolf and his partnership with the public sector unions.

We need a Republican Governor in Harrisburg to work with the growing Republican majority in the State House and Senate to reform Pennsylvania.

Many people are asking if I am going to run for Governor of Pennsylvania, and my answer remains the same: I am considering it.

Pennsylvania needs a real leader who can bring everyone together and move Pennsylvania in the right direction.
Sen. Wagner represents the 28th District in the Pennsylvania Senate.

Wagner Target Of AFL-CIO

Wagner Doubles Down On Open Ladies Rooms

Wagner Doubles Down On Open Ladies Rooms — An email has been forwarded to us from Pennsylvania State Sen. Scott Wagner (R-28) in which he doubles down in support of legislation which most feel will mandate opening traditional private places for females in schools and businesses to males claiming to be women.

The bill is SB 974 i.e. The Pennsylvania Fairness Act, which has remained stuck — hopefully permanently — in The State Government committee since being introduced Sept. 8.

Sister legislation HB 1510 remains similarly and thankfully entangled in the House.

Wagner in his missive correctly notes that the bills were introduced before the open ladies room controversy happened and insists it won’t change anything with regard to state law.

That’s naive. Just because Wagner couldn’t see what was coming doesn’t mean the powerful interests who lobbied for the bill didn’t. And how, exactly, does a bill “prohibiting discrimination against LGBT individuals as it relates to . . . public accommodations” exempt public restrooms?

And school locker rooms?

Sports teams?

Most troubling, though, is that Wagner, who has generally championed the needs of business, supported SB 974 knowing full-well it expanded “protected classes“.

Being in a protected class does not help one find employment. Just consider the employment rates for those in a “protected class” verses those who aren’t.

This is not due to bigotry. This is due to self preservation. A small business-owner will bend over backwards to avoid hiring a person from a “protected class” because it is exponentially harder to fire one in that class if that person turns out to be a bad employee.

Now, if one has a company that has grown big enough to have its own HR department fully able to keep up with the latest in employment law and do the appropriate record keeping of employee failings some of the risk is mitigated but if one is part of a three-man LLC and has to do the hiring and firing face to face along with a thousand other things, this is the type of government interference that causes ulcers.

As someone who has run a business and who has hired gays knowing full well they were gay  — really, Scott where do you think gays are more inclined to seek employment, journalism/advertising or trash collection? — employee sex lives are not an issue for the vast majority of business owners. Show up on time and meet deadlines. Everyone is happy. Special protection does not help anybody yet probably hurts everyone.

Wagner Doubles Down On Open Ladies Rooms
Senator Special Snowflake?

And one more thing Senator. The “special snowflake” stuff does not become you. If you think you are being “bullied” or “intimidated” when angry constituents contact you, you probably should stick to trash collection.

Here is Sen. Wagner’s email:

Over the past several months, my office has received hundreds of phone calls and emails regarding my co-sponsorship of SB 974, The Pennsylvania Fairness Act. This legislation would add sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression to the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, effectively prohibiting discrimination against LGBT individuals as it relates to employment, housing, and public accommodations.
I have been asked to remove my name as a co-sponsor of SB 974 because of recent events in the news related to how bathrooms are dealt with in other states, as well as President Obama’s recent directive regarding schools and Title IX funding.

Let me be very clear – I will not be removing my name from this legislation. Allow me to explain why.

As an employer and a Pennsylvanian, I believe that everyone should be treated fairly and with dignity.

As an employer, I do not care what your sexual preference is as long as you perform at or beyond the required expectations of your job. The fact remains that without this legislation there are a group of citizens that can legally be fired or overlooked because of their sexual orientation instead of their job performance. This is a step in the right direction to ensure workers are not being discriminated against.

This is why I put my name on this legislation, and this is what I will continue to work toward. The fact that attempts have been made to intimidate me and other supporters of SB 974 to try to get us to remove our co-sponsorships of this legislation and are trying to change the conversation to make it about men in women’s bathrooms should not deter us from our goal.

Cities all across Pennsylvania have had ordinances similar to SB 974 for well over 20 years without a single issue as it relates to bathrooms. From a very practical perspective, SB 974 changes absolutely nothing about the way that bathrooms are dealt with, in spite of claims to the contrary that are full of legalese and references to court decisions from states with laws that are very different from Pennsylvania’s.

