Out Of Control

The Roar

Out of Control

Tis the season to be merry.  However, the days are dwindling for the average “free” American to buy a necessary, practical and efficient household item of century age durability.  That would be the 100 watt incandescent light bulb, of which served us during two World Wars, not to mention The Great Depression.  Old faithful will become illegal on January first.

To begin with, our reaction of “are you kiddin me” just doesn’t quite do it justice.  Many of us have watched as our highly paid governmental officials flubbed one policy after another.  However, this is a policy which defies common sense along with the product’s useful history.  Just how much are “free” people willing to digest before the boot becomes insufferable upon our throats?

The 2007  democrat Congress passed the Energy Security and Independence Act which President George W. Bush then signed into law.  Words in the act’s title, ” Security” and “Independence” are insulting, devious and nonsensical.  How does outlawing such a useful product increase or even stabilize our “security?”   And, as far as cementing or protecting our “independence” goes, forget it!  These little curled light bulbs are the products from our patriotic General Electric plants in China.

The bottom line to this absurdity is that our government forced the closing of our manufacturing centers in America so that we could buy a product which would be made in China.

Now, one of the definitions of the word “treason” is, “a betrayal of trust or confidence.”  This Act certainly exemplifies such a betrayal.  In addition, it was bandied about Congress that this insanity would be shelved, starting with a pro-American vote in both Houses.  Our illustrious Senate became the bulb’s “A Bridge Too Far.”  The same Senate which cited the eradication of the incandescent age would, in turn, reduce the need for new power plants.  This ability, to rationalize from a 100 watt bulb onto the stage of eliminating the need for “24 fewer coal-type electric plants” defies any system for equational understanding.

To estimate just how out of the understanding loop this legislation is, reasoning leading to its passage also cited inefficiency and wasted energy.  This is the flimsy and unproven thinking which introduced such a negative result against the most standard American product ever made.

It may be interesting to note that while we all rage against the evil influences from Washington’s lobby culture, we at the same time ignore the most effective of lobbyists.  That would be the environmentalist’s greasing of the Washington gearbox.  One yet unproven outcome from this quarter is the Presidential action concerning the Keystone pipeline project from Canada to Texas.  Our President, as was likely the similar case with former President Bush, will be swayed not to endorse an instant 20,000 plus jobs project based upon the concerns and goals from this radically led environmental fringe.

In typical gradualist fashion, today it’s the 100 watt bulb, next year it will be the 75 watt followed with  the 60 and 40 watters in 2014.

In conclusion, talk floats as to the dispersing of those Americans who followed the communist dogma into the current environmental enclaves.  Wisdom preaches that “actions speak louder than words.”  Judging from their lobbying results, their influence seems frightening as they apparently have the power to eliminate common sense from the equation.  Add to this scenario the complacency of the American “go along” mentality and viola, the Red flag may be on the rise!

Jim Bowman, Author of
This Roar of Ours

One thought on “Out Of Control”

  1. The ‘Greens’ don’t seem overly concerned about the mercury contained in the ‘curly bulbs’. Mark my words, in the future, we will have some environmental issues related to the disposal of those. It will make the incandescent bulbs looks positively perfect. (Not to mention the rationale behind the bulb switch is based on imperfect science: Climate change.)

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