Agents from the FBI and IRS executed search warrants at the home and district office of Pennsylvania Senate Democrat Leader Robert J. (Bob) Mellow yesterday.
The feds were mum on what it was about and Mellow spokeswoman Lisa Scullin said the senator is cooperating with all request.
Mellow has represented the 22nd District since 1971.
He announced in February that he was going to retire to spend more time with his family.
Mellow’s pension is expected to be $313,000. If, however, this matter leads to a conviction for a crime in which Mellow used his position to commit theft, bribery, forgery or perjury, Mr and Mrs. Taxpayer will be off the hook.
Most would accept that voting to give yourself a $313,000 pension is a crime.
In other Pa. corruption news, Mike Veon the Democrat who represented the 14th District in the State House from 1985 to 2006 and achieved the rank of party whip, was sentenced, yesterday, to six to 14 years for his role in Bonusgate in which tax dollars were used by incumbents in both parties, albeit mostly by the Democrats, to fund re-election campaigns.