I believe that it is critical that we find a way to treat LGBT people with the dignity and fairness that they deserve – that we all deserve. I am equally committed to work with concerned groups to find ways to improve the legislation. If there are valid concerns related to individuals with deeply held religious convictions, we should work to fix them. If there are real, concrete concerns with the way that bathrooms will be handled, we should listen.

What we should not do, however, is completely abandon all efforts to gain fairness for the LGBT community. What we should not do is use fear as a tool to attempt to bully legislators into just giving up on this important issue.

Those of you that know me, know this – I will not be bullied.

I encourage those of you with serious concerns about this legislation to continue to contact me so that we can continue our work on this issue. My staff and I have spent a great deal of time with interest groups on both sides of this issue attempting to find a way to accomplish everyone’s goals, and we will continue to do so.

I know that fellow Pennsylvanians share my commitment to make our great Commonwealth a state that is open and welcoming to everyone, whether that means changing our Human Relations Act or addressing our oppressive tax and regulatory systems.

I appreciate your support, and look forward to continuing the effort to create a better Pennsylvania with everyone.

Wagner Doubles Down On Open Ladies Rooms




Regulation Tyranny

Regulation Tyranny

By Scott Wagner Regulation Tyranny

This column is from a fed up and angry private sector business owner who also serves in the Pennsylvania State Senate.

I will be diplomatic – but fully realize that I get to see firsthand each and every day how Harrisburg and Washington are out of control with regulations on businesses.

It also seems like federal regulations coming out of Washington are being fired from a rocket launcher every single day.

I made a decision to run for the Pennsylvania State Senate because I was sick and tired of new regulations being piled onto my businesses every year for the last 30 years.

2015 was a record setting year for new regulations – as of Dec. 31, 2015 there were 81,611 pages of federal government rules, proposed rules and notices – this number DOES NOT include regulations in Pennsylvania.

At my waste company we have a MINIMUM of 60 State and Federal compliance requirements and regulations that we have to comply with either daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.

In fact, last year my waste company hired a compliance manager to handle all of the reporting and paperwork.

On May 3, the Wall St. Journal published “Ending America’s Slow Growth Tailspin”.  The article says that, “The U.S Economy needs a dramatic legal and regulatory simplification” – in simple terms, over regulation is choking our economy and slowing economic growth.

In the May 10 issue of Forbes magazine Steve Forbes wrote an article that stated, “The Obama administration has let it be known that the White House and the regulatory agencies will be issuing a blizzard of new rules and decrees in the waning months of his miserable regime.”

Forbes goes on to say that, “The President long ago grasped that you don’t have to seize the means of production: you simply smother companies and industries with rules and regulations – preferably vaguely written to give bureaucrats wide discretion – so they survive only at your sufferance.”

Steve Forbes’s words are powerful and very true – as a private sector business owner I know first-hand all about choking regulations.

Last week I was informed by a manager at my waste company that our website must comply with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Regulations.

Our  website will need to be accessible to anyone with a disability (that includes people who are blind or deaf). Blind people use equipment called “screen readers” and the screen readers need to be able to work with our website software.

There have already been multiple lawsuits against companies who do not have websites that are ADA compliant.

Career politicians and career bureaucrats, many who are lawyers, simply don’t get it – all they understand is –  “Let’s choke every business in America – they can deal with all of the regulations.”

The newest and latest genius idea out of Washington DC is the third bathroom requirement for transgender people – it is all over the news.

Also, Washington is enacting regulations on overtime pay for salaried employees – many businesses factor in some portion of overtime into salaries and also bonuses are paid to recognize outstanding performance and efforts.

There are four types of regulations – Good Regulations, Bad Regulations,  Stupid Regulations and Over Regulations.

These are all regulations that effect a company that you may own or a company you may work for.

I think everyone would agree that good regulations are needed. The other three are not needed.

If we don’t stop all of this regulation madness – private sector businesses will have seen their best days.

The irony of all of the regulations impacting businesses in America is that virtually all of the people who are behind these regulations have never owned a business, started a business, taken a risk, or signed the front of paychecks.

The King of destroying businesses in America is Barack Obama – he is on a mission and he will not stop at anything.

The best example is what President Obama and regulators have done to the coal industry in America.

It is simple – too many regulations cost lots of money – lots of money that could and should go to creating jobs and providing good wages to current employees.

Businesses are being choked with rules and regulations – when are politicians and bureaucrats going to wake up and realize that they are killing jobs in America?

Regulation Tyranny

Pro Teacher Bill Vetoed By Wolf

Pro Teacher Bill Vetoed By Wolf

By Scott Wagner Pro Teacher Bill Vetoed By Wolf

Governor Wolf continues to resist any reforms that would change the Pennsylvania education system.

This past Wednesday, Governor Wolf vetoed legislation designed to keep the best teachers in Pennsylvania’s classrooms and boost student achievement by ending the practice of seniority-based layoffs.

In Pennsylvania, teacher layoffs are conducted in order of inverse seniority.

The last teacher hired is the first person fired, regardless of job performance.

Pennsylvania is one of only a few states that require seniority to be the sole factor in determining layoffs.

With the Governor’s action, our Commonwealth will continue this backward approach.

House Bill 805, known as the Protecting Excellent Teachers Act, would have ensured that school districts use teacher performance to guide furlough and reinstatement decisions.

Performance ratings would have been based on the comprehensive statewide educator evaluation system adopted in 2012, under which observed educators are assigned a rating of distinguished, proficient, needs improvement or failing.

House Bill 805 prohibited school districts from using a teacher’s pay and benefits as determining factors for any layoff decision.

I co-sponsored the Senate version of this measure because a child’s education matters more than union tradition.

Governor Wolf’s refusal to enact pension reform means there will be more teacher furloughs in the future, as school districts trim personnel costs to balance their budgets.

And his refusal to sign House Bill 805 means some of our most dedicated, energetic teachers will continue to be the ones losing their jobs.

Not a surprise to anyone, the PSEA – Pennsylvania State Education Association – the teachers’ union, was out lobbying against this bill in full force when the House and Senate voted on this important piece of legislation.

It is clear that Governor Wolf and his public sector union friends at the PSEA have formed a unified partnership to snuff out any positive developments for the children in our schools and the taxpayers that pay for the education system.

Sen. Wagner represents the 28th District in the Pennsylvania Senate.

Pro Teacher Bill Vetoed By Wolf

Heroin Oxy Plague In York County

Heroin Oxy Plague in York County

Heroin Oxy Plague Explained by SenatorBy Sen. Scott Wagner

This column concerns a very serious crisis that is plaguing our communities in Pennsylvania.

The crisis I am referring to is the prescription drug and heroin crisis.

In the summer of 2014 one of my Senate colleagues, Senator Gene Yaw from Lycoming County in Northern Pennsylvania who serves as Board Chairman for The Center for Rural Pennsylvania, announced to our Senate caucus that The Center was holding hearings around the state to highlight the heroin crisis.

The Center for Rural PA has held nine public hearings across Pennsylvania over the last two years.

I attended and participated in a hearing held in Reading on the heroin crisis in June of 2014.

I invited David Sunday – senior deputy prosecutor from the York County District Attorney’s office to attend the hearing with me.

What I learned that day was alarming. I learned that Baltimore is the heroin capital of the United States.

Click here for a story

York County is approximately 50 miles north of Baltimore – a short drive up Interstate 83. The majority of my Senate district borders the Maryland line.

While driving back to York from the hearing in Reading, Dave Sunday continued to educate me on just how large the heroin problem really is.

Dave Sunday discussed the interest that he and York County Coroner Pam Gay had in forming a Heroin Task Force in response to the heroin crisis in York County.

In the initial stages of the formation of the task force we received alarming York County drug death statistics from Pam Gay.

As a result of a combined effort the York County Heroin Task Force was co-founded by Senior Deputy Prosecutor Dave Sunday from the York County District Attorney’s office and York County Coroner Pam Gay in July 2014.

The mission of the York County Heroin Task Force is to form a partnership of community, medical and government agencies dedicated to reducing the abuse of heroin in our communities.

Click here to see the York County Heroin Task Force website –

I have personally known for years that prescription drug abuse was growing at an alarming rate.

As an employer, I noticed employees who experienced sprain or strain injuries being prescribed highly addictive pain killers.

The injured employees were treated at medical facilities and in many instances were given 30 day prescriptions for pain killers such as Vicodin or Oxycodone – both highly addictive drugs.

Approximately four years ago I had an informational piece printed regarding workers compensation system reforms that were needed in Pennsylvania – I sent the printed material to each and every Pennsylvania State House and Senate member to highlight changes that needed to take place within the workers compensation system, specifically the number of prescription drug pills that could be dispensed to an injured worker.

Surprisingly, only one House member contacted me to discuss ideas that I had.

I always knew that 30 day prescriptions to painkillers led to addiction, the cost to Pennsylvania businesses via the cost of the drugs, addiction treatment costs, lost work time, and absenteeism, to name a few are staggering.

In my opinion, prescription drug addiction has to easily be costing Pennsylvania businesses between $5 billion – $10billion  per year.

Statistics show that some people who become addicted to prescription drugs move on to heroin due to the lower cost and availability.

The prescription drug problem is a national epidemic.

The prescription drug industry is a multi-billion dollar industry – Drug companies pay cash inducements to doctors as an incentive to promote their drugs.

There are many articles on the internet that validate the size of the prescription drug industry and cash paid to doctors.

Many young teenagers have experimented at parties where a large bowl is passed around containing hundreds of various prescription drug pills obtained from family medicine cabinets – many teenagers become addicted to prescription drugs and due to the cost and availability they move on to heroin and become addicted.

I met with a group of York County school administrators in September of 2014 and I told them of my involvement in the Heroin Task Force and what I had learned.  I stated that drugs were available in their schools and that a fifty dollar bill could be given to most children in their school and they could go into the school and purchase heroin or prescription drugs.

I clearly remember the reaction from some of the school administrators. They were very upset with me for making these statements and they were sure that there were no drug issues in their schools.

During several conversations Dave Sunday stated to me that there are drug dealers standing on street corners or in alleys grossing $10,000 per week selling drugs.

The drug dealers have sophisticated operations and as a result drugs are everywhere – in the cities, at the malls, on street corners, convenience stores, in schools, at parties and at many places of employment.

This summer will be two years ago that the York County Heroin Task Force was formed.

We have all learned so much about the prescription drug and heroin crisis.

One of our Task Force members,  Charlene Sciaretta, shared the story of her son Danny who was taken by heroin.

Click here to view a video by Charlene about her son –

Charlene Sciaretta’s message is very clear.

Heroin does not discriminate.

Heroin does not know if you are black or white, rich or poor, young or old.

Heroin doesn’t care if you want to stop, if you’re clean and sober, rebuilding your life or have a family to take care of.

Heroin will eat you alive until you have nothing left, and then it still wants more.

Heroin is the type of drug that if you try just one time, you may be an addict forever.

Coroner Pam Gay continues to report death statistics monthly – the numbers are alarming.

We have seen an increase in heroin and prescription drug-related deaths since 2013, with a 3.5x increase in heroin-related deaths in just one year.

Below is a graph showing the increase in heroin-related deaths in York County from the 2013 – 2014 – 2015 years.

The goal of the York County Heroin Task Force is to reduce drug-related deaths and crime in our communities through public education, advocacy, media, law enforcement and legislation.

The Task Force is educating our citizens on the prevalence of the heroin problem, the signs and symptoms of addiction and the resources available.

Members of the Heroin Task Force and the York County Coroner’s Office have presented school and community heroin awareness programs approximately 70 times since July 2014 to church groups, middle and high schools (public and parochial), rotaries, lions clubs, police departments, fire departments, mayors groups, senior groups, township managers groups, borough supervisor groups, physicians, nurses and many more entities.

Since its formation, the Heroin Task Force has many notable accomplishments.

Members of the Heroin Task Force, in particular the District Attorney’s Office, were instrumental in obtaining Narcan / Naxolone for our local law enforcement in every police jurisdiction and the Pennsylvania State Police. Since implementing  the use of Narcan by York County Law Enforcement in April 2015 it has resulted in saving 99 lives by Law Enforcement personnel last year. Unfortunately not everyone who is saved by Narcan is grateful someone just saved their life – in many cases they can not wait to get their next dose of heroin.

It has partnered with the Byrnes Education Center to bring heroin and prescription drug education into middle schools and high schools. The Program is called, “Heroin: The Wake-up Call.” It is being funded by grant money. The program has been presented multiple times since January in York County and others.

The Task Force has and implemented use of prescription drug drop boxes in every York County Police Department and began a mobile program in Delta, PA in 2014 – in 2015, 4,460 pounds or 2.3 tons of prescription drugs were turned into the drop boxes and disposed of.

It has made recommendations to York-Adams Drug and Alcohol regarding treatment needs in 2014-15. As a result, additional funding obtained and detox/rehab and medication assisted treatment capacity has increased and is continuing to increase.

Members of the Heroin Task Force participated in several days of programming over a week-long prescription drug and heroin-related educational series that Central York High School offered to its students in April 2016, the first such series offered by any school in York County.
For a long time many people wanted to deny that their community, friend, child, spouse, co-worker, or family member was addicted to either prescription drugs or heroin.

Times have changed. People are dying in record numbers. Crime is up. Drug treatment facilities are overflowing with people that are addicted and need treatment.

The reality contains really bad news. People who are addicted to heroin only stand a 20 percent success rate of overcoming their addiction.

If you go to Google and search “prescription drug crisis America – heroin crisis – heroin needles in parking lots” story after story pops up.

I applaud Senior Deputy Prosecutor Dave Sunday, Coroner Pam Gay, and all the members of the York County Heroin Task Force for their involvement and participation to educate everyone in our community to address the prescription drug and heroin crisis.

I encourage you to learn more by visiting the York County Heroin Task Force website and Facebook page to see how you can get involved and what you need to do to help.

Click here to visit the Heroin Task Force website.

Sen. Wagner represents the 28th District in the Pennsylvania Senate.

Heroin Oxy Plague In York County

Long Nyquist Pick Jon Ritchie

Long Nyquist Pick Jon Ritchie.

Long Nyquist Pick Jon RitchieBy Scott Wagner

I am writing  about the 31st District Pennsylvania State Senate race.

The 31st District covers Cumberland County and Northern York County.

Senator Pat Vance is retiring. There are  four Republicans running to replace him.

I was elected in a Special Election in March of 2014 to represent the 28th  Senate District of York County.

April 2 marked my two year anniversary in the  senate.

I have reported many times that reforms in Harrisburg, such as pension reform, liquor store privatization, and school property tax relief have been blocked every step of the way by public sector unions, specifically the PSEA (Pennsylvania State Education Association), the AFL-CIO and the United Food & Commercial Workers Union which represents the liquor store employees.

This column focuses on Jon Ritchie who is seeking to replace Vance.

Ritchie was hand-picked by Sen. Vance to succeed her.

Here is the story and my concern – Senator Vance is represented by the Harrisburg lobbying and campaign firm, Long Nyquist.

Sen. Vance recruited Jon Ritchie and directed him to Long Nyquist.

Long Nyquist has a long list of clients.

They represent the PSEA and the Liquor Store Employees Union to name a few.

We have made positive progress in the Pennsylvania State Senate over the last two years and it has not been easy.

The largest positive event since I arrived in Harrisburg two years ago was electing a new Senate Majority Leader.  I led the effort to change leadership.

In an effort to raise money for Jon Ritchie’s campaign, Long Nyquist has secured endorsements from the PSEA and the PA AFL-CIO.

Here is a link to the AFL-CIO endorsement.

And here is a link to the PSEA endorsement.

A recent campaign finance report from the PSEA shows a $25,000 contribution to  Ritchie’s campaign.

Click here to view the contribution listed on PSEA’s campaign finance report.

I feel confident that campaign finance reports filed after the April 26 primary will reveal more public sector union contributions to Ritchie’s campaign.

I met  Ritchie at an event this past January. He is a decent person, but has now been tainted by his campaign advisors. He has no clue as to how Long Nyquist are using him.

Pennsylvania DOES NOT need another Republican in the State Legislature that has taken public sector union contributions and been endorsed by these same unions.

Also concerning me is that Jon Ritchie registered to vote in 1993, 23 years ago, and only voted in one primary election in 2008. He only voted six times in general elections since 1993.

Click here to see his voting history.

Ritchie has not displayed any notable political activity over the last 23 years since he registered to vote in 1993.

In addition, Ritchie has never owned a private sector business which means zero private sector business experience. How would he know any issues affecting private sector businesses?

Ritchie has a sports background.

Of the four candidates running to replace Senator Vance only one candidate has the experience and background needed and can hit the ground running to assist my efforts to reform Harrisburg.

That candidate is State Rep. Mike Regan.

Electing Jon Ritchie to the State Senate makes Jon Ritchie the puppet of Long Nyquist and gives their firm and their public sector union clients more access in Harrisburg through Jon Ritchie.

Enough is enough. It is time for Republicans to stop electing Republicans who accept public sector union money and their endorsements.

Long Nyquist Pick Jon Ritchie.

Destructive Wolf Off Rocker Says Senator

Destructive Wolf Off Rocker Says Senator

Destructive Wolf Off Rocker Says SenatorBy Sen. Scott Wagner

Yesterday (March 17) I updated you on votes in the Pennsylvania State House and Senate on HB 1801, which would end the 2015-16 Budget impasse.

I also reported that Governor Wolf had stated that he would veto the budget bill.

Late yesterday it was reported that Governor Wolf was making statements that he was willing to close schools.

Click on this link and please read the story – I recommend viewing the video by Courtney Brennan.

Governor Wolf has gone off his rocker. Governor Wolf will go down as the most destructive governor in Pennsylvania history if he allows schools to close.

I see first-hand every single day how Governor Wolf has absolutely zero interest in cutting costs, cutting waste, and putting Pennsylvania on a diet.

As a matter of fact, Governor Wolf is committed to growing Pennsylvania government to reward his public sector union friends.

The best example of Governor Wolf growing government would be the 400 new employees hired at the Department of Corrections in 2015, which I feel confident saying are now dues-paying union members.

Click on this link to see which Democrat’s voted no on HB 1801 in the state House and Senate.

(Under “Floor Roll Call”, click on the word “Vote” to pull up the House votes and the Senate votes.)

To end your week, here is a great example of the irrational thinking of Senate Minority Leader Vincent Hughes from Philadelphia on the budget.

Stay tuned – I will have more to report next week.

Destructive Wolf Off Rocker Says Senator

Partisan Democrats Hurt Children

Partisan Democrats Hurt ChildrenPartisan Democrats Hurt Children

By Sen. Scott Wagner

This  is an update on the latest budget vote in the Pennsylvania Senate that occurred yesterday (March 16) at approximately 2 p.m.

The words swirling around in my head as I write this email are – upset, angry, disgusted, disappointed and irresponsible, for starters.

The State Senate voted on House Bill 1801 yesterday – HB 1801 is a supplemental appropriation bill for the 2015-16 year which provides $6.05 Billion  to restore line items vetoed by Governor Wolf in December.

HB 1801 passed with  30 Senate Republicans and one Senate Democrat voting yes.

Eighteen Senate Democrats voted no.

Governor Wolf has repeatedly stated he will veto HB 1801.

If three\more Senate Democrats had voted “yes” then we would have had 34 “yes” votes – enough to override Governor Wolf’s veto.

There are at least six Democratic Senators who represent school districts and non-profit agencies in their districts that have borrowed money and have serious financial challenges.

What is upsetting to me is that these Democratic Senators are being intimidated by Governor Wolf and the Senate Democratic Leadership, which is dominated by Pittsburgh and Philadelphia members.

My question is very simple to my Senate Democratic colleagues – how can you come to Harrisburg and complain about how bad things are back in your Senate District and then proceed to not vote to restore funding for the schools and non-profits in your district?

How can you go back to your Senate Districts and face your constituents?

Last week the State House of Representatives held Appropriation hearings – Budget Secretary Randy Albright stated during a hearing that budget vetoes by Governor Wolf on June 30  and Dec. 23 of last year for the 2015-16 budget packages sent to him by the House and Senate were  “to make the clear statement that it (the overall amount of funding earmarked for state aid to public school in the GOP crafted budget) is not enough.”

To be clear the statement made by Budget Secretary Albright as to why Governor Wolf vetoed budgets sent to him means “leverage” over conservative and responsible Republicans. In my private sector business world this is similar to being backed into a corner – and I don’t like being backed into a corner.

After several weeks of Senate Appropriations meetings starting on Feb. 22 and lasting until March 8, it is even more apparent than ever to me that Pennsylvania State Government is out of control.

Here is a great example: Seven State Corrections Officers made over $100,000 just in overtime alone in 2015, the overtime earned is on top of their base wages which can range from $60,000 to $85,000.

During last year’s Appropriations hearings the Secretary of Corrections stated that he did not anticipate any new hires, but in fact some officers may work some additional overtime to avoid having to hire additional employees.

The 2015 records show that overtime has skyrocketed and the Department of Corrections has hired 400 new employees.

As a sitting Senator,  do I have the authority to question the Secretary of Corrections on the excessive overtime being reported and the new hires?

Almost every agency that appeared in front of the Senate Appropriations Committee reported that for every $1 of compensation that is paid, an additional $0.80 to $1 is spent covering benefits.

In the private sector the percentage ratio of benefits to compensation is typically under 50 percent.

At my various companies the benefit percentage is around 45 percent.

What does this mean? It means that benefits for state employees are two to three times more generous than the private sector.

If Governor Wolf chooses to veto HB 1801 and inflict more financial pain on Pennsylvanians it is time to recognize just how irresponsible this Governor really is.

Governor Wolf is Pennsylvania’s CEO. He needs to start acting like it.

He needs to hold every agency secretary accountable for their budgets.

Partisan Democrats Hurt Children