Electricians Union Backs School Choice Bill

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 98 has again showed its willingness to break ranks with the publicly funded leeches in the PSEA by endorsing a school choice bill.

Activist Bob Guzzardi is reporting that IBEW 98, which covers Philadelphia, has given its blessing to SB1 which was reported out of the State Senate Education Committee, Tuesday,  in an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote.

The bill, if it should become law, would eventually allow the parents of any needy child in the state to take the state subsidy — about $9,000 — that would have gone to their home school district and apply to the public, private or parochial school of their choice.

Schools, even public ones, would not be required to accept voucher students or change traditional entry requirements.

IBEW 98 supported the school choice bill, Senate Bill 1405, in the last session.

Electricians Union Backs School Choice Bill

Electricians Union Backs School Choice Bill

One thought on “Electricians Union Backs School Choice Bill”

  1. I am not surprised at all that the members IBEA local 98, a legitimate LABOR union, Have grown tired of the antics of the NEA, which is a LEISURE union. The primary weapon of the LEISURE movement is not the job action, but control over political stooges that they buy with their members dues. Many of us in the LABOR movement are tired of carrying LEISURE MOVEMENT water. WE (the LABOR)are the BIG LEISURE’S prime victims. We make enough money to pay taxes, but not enough to buy a decent (private) education for our children.


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