War on Christmas Dangerous Consequences

 War on Christmas Dangerous Consequences

By Chris Freind



“This is the way the world ends … Not with a bang but a

Does that famous quote aptly describe America’s future?  Time will tell, but indications are that this nation, the most powerful, benevolent and fair in the world, is crumbling before our very eyes.

Like Rome, it isn’t falling from outside invasion, but within.

And one of the biggest culprits is political correctness.

It’s all around us, but especially this time of year, as the assault
on “Merry Christmas” accelerates. It used to be a standard greeting, and people would reciprocate with a smile. Your religious denomination, or
whether you even had one, didn’t matter. It was simply a friendly expression in a nation where the vast majority celebrated Christmas.
Those who didn’t returned the sentiment anyway because it was just a nice thing to do during the jovial season.

But all that changed as Americans’ sense of entitlement exploded. And
yes, that included being entitled not to feel “offended” because
something may not be to your exact liking.

“Merry Christmas? Well, I celebrate Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or am an atheist, so how dare you presume to wish me your holiday? How offensive and rude!”

But it doesn’t stop there. Hypocritical retail stores woo Christmas
shoppers—you know, the 95 percent who do celebrate Christmas and spend a
half-trillion dollars doing so—but won’t put the word “Christmas” in
their ads or on their displays.

Nativity scenes are increasingly barred from public places. Residents call the ACLU because a development hangs simple white lights on its trees. Office Christmas parties are replaced by generic “holiday” events. And there are mayors like Michael Nutter, who last year deliberately removed the word “Christmas” from the holiday retail complex near City Hall (but subsequently was forced to replace it).

All of this is a brazen attempt to make America a more secular society through political correctness; those who dare question it are labeled “bigots.”

Several important points need to be addressed:

1) The push to make all things politically correct has been successful, as it is now entrenched in all aspects of society. Everyone gets a trophy in most youth sports leagues. We don’t keep accurate score when one team is winning over another, and all things must be racially, culturally and ethnically homogenous.

The problem is that’s not how the real world works. And it’s the basic principle that the Occupy movement doesn’t understand. You have to
work hard and fight for things you want, but when they are bestowed
upon us—without merit—from those who worship at the altar of political
correctness, things go downhill fast. Need proof? Just look at those who
engage in PC the most: Europe and the United States. Enough said.

2) This is a not call for “Thought Police” to mandate that everyone say “Merry Christmas.”
Quite the opposite. It’s a call for the silent majority to wake up and
shove it right back at the small but extremely loud minority who shout
“I’m offended” at every single thing. Saying “Merry Christmas” behind
closed doors doesn’t take guts. Saying it because you truly believe it
and not worrying that such an innocuous greeting will offend does—insane
as that is.

3) Most important, Americans need to remember that actions have consequences. And until we connect the dots and see the error of being so PC, those consequences can, and will, have devastating results.

When good folks start looking over their shoulders before uttering
“Merry Christmas” for fear of “offending,” it all begins to unravel.

Think the PC stops at that? Well, think about the fact that the next time you step foot on an airplane, it may be your last day on Earth because your government—we the people—absolutely refuse to non-invasively profile the very folks who openly state their intentions to blow up said aircraft. And it gets better, as the Transportation Security Administration just announced that children under 12 don’t have to take off their shoes for screening, and will not be subject to routine pat-downs like everyone else

Here’s the $64,000 question: What do we think al-Qaeda will do now?
Here’s a wild guess: start flying a lot more with children? What’s next?
Not screening foreign children at all?

So when your wife gets incinerated two minutes after takeoff, and the
wreckage of a jumbo jet falls on your child’s school because a
terrorist put the bomb in his 11-year-old’s shoe, courtesy of the red
carpet we provided, perhaps we shouldn’t wonder why it happened.

Or when your son gets his skull sliced in half by a bullet that
emanates from a mosque in Afghanistan that is “off limits” for
retaliation for fear of offending the very people who don’t like us
anyway, maybe we should think about where it all started coming apart.

Did it start from the reluctance to say Merry Christmas, or the
refusal to put a Christmas tree on a courthouse plaza? Did it originate
from the refusal to acknowledge Christmas on a public school calendar
while other religions’ holidays are clearly labeled as such? It’s
impossible to pinpoint, but it really doesn’t matter. That mentality is
here, and has in large part led to the Great Decline.

So when the inevitable tragedy happens again—one that could have been
prevented—and dumbfounded Americans stand around asking “How and why
did this happen?,” well, you’ll know why. The ’40s and ’50s were
certainly not perfect, but people spoke their minds, were respectful,
and America was a powerhouse. That attitude put a man on the moon a mere
60 years after the Wright brothers took flight, but is now a fleeting
memory—which is what happens when you bow to the wrong principles.

When Rome was at its zenith, it adhered to the simple principle that the well-being of its citizens was paramount. All of them.In
fact, so fervent was that belief that the Romans would literally go to
the ends of the Earth to hunt down any thug that violated the rights of
just a single Roman. They didn’t let political correctness rule the day,
and the Republic thrived. But when it abandoned that principle, it all
came crashing down.

They said Rome would never fall, but it did. Many say the same about America. Yet the whimper is at our door.

So if we are to ever return to our former glory, perhaps the path begins with good folks jettisoning political correctness and saying two small but incredibly joyous words without reservation:

Merry Christmas!



One thought on “War on Christmas Dangerous Consequences”

  1. Great essay! This anti Christmas mindset seems generational. Most obvious with those under 30. Offer that age group a “Merry Christmas” and you get, “same to you,” or “you too.” It’s really starting to be noticeable.
    There is an effort against Christianity in our Country and it’s elevated at Christmas.

    What is given is never respected, protected or appreciated. When the young are preached at an early age that America is no good, it’s only a matter of time. We must push back just as hard with Americanism and Christianity. With determination and pride. Protect our younger children, intervene with their studies, teach them right. The future is theirs. God Bless America and a Merry Christmas to all.

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