Investing In Politicians, Or How To Steal A Nation — The great and wise Bobby Piton makes a salient point:
13 Big Tech companies make $1 billion in profits(not sales) daily or 1,000 millions Daily.
Imagine if you will the possibility that some of these companies have been involved in spending 3% of their annual earnings to bribe public officials.
If all of these companies participated they would have an annual budget of $1,000,000 for each and every one of 10,000 officials.
Considering there are only about 7,000 elected public officials, this could become a very serious problem very quickly.
Spend $10 Billion and Steal a Nation worth $120 million millions or $120 Trillion. Or a ratio of 12,000 to 1.
Not a bad payoff if you don’t think the public will execute you for Treason if you are caught.

The illustration says it all.