To cure a disease the diagnosis must be correct and Kevin Kelly speaking before theDelaware County Patriots Delaware County Patriots, tonight, June 17, at Kings Mills In Aston, Pa., revealed he might just know what ails Philadelphia.
Kelly is seeking to make the Philadelphia GOP viable and bring a choice to residents of that city especially in the benighted Black and Hispanic wards.
The de facto head of the city Republicans is Michael Meehan who is the son of former de facto GOP chief Billy Meehan who is the son of former de facto GOP chief Austin Meehan.
Kelly, who is no third-party bomb throwing loon, described how when he approached Michael Meehan to volunteer to work to bring some life into the city GOP he was patted on the head and told to go away. He soon realized that Meehan and the rest of the party leadership had it real soft and cozy in the minority role getting no-bid contracts and a cut of the city’s patronage for not putting up a fight.
Meanwhile crime is amok in certain city neighborhoods, the schools stink, taxes are high and service in general is rather poor.
So Kelly told how he became an insurgent, and began recruiting Black and Hispanic committeepeople from the ignored wards. This amazingly made the GOP leadership rather angry and they pulled out all stops to foil Kelly. The latest round in the fight occurred just a few days before Kelly’s Delaware County appearance.
Kelly told the Delaware Countians about the importance of a viable Philadelphia GOP for the rest of the state and even the nation. He said Republicans always start with a half-million vote shortfall in state races due to the city party’s corruption and contentment at being second.
He said also that support for the Democrats in the Black and Hispanic neighborhoods is only skin deep and it was far easier than one might expect to register them for the GOP.
The crowd at Kings Mills was about 200 and motivated. The event was well organized. The Patriots are an organization the political parties might have to soon acknowledge and maybe even fear if they are okay with state legislators getting $313,000 pensions and bureaucrats at the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency making $290,000 salaries, right Bill Adolph?
Is Kevin Kelly running for office? He sounds like a winner.
Who are the Delaware County Patriots? Sounds interesting